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Dreadful season.
Season one was kinda cool. The invincible drifter (Rambo) is always a good start. Add a plausible story, good chemistry in the casting and watch the hero outsmart and overpower evil. But what the hell happened to all that in season two? First of all, the lead is ok but he doesn't have the chops for prolonged shots of his mug at the end is scenes in an effort to add tension or dramatic effect. That should have already been there in the writing. It's uncomfortable. Next, the exposition sequences where our four heroes all stand in a line and each take a few sentences to describe the next bunch action we're about to see is mind-bogglingly lazy, amateur writing! Show me don't tell me. It's the number one rule! Finally, as good as Lombardozzi is, and he is great, I'm sorry, we're supposed to believe that HE believes he can kick Reachers ass?!?! Maybe this was an attempt to pump up the show but it's a fail. I won't return. Unless I read somewhere that producers decided to return the original vibe which was basically a modern "Kung Fu". Reacher should work alone.

Slow Horses

I'm a rabid fan but...
This season was...meh. The standoff in the records warehouse was amateur hour. C'mon people, you're waaaay better than this. None of it plausible, believable, well written or well directed. 2nd unit maybe? I recall Shirley's character being established as badass, which I was on board with and anxiously awaited more ass-kicking from her but she got "lucky" in her fight scene with a broken CD? And also, as a badass, shouldn't she have some military background or training that would prevent her from looking like she's never handled a weapon before? That's the Directors fault but Producers should never have allowed that to fly. The whole concept of the Slow Horses defeating 20 soldiers was just idiotic. C'mon people get it together on season 4 please. Xoxo.

Joe Pickett

Season one was decent. I tuned in because of the wilderness setting and the lead, who's previous show "Patriot" was exceptional. I'd say go check it out but you'll fall in love with it and then have your heart yanked out to learn that it didn't get a third season. This thing however, beyond sophomore slump. The writing and direction is amateurish. It has all the sophistication of 70's television when we used to go along with things like characters, not just surviving gunshot wounds, but still able to ride a horse right up until it's convenient to have them fall off. The gunfight scenes are also laughable. I can almost hear the Director making "pew-pew" sounds from video village. Again first season had real potential but I guess they shot their wad creatively, or the talent in the production team moved on to something else.

Special Ops: Lioness

Pretty good start
Mr. Sheridan knows how to bring us into testosterone-fueled, macho worlds without cliche and, seemingly, without agenda. It is what it is. No apologies necessary. His characters are always grounded and he's extremely adept at casting. But to be great you need to write good parts for women. The writing needs to be as good, if not better, than it is for men. Dudes are simple. Women are smarter, more complex. Beth on Yellowstone (great character and performance) the barrel riders, the lone female ranch hand (the fantastic Jen Landon as Teeter) all great female characters that fit in the world of the story in a natural, unforced way. They're strong and compelling. Not just 'the partner of...' or T & A. He stepped up his game with the excellent character Faith Hill crushed in "1883" followed by Dame Mirren in the misfire that was "1923". Now we have Zoe Saldana, doing some of the best work of her career. I absolutely buy her as CIA boss in an open marriage (nice touch). I buy De Oliveira as a broken woman with burning rage that won't quit and thank you, thank you, thank you writers/Dir./producers for NOT letting her get the best of a fellow male soldier with an additional one-hundred pounds of muscle. Veracity first and foremost! I think her character is way more interesting if she is someone who has to be knocked out cold or just overpowered on the ground before she'll quit. Now let's talk about Jill Wagner or should I say her hair? What an about face! From schmaltzy Hallmark dreck to super-badass special forces? I'm buying it. Special mention: Ms. Lanier as the nasty teen daughter. I await the arc laid out for this loose canon as long as they continue to steer clear of teen angst cliche. Good actor, it could get interesting...


Needs a 2nd viewing...
Big fan and highly recommend the TV series "Manhattan". Didn't think I had much left to learn. However, "Oppenheimer" brilliantly illustrates how rapidly the world of physics changed in the 30's and the urgency with which the, largely Jewish, group of scientists leapt into action to kick some Nazi ass. The pen is mightier...with the caveat, Gen. Groves also kind of a badass to make it all happen. Not a ten because I'm thick and had trouble following the story line involving Strauss/Oppy conflict. (the isotope story? I needed more info) Even though the Editor will get Oscar nom., Even though using B&W is a cue, I felt like I was playing catch up in all the Downey scenes. No fault of R. D.'s, he was pitch perfect. As was Murphy, Blunt and Damon. Assassins all. In a good way, this movie is very dense. I'm not a fan of having to watch something more than once to completely absorb the story. The naturalistic, quick, sometimes muffled dialogue, took a minute to get used to. But once I let go and assumed I was in good hands it got better. The three hours flies by. I saw the 70mm print, yes it's worth the extra bread. I wept for mankind after the "successful" test. So, mission accomplished there Christopher. Again, great flick, not a ten because I have to see it again.

