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I thought this was entertaining when I caught one scene. I then found the first hour or so mildly entertaining. The movie as a whole was not that good, in my oh-so-humble opinion.

SPOILER (stop reading NOW if you haven't seen this and still want to): I don't even remember when (towards the beginning?) but the movie just goes off the intellectual deep end and just keeps going down afterward. The line that LL Cool J's character utters in the end (I guess we discovered his weakness... bullets) is SO lame. Was this supposed to be a comedy? It's a much better film if it was...

How did they get Christian Slater, Val Kilmer and LL Cool J to do this film in the first place?


VERY well done
I came into this as a Firefly fan. I saw Firefly (the "bastardized" version that Fox did and didn't air and the DVD set). I really liked it a lot. Some things have been "altered" for American cinema (and for people new to Serenity) but all was well done. A bit sad (particularly to anyone coming into this after getting hooked on Firefly) but VERY well done. In my opinion, Joss is a genius. One other person titled their rating "Not exactly like the TV show; judge it on its own merit." I agree with this sentiment but feel that this one will have a strong emotional impact on anyone who developed a relationship with the Firefly verse. (P.S. If you see it and you like it, tell everyone. Peace).

The Phantom of the Opera

if you haven't seen the musical, you will probably love the movie...
I have seen the musical 4 times now. I didn't really care for the movie, but please allow me to elaborate on this before you consider me one of the people who "trash" this film... 1. the guy who plays the Phantom just doesn't do it for me. He just doesn't sing the part with the passion I would have expected from such a tragic part. 2. the "artistic license" that was taken with a few of the plot points here were a little insulting but I realize that to make it to American cinema, that must have been "needed". I would have been able to overlook this if it hadn't been for the vocal "weak link" though (the Phantom). 3. Last but not least: the Phantom is a very tragic figure. Or should I say "is supposed to be"? This film paints him out to be more of a "handsome stranger" which is definitely not the way it should be. I didn't make it all the way through to the end of the film. I made it about 10% of the way through the song, "The Point of No Return" and I thought that the passion was misdirected here completely. The direction for this film (and the part of the Phantom, the CENTRAL character!!!) was flawed. I couldn't take it anymore. I know this is a very, very sad story but I just couldn't watch it feeling the way I did about the CENTRAL character's voice in this. So please, if you haven't seen the play, check out the film. But please, if you see the film and you like it - SEE THE PLAY.

That said, I was very impressed with the way this film was done, all in all. I thought all of the other singers were wonderful in this too. The woman who played Christine really amazed me. Would I recommend this? No, definitely not. Would I tell someone who I know hasn't seen the musical that they shouldn't see this? Definitely not. I WOULD, however, recommend the musical. If you liked this film, PLEASE go and see the play.


VERY thought provoking, GOOD film (IMO)
I have read some extremely negative reviews on this film on the web. Don't fully understand it, but "live and let live". I thought this was an amazing film (Charlize was incredible). I thought this movie was amazing. Not exactly a pleasant movie to view, but very well done. Just my (very strong) opinion. I LOVED it. I recommend NOT watching the "making of" special faeature right after seeing it. Better to get something very funny to watch after seeing this.


PLEASE please please please put this show out on DVD!!!
I know some people hated this show. I LOVED it. It was brilliant - hence the "loved it, hated it" responses out there. VERY well written, extremely funny, well acted. It was hysterically funny, it made people think, it had really sad moments, etc. In other words, a very well written and acted series. The fact that Titus decided to end it because he didn't want OR need Fox's intervention was

enough for me to want it back (or at least to have it on DVD). It would be great if it could come back on another network. I know that probably can't happen, but I would by the DVDs in a heartbeat if they ever come out.

The Boondock Saints

BRILLIANT film (and not a "Tarantino wannabee", imo)
I'm amazed by just how negative some of these negative reviews are. I thought this was a BRILLIANT film. I find it interesting that people keep saying that this was an attempt at a Tarantino-like movie too. I thought this film was QUITE unique. I am not shocked that some didn't like it - this DOES seem to be a "love it or hate it" kind of flick. Pretty ironic that the film ends (not really a spoiler - don't give away any surprises here) w/ people who seem to be doing a review of their own (w/VERY similar results as well). Count me among the fans, I'm not ashamed to say. I LOVED this movie. (By the way: as for the person who said the accents were horrible... know a group of people from Ireland who love this film too. They own it and think it is fantastic).

Phone Booth

REALLY good (surprising and very well done)
LOVED this film. I didn't feel at all the way I expected to towards the 2 main characters in this film. Can't really say anymore without this being a spoiler post so I'll leave it at that. If you haven't seen this, CHECK IT OUT!


Not bad, but not a very good ending, imo
I am not going to say what happens in the end of this film. Don't worry about spoilers here. If you saw if and you agree, you will know what I mean. This film WAS really great, particularly the first 90% of it. The ending really sends out a horrible message, imo - particularly with all the things going on in the world right now (terrorist attacks that were religiously motivated being a prime example). I liked the film, but the way it ended up kind of killed it for me. It WAS creepy and the acting was great. Excellent job by Paxton for his directorial debut. Lots of really good plot twists. However, about half way through the film I thought I had an idea of what was going to happen and I spent the rest hoping I was wrong. Unfortunately, the end proved my theory right.

