
IMDb member since April 2021
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Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors

Important and Raw
The ONLY con to this movie is the sound engineering. Real footage and real people who were there make this documentary so good. The sadness of war and the raw determination of those involved is in full display. This should be shown in schools so we can continue to learn from history. The sailors in this documentary went through the pits of hades and there were some who miraculously survived. I highly recommend this documentary for anyone interested in history, WW2, naval history, or human history. This not only goes through the events of the battle but the grief they felt as they fought for their lives as they were so outnumbered. Highly recommend.

Mack & Rita

Cute but Not Funny
Cute chick flick rom com film. Misses the mark for funny. It was a good way to waste the afternoon and could've been worse. Just expected funnier. Has a good message about being true to who you are and not being what you THINK others think you should be. Would recommend to anyone but especially the young ones in our society who are bombarded by social media. Even though the film isn't anti-social media it does play it's role in the film. Also unrealistic standards...the girls are in their early thirties and have fabulous homes and apartments and can jet set around to spend money on alcohol and clothes. Also as a Pilates person, kinda weirded out by the Pilates instructors (funniest scene).

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