Ghosts of Beirut

I gave it a five instead of a one because once the pain in my eyes, ears and brain subsided I was, after all, educated on a subject that I previously knew nothing about. Despite a glowing review by, who I assume must be a relative of hers, the lead actress was not up to the task. I didn't believe her as this character for a second. She may be a fine actor but she is woefully miscast here. I also found the interstitial segments of who I assume were men and women who actually worked in the field a little disconcerting. They, too, didn't seem capable and I wonder if our intelligence community was lacking during this era. It's not a well written show. Maybe the "Intelligence community" thought they should try their hand at writing a TV show and this mess was the result. There was no sign of any experienced writer producers anywhere on the screen. Not compelling, no suspense and poorly directed. Maybe there never was a script. It has the feeling of showing up to set everyday and cobbling something together that imparts just the bones of this terrorist's story. Most glaringly the whole operation ended with a very specific placement of a vehicle on a street and they glossed over it. It was the most interesting part of the story and they absolutely fumbled it. Oh boy, the "actors" playing the team that had to manipulate the position of the vehicle?! Had any one of them ever driven a car before?! What is with the terrible traffic director "helping" the parallel parker? Not only was she useless, we were never let in on who those people were and how that scenario exists in that world! Amateur hour.

Somebody Somewhere

Bridget Everett fan, hence the 10.
Came here expecting her origin story, got a teaser, but then so much more. Grief and loss, addiction, "unwell moms", sexuality, loneliness, betrayal, second chances and an Island of misfit toys, all delivered by folks at the top of their game. Should have known that under the Duplass banner it'd be something special. The most recent ep. That I watched ("Keys Phone Cash ID") which motivated this review, slayed me. You can't catch Bridget "acting"...ever! She's so natural and easy but you can't take your eyes off her for a second. Speaking of natural and compelling, Tim Bagley, lordy loo! Watching him and Jeff Hiller's courtship (Joel & Brad) is one of the sweetest things ever. Joel and Sam's, same thing, they play off each other so well, like a hand in glove. It's an atypical show in that there is not an obvious agenda/plot line leading us by the nose. Again, I came here to see the evolution of B. E.'s brilliant cabaret act, but now I don't need that. It's a very casual, delightful character study of sweet people leading normal lives faced with the same aches and pains as...wait for it..."Everybody Everywhere". Peace out!


Nearly un...
...watchable. How did Tucci and Manville get sucked into this dreck? First, why is Madden's face saturated with the anti-aging technology? Is it a stylistic choice? Was this show based on a comic book so it's almost animation? Am I supposed to go along with the flashback because of it, on 2nd thought let's not get into all the flashbacks. There is zero chemistry between the 2 leads. Every romantic moment between them, of which there are multitudes and they are interminable, are snoozefests. Ha! Just remembered a scene where these two 'super spies' take up a position behind a car...sort of, as three black SUVs pull up to confront. Now we've all seen this scene before, we know at minimum, 6 men will be exiting those trucks with assault rifles. You're going to leave your characters standing there with nothing but a handgun and you want me to keep watching? Was the whole budget spent on special effects for Madden's mush so there was nothing left for quality writers or directors? It's as though greedy children with no artistic sensibility were running all the streaming services...grumbled the old get off my lawn!

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: The Princess and the Plea
Episode 8, Season 5

Stunning episode (Princess...irony)
You guys have outdone yourselves. This season has been one knockout after the next. "The Testirostial", with Borstein just crushing as an aging, bitter Suzy who's completed destroyed by show biz in an old school way was one thing but this one...oh my god. I mean they are all feminist, but this one could be titled, "This One's for the Girls". Bringing a vacuum to alumni weekend! Tearing Suzy a new one at the train station for not jumping over more dicks for her than her male counterpart. Ms. Ford telling Midge to "take the credit, that's what the boys do!" and then later as she demands that Gordon do her bidding she punctuates it while putting on lipstick! I. frickin'. Love. Me. Some Nina Arianda. She's a straight up assassin! The message in a bottle..."Don't"...exactly. Don't do anything you were planning to do as a 20 year old. You don't know your ass from a hole in the wall. Especially if you've been indoctrinated at an all girls school in the 60's. The "Knights of the Round Table" - icing on the cake. Beautiful lamentation from the elder statesman about piles of stuff rather than the woman who made him whole. Last but not least the one and only Shalhoub (I'd say he's a National treasure but he's clearly not even from this planet) his acknowledgement that he'd backed the wrong horse is the whole series in a nutshell. Well in Palladinos, well in.