Darkness Falls

Disappointed, but not surprised.
I saw this movie on the recommendation of someone who told me that this "blue 'The Ring' out of the water". REALLY wish I hadn't taken his advice. This movie is just TERRIBLE! Big cliche. Ridiculous. I guess if you are easily startled this movie might scare you. Other than that, complete waste of time.


Pleasantly surprised (by film AND by Kevin Costner)
I see a few people really didn't like this movie. Under normal circumstances, I can't stand Kevin Costner's "acting". I thought he was REALLY good in this. For those of you who say this movie is too preachy - huh? I'm not religious at all. I DID think this was a spiritual flick, but I didn't feel like it was trying to "preach" to me. Oh well - live and let live. Personally, I LOVED it.

Death to Smoochy

What a LET-DOWN!
I really expected a LOT more from this film. What a complete downer the ending was. Guess the expression "black comedy" didn't really apply here at ALL!

Ice Age

UGH (sorry - but VERY disappointed.)
This movie started off well. I'm sick of the Disney "feel" to films though. MUCH prefer Monsters Inc. to this piece of !%!#^^@#. The "evil animals" are the ones that want revenge on the humans that kill them for their fur? That's evil? Give me a break!!!!

Pay It Forward

SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER****don't read if you don't want to know what happens in the end!!!
I really liked this movie until the last 15 or 20 minutes. Now -

DON'T READ ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE "SURPRISE" ENDING IS!!! When Haley Joel Osment's character was murdered the entire

movie (and the day of watching it) was ruined for me and my

husband. It was just too much. I wasn't expecting (nor did I want)

a Disney-like happy ending but I wasn't expecting this either. The

film wasn't exactly a happy little jaunt from start to finish anyway! I

sobbed for the remainder of the film (and a bit afterwards) and

took on a "let's never speak of this again" attitude towards it. The

message of the film was completely ruined by this scene. Is was

unnecessary to have an ending like this. What a shame.

Highlander: Endgame

I was warned away from this but, like an IDIOT I saw both the

theater release and the director's cut. No big improvement w/the

latter. I was never a big fan of the movies - I MUCH prefer Adrian

Paul over Christopher Lambert(sp?) but I thought this was a

let-down. I hope they are just following the StarTrek "tradition" of

having the first movie be a let-down [the very 1st "Star Trek, the

motion picture" and the first Star Trek, TNG "Generations" films

were flops) and then having the rest be good (I hope.) I thought

"End Game" was just awful.

How to Kill Your Neighbor's Dog

Fabulous writing, fabulous acting, wonderful movie!!!
Kenneth Branaugh is (and always has been) one of those "do-no-wrong" actors in my book. I have loved him in just about everything I have ever seen him in. This movie was (to put it mildly), no exception. I LOOOOOOOOVED this film. Very funny and very moving. GREAT flick!


not too bad, not great
Let me start this by saying first off that I watched this expecting a truly horrible movie. That said, I was a little-bit (not by much, but a little) pleasantly surprised. Didn't think it was terribly original, but didn't absolutely hate it either. As far as horror movies go, didn't think it was that bad.

There WERE a couple of loose ends, and quite a few things about this movie that were just WAY too close to other movies (particularly 80's flix). Also - I am a bit sick of the unpopular kids in school being pinned as the killers. I was one of those unpopular kids until college and really am pretty sick of the implication that WE would do things like this. After being treated really badly by other children growing up, it is upsetting to me that kids like me are "thanked" in this way.

Still though, I watched this movie to be taken out of the reality of the horrors that have occurred recentlyand it did work. All in all, didn't love it, but didn't hate it either.


Pros and Cons
I thought they did a pretty good job with this, all in all. Don't compare this to Silence of the Lambs though - this is a totally different movie. As for gory, I don't know. I read the book first (read it 2 times actually - liked it MUCH better on the second reading. It was a little hard to take the first time.) Compared to the gore in the book this movie was like "Mary Poppins:. Also - don't expect it to be too much like the book if you have read it. I think I would have enjoyed it a bit more if I had read the book after seeing the movie. I am a little bit bummed that Jodie Foster didn't want to play Clarice, but I do think that Moore did a good job with the role. Anthony Hopkins, as always, was wonderful (perfect for Hannibal Lecter.) I really hope they do a movie of Red Dragon with him as Lecter. That was my fave book out of the three.

All-in-all, I do think Ridley Scott did a really good job. However, there were a few things that were in the book that were not in the movie that I really wished would be in there (but think that American audiences probably couldn't have handled.) There were quite a few things I'm glad they left out though. If you can get this on DVD, I highly recommend getting the special edition one so you can see the making of info. It is pretty interesting and fun to see how they did all of the special FX.

Bon Appetit! (heh heh.)

SLC Punk!

Love this movie! (Potential spoiler?)
I really liked this movie a lot. It was a very pleasant surprise. I saw it out of curiosity but didn't expect much of it. I now own it. It is a great Comedy - and Matthew Lillard is wonderful. Unlike a lot of movies about the punk genre, this one doesn't cross lines that shouldn't be crossed (and doesn't leave you sickened or hating anyone) Keep in mind this movie also has it's moment of sadness/regret. However, the moment isn't random. It's well done.

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