
IMDb member since March 2021
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    3 years, 2 months


Thunder Force

Just a generic modern comedy movie
As much as i enjoy representations of almost unknown, diferent, superheroes, Thunder Force sure is not a good example at all. The jokes are really annoying sometimes and they try too much to bring the idea of "women can be strong; homossexuals are okay". Of course, it is important to represent such issues, but i believe a movie should make it seem more natural, less forced, not the way they tried with this movie. Another problem i had was with the Emily actress. I'm not saying she's bad at her job, but she looks too old to be portraying a character who's in their 30s/40s. The villains were predictable and generic, especially the female one, who i don't remember the name. They tried to make the main villain, who i also don't remember the name, have a goal, a reason to be attacking the city, but still wasn't convincing. Overall, the movie was really poorly made, and even the scenes which had a big opportunity of being epic and memorable, were boring and not creative.

Green Lantern: The Animated Series

The Clone Wars of Green Lantern
After the critical failure of the Green Lantern movie, the Green Lantern animated series came to shine. This action-packed space adventure will make you both smile and cry, but also present you an exemplary representation of the lanterns, not only the green, but also the blue, red, safire and orange. It's just a shame they stopped by the second season.

Zack Snyder's Justice League

The Highlight of DC
From spectacular action scenes to wonderful character development, this movie will present you a rollercoaster of emotions and will have you desiring more. Justice is served!

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