The Night Agent

Poorly written
The trailer let me know that this wasn't going to be up to standard but I gave it two episodes only because I saw Adam Arkin's name on list of directors. He doesn't choose projects lightly. The pilot showed some promise but in the end it's a weak, American TV script. Just not up to snuff for prestige streaming TV, in my opinion. And I know this dude can write from The Shield which, in it's prime, was excellent. Although come to think of it, that story became more and more ridiculous as time went on. This is over-the-top implausible the way "24" was. If I can't suspend disbelief why am I watching?! Yes, espionage thrillers are very difficult to pull off but streaming services, in general, get the very best from around the globe. Fauda, Kleo,'s in the writing! This was phoned in and looks like it was put together during the pandemic with no money. I bailed after the 2nd ep. I couldn't even wait around to see if Adam A could turn out a decent episode.


Too many shows Taylor
Yellowstone great. Tulsa King great. 1883 pretty good, young blonde actress notwithstanding. Mayor of Kingstown (1st season!) great. This one is garbage. Writing, editing, directing all amateur hour compared to others. It would be unwatchable if not for Mirren, Ford, Patrick and Flynn. Dude clearly went for a cash grab and spread himself too thin. The 3 different story lines feel like different shows. They're hastily written and leave the viewer with the sense that producers were scrambling to put 50 minutes of content up on the screen every week no matter how shoddy. There's some gratuitous sex and violence that seems incongruous with the high bar set by Yellowstone as well. C'mon Taylor, you're better than WAY better.

Echo 3

Should have been 4 episodes and out!
Terrible, laughable, cheesy, contrived, tired, cliched dialogue. Could be as the result of ESL, it that's the case my apologies. I'm also confused as to the theme...war is bad? The story telling keeps switching sides. Liberal lefty journalists and army wife but also it's a shoot 'em up action show? Huh? And it is so obviously stretched into 10 episodes for no other purpose than greed. That really pisses my off. It's disingenuous. It will most likely keep me from ever watching something from this team again. Should have been 4 episodes of action, cut all the vain attempts at preaching to us and out!

The Matrix Resurrections

Wow! Unwatchable. Just set 150 Million on fire and give me back these 2.5 hrs please. Jesus wept, what a waste. Self indulgent nonsense. At least one of the sister/brothers had the good sense to bow out of this train wreck. Fingers crossed that K. R. saved his good stuff for the next Wick installment!

The Many Saints of Newark

This had all the elements to be great which makes it so much more maddening that it wasn't. Can't put a finger on the problem exactly. Cast is great.

Subject , period, photography, performances all great. But script, editing and direction didn't come together. I have a feeling there is a behind the scenes story that would illuminate.


Closer to a 6 but...
Because I love WW2 stories I bumped it to a 7. This show has a great premise but it was poorly executed. I like Taylor but not for a second am I buying him in this role. Direction and poorly written dialogue may be to blame for that. And the choice of old timey NY accent was a bad one. Most of the characters are flat as hell. I just don't care about any of them. This is a fascinating time in history, loaded with drama but this thing is boring. Whenever there is some action it plays like an episode of bad American 70's and 80's TV. And for Pete's sake, if your characters need to whisper so as not to be heard in life and death situations, block the scene to make it believable! (German couple in Russian prison...) Prodction is quite good almost film quality which makes the average TV show quality of the thing that much more frustrating. This could have been really good with a little more prep and more experienced at the helm.

Vacation Friends
(2021) me.
Way funnier than it has a right to be but that is the definition of John Cena isn't it? The big lummox can deliver the goods. And pairing him with the super funny Meredith Hagner was inspired casting. Plenty of good gags (should be with all the writers...) for Lil Rey to engage in and react to and his skill set really shines in this role. They Flipped the script on the; "Obnoxious, wealthy, vapid, wedding movie" and it made for some fresh comedic situations. Bottom line: funny, funny movie and all four leads just crushed it. Well done folks. me.

The Chair

Excellent Television. Well done Amanda!
Ageism, racism, sexism, extinction burst with heart and humor and intelligence. Love this show. Love seeing Korean culture explored alongside the archaic world of white dominated academia. Holland Taylor is firing on all 8 as is Ms Oh. The kid is a gem! Her relationship with Duplas' Bill is perfection. Bravo everyone.

