
IMDb member since March 2021
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    3 years, 2 months


The Suicide Squad

I was looking forward to this one and oh boy what a terrible movie it was, the worst DC movie so far. Forced humor, banal, boring and everything happens because the plot needs it. Harley's character is difficult to handle and as much as Margot Robbie does a good job, here is the writing that is poor. Can't understand the 8/9/10 reviews. Apparently James Gunn name is enough for people to give it 10 stars . Unfortunately after the first GOTG, it's all down hill. The second GOTG was awful and this followed the same path. The third GOTG also terrible so at this point 3 out of 4 movie he made(that I watched) are garbage. Before I left my review I watched it again in case I missed something or I changed my mind(like it happened with watchman, that I despised at first and then became one of my favorite later) but NOPE. Took me 2 breaks to get to the end. 👎👎👎👎

Justice League: Warworld

Another bad entry
I remember my self excited waiting for the next one at the end of every DC animated movie up until the the end of JLA Apokolips War and it's saga. Then the Tomorrow Verse came and... I lost passion for the DC movies. I don't like the style of the animation (I know it's subjective but I REALLY don't like it), the story are uniteresting for my taste and I don't feel anything that pull me back rewatching it or even watching it right after it comes out... sometimes I waited for months after it came out before I decided to seat down and have a look at it. Never happened with the previous adaptation. I watched this one so early just because one of my friend had it and we watched together. Not even looking for what's next. Voices are good, design is technically good I think , even though I don't like it... simply not for me.

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