
IMDb member since November 2006
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    17 years


To Kill a Mockumentary

Fun, Funny and Funniest!
I recently picked up the directors other movie, A Christmas Too Many and just loved it to death. So i ordered this one online and I loved both films so much I just had to write a review about them. The story is about a group of mockumentary makers who are given a chance to do their first studio Mockumentary. It stars about a dozen name actors who you'll recognize instantly and is really the first mockumentary I've seen where you'll laugh hysterically. The lad who plays the director, a guy named Terry Scannell is tremendous as Hank. He is a revelation on screen. I can't say enough about him and the chemistry between Tim Thomerson who plays Will and Edie McClurg who plays Estelle. There's so much good to say that i don't know where to start. The writing is fantastic. It really fits that Australian sensibility that I have personally. I hope that this group of people can continue to make films. I for one, will be watching and hoping for them and hope their next movie is as good as this one.

A Christmas Too Many

One Of the funniest Xmas movies ever
Been a long time since I've laughed so much and so hard as I did with this movie. I found it recently in Australia and it was such a pleasing experience. I was so excited about it, i bought the directors other film, something called To Kill A Mockumentary as well. That one is almost as funny as this one is. It's the story about a famous actress who has her family home for the holidays. It stars Ruta lee, the terrific and beautiful actress who I believe was in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers back when I was a child. Mickey Rooney stars as her ex husband in probably his best screen performance since Bill. There are a lot of terrific performances but the one that sticks out to me the most is that of a chap named Greg Joelson who practically steals the movie as an ex football player who's having strange side effects to some steroids he's taken. It's been a long time since I have had belly laughs while watching a movie. This is as funny as it gets. I hope that the director who i think wrote it as well gets a chance to do a studio film. He's obviously a terrific talent and someone to watch in the future. Very funny stuff. The two mobsters in the film are funny as well. And Gary Coleman was a hoot as the pizza guy. Definitely 10 out of 10.

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