Hit and Run

Hit and rushed
Fauda was great, this one is bad. Very bad. Should have spent a little more time on the scripts folks. You know it too. Ya got greedy didn't'ya. I get it. Netflix says jump and off you go. This could have been a decent movie but a drawn out nine episode series? Zzzzzz. I hope the lesson was learned and that this talented, creative team takes their time with the next. This viewer will not be tuning in to see what happens to Segev and Ella. I just don't care enough and the premise is ridiculous.

Outer Banks

How? Why? Who? Do we, as a society, really have so much wealth that we can throw all this time and money into a pile and set it on fire? I'd love to meet the exec that gave these children the keys to the kingdom as I have a few vague story ideas and a bunch of friends who'd love to stand in front of a camera and yell for an hour. Jesus wept!

6 Underground

Dumb stupid idiotic dumb stupidness
None of the wit and charm of Deadpool which Reynolds and the two writers are responsible for. So that lays the blame at Bay's feet. He just doesn't care about anything except flashy locations and flash bombs. The action is so over the top that it physically beats all suspension of disbelief out of the viewer. I guess if you make robot movies for too long you lose touch with your humanity. Reynolds should know better. What a waste of 150 mill and 2 hrs of my time.

The Lone Ranger

Critics were Dead Wrong! AND too much Leone!
Based on the reviews I didn't expect to make it through the first act let alone 149 min. What a pleasant surprise. Depp crushes it with a master class of facial expressions. It's possible that 3/4 of his screen time is spent silently channeling Buster Keaton. So much fun and way better than his Keith Richards Pirate schtick. That, along with the franchise, got old very quickly. Sorry Gore but those movies are nowhere near as good as this one. Armie is fine though I can't help but wonder if there was an actor better suited to the humor of the thing. I was put off by all the lifting from "Once Upon a Time in the West". It's one of my all time faves and it seemed more like stealing than an homage. However, I was thoroughly entertained with: action, comedy and a well deserved comeuppance/social commentary toward America's robber barons. Tonto: "What does the white man kill for?" What indeed O.G. American, what indeed.

Top of the Lake

As good as The Killing...obviously.
Bravo Campion and Lee...and Veena Sud! And to my fellow "Temptation" cast-mate Elisabeth - you were killing it on Madmen last season and, for me, this was some tasty icing on that cake. Excellent work all around from supporting cast and crew. I love the pacing of 'Euro TV'. My intro to it was "Traffic" and from then until quite recently have felt pity for American producers that can't take their time in storytelling. Stillness, quiet, breath...actors! Too much U.S. garbage is driven by editors telling directors to "keep the camera moving" and the ADD-video game-brains they cater to. Thankfully Sopranos opened the door to 'filmy television'...but back to Lake Top - the characters were rich while flirting with stereotype yet easily getting away with it because of: craft, a very realistic setting, tone and ultimately our empathy for them. The women's camp is, in itself, a series! And the always playful Hunter doing most of her work with just her eyes and a wig. The only reason I don't give it a 10 is because of a decision or two by Robin that were so unintelligent that no matter what her past and psychological motivations were, a smart detective just wouldn't go there. Maybe, I'm just realizing now, she wasn't smart. She had a lot of balls in the air, granted, but in my head she was like The Killing's Linden; eyes on the prize - a dog with a bone. Hmmmm. I did love, love, love (thank you writers) that she was, for TV, a very unconventional cop. Very understated. Sort of a non- comedic Columbo. And finally, like Prime Suspect (we had a great US version for a minute w/Maria Bello but people suck!) or Cracker, a finite number of episodes. 7 and out! Be done before you paint yourself in a corner and the character is nothing but a caricature (take note Ms Sud. Is destroying our beloved Linden and Holder worth the millions the network dangles in front of you to keep going? He asks knowingly...) Thank you foreign ladies Campion and Sud for bringing your angle to our telly...women detectives created by women, I'm a fan.

Kickin' It

inappropriate joke
Most kid shows are awful. Lowest common denominator, form over substance, stereotypes and an obnoxious laugh track to try and force our little under developed funny bones to react and laugh in all the right places at all the unfunny jokes. I get it. It's what works and takes little effort or imagination. This show is particularly bad. My daughter, however, likes it so I indulge her. Until yesterday when I heard Rudy utter this line: "Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women". No one is a bigger fan of Jaws than me. I'm Pavlovian, in fact, and now have to watch it again for the hundredth time. But this joke (apropos of nothing by the way) about peering between a women's legs is not appropriate for age 7+. Not cool. You are overpaid for this drivel Mr. O'Doherty. Please try and raise the bar. Until then we will be watching Pee Wee's Playhouse!

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