
IMDb member since May 2021
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I gave up half way
Started off ok, somewhat funny, However as the show went on it became less funny. It's an IFC show but felt like I was watching Showtime. Amanda Pete is nice to look at... Content wise as the show went on it became less funny and more clichéd and just in general I'll say it like this; this show is degenerate garbage, drugs, alcohol, and sex for shock ?laughs?. I'm not offended by any of it, don't get me wrong, it's just like what am I watching over here? I quit mid season 3. Typical Hollywood shoving all aspects of "the message" down people's throats as per usual, and we let it slide when the content is at least funny, but after sticking around for 2 full seasons I gave up in season 3, don't care, not worth continuing this slog.

Russian Doll

Not groundhog day
I like the lead actress as I remember I really liked her in the slums of beverly hills and but i'm a cheerleader. I thought this show would be somewhat weird funny or at least interesting as I loved groundhog day. This show sucks so much, it's so boring, went nowhere, wow. Netflix is garbage. This is why Netflix is losing subscribers. Their content is garbage. As subscribers keep giving shows a try to only be disappointed again and again, eventually people will tell themselves, no, I don't want to waste another 10 hours watching a less than mediocre series, I'm cancelling my subscription. 8 out 10 with 90K ratings? I feel bad for these people, they don't know good tv.

The Pentaverate

"I don't use soap, it's propaganda from Big Soap."

I don't understand how something like this gets made. And who paid who? Did Netflix pay Mike Myers to do this? Or did Mike Myers pay Netflix? Of course Netflix is on top of the world, throwing money around to produce less than mediocre garbage in order to grow their content catalogue without a care about whether the content is any good. This is a south park joke and it's as true as ever. Netflix should sue Mike Myers for their money back. This show is plain awful, unfunny and boring.

Ten Year Old Tom

I haven't seen the VIPs yet, however I did really enjoy the Life and Times of Tim. When I realized this show was created by the same person, I made sure to check it out.

IMO although Ten Year Old Tom is not as funny as Life and Times, it still deserves at least a 7 for the humor and all around entertainment value. Will be looking forward to season 2 if they make one.


Well, I like docs and I like Alanis, not huge fan, but she's cool. I though huh, if they decided to do a documentary about her in 2021, there must be an interesting reason for it. No. This was the most dull and boring documentary I've seen as far as I can remember. Why was this made???

Epstein's Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell

Poor little rich girl
The doc definitely treated this despicable person with kid gloves, excusing her behavior because of such a "horrible upbringing" at the hands of her Israeli intelligence, media mogul, billionaire, fraudster father. Most of the things in this documentary I already knew but still worth a viewing for tidbits like footage of the Israeli funeral for her dad, he seemed to be very beloved over there. Of course NBC is the same organization that killed the weinstein story so let's keep that in mind.

Santa Inc.

Aside from these 2 outer space creatures who think it's okay to crap on another religion like that aside (because try to make fun of any other religion and see what happens). The show isn't funny. The jokes are old and predictable, nothing new. I do recommend people watch it not for the entertainment value, but just to see how out of touch these people have become.

Seth Rogan - Superbad, Observe and Report, Funny People. All the other stuff sucked. Sausage party was garbage and pineapple express was overrated garbage. Long shot was a joke as in bad movie, not funny, actually cringe.

Sarah Silverman - She was in Mr. Show which was funny, aside from that, what memorable thing has she done? I do recall her crapping on Christianity in her stand up special.

Santa Inc not funny, but seriously, why these 2 people can't stop crapping on Christianity/Christmas?


Not that good
I really wanted to like this show as it's one of my favorite genres however after the first two episodes I began to notice that the pace was really slow, and the writing was subpar. The decisions that some of the characters on this show make are idiotic and unrealistic. Characters' actions make no sense unless it's only purpose is to create action and move the plot forward. On top of that you have the mandatory PC stuff inserted. For some reason throughout the season we see Frank go on gay hookup apps, however it has literally nothing to do with anything, there's no story line that it fits into. Just stuff happens in the show, the next scene is Frank scrolling through grindr, and then the show moves onto the next scene, lol. So basically the writers wanted to insert LGBT+ into the show, but they are so bad that they didn't even know how to. Although I guess that's better than senseless scenes of Frank going on dates or actually hooking up...

Ted Lasso

Over 100k ratings, and an average of 8.8? Wow, I was really looking forward to watching this show! It's an APPLE TV show, so of course you won't get any type of crazy, risky, offensive humor, but maybe it will be a smart, well done show?

It's just boring, the humor is non-existent, I watched the whole 1st season and I haven't laughed once. I might of chuckled once or twice. However the humor is such as, middle aged American comes to England, and I guess has tea for the first time, and says something to the effect of, oh it tastes like brown water just like I thought it did. LOL. Yea, and they call Ted a wanker everywhere he goes in England, it's a running "joke"... I've read that the show gets better after the first 3 episodes. It don't!

It's very weird, because it feels like I'm watching a kids show that should be rated pg, except they throw in bjob jokes, and f bombs for no reason. The writing is awful, and I just don't get how these people have jobs and continue to churn out garbage like this.

Based on 8.8 rating, Ted Lasso is better than the Chappelle's Show, South Park, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Silicon Valley, Veep. I can keep going, but hopefully you get the point. These ratings for Ted Lasso are fake, there's no other way to explain it.

The Many Saints of Newark

Half of the movie is spent dealing with race relations and has nothing to do with Sopranos. The other half is like random scenes of stuff trying to tell some Sopranos based story, but it's all so boring. The writing was horrible, like it was a rush job.

The scenes like Tony stealing the ice cream truck? Don't really understand why they put that scene into a 2 hour movie that has so much potential material to use, story wise. Then they did the shooting through the hairdo scene, which was pretty well described in the original series, however the writers decided to waste precious time in a 2 hour movie to add the visuals for us idiots! Thanks guys. It's like these writers and studios are following the formulas out of the book of mediocrity!

6 Seasons, 82 Episodes of 10/10 TV and then we have this Prequel movie, which has so much potential in order to give us a better understanding of the Sopranos family, and they waste the movie on meaningless scenes and redundancies. It's as if the writers ran out of ideas and put in a bunch of filler.


Banshee is rated 8.4, Gomorrah is 8.7, Better Call Saul is 8.8, Boardwalk Empire is 8.5, True Detective is 8.9, Mr. Inbetween is 8.6, Justified is 8.6, Rectify is 8.3.

Above are all the shows that I watched recently, the ratings are all pretty accurate except for Banshee, there is no way Banshee is in the same rating level as all these other great shows. Banshee is a show with low quality writing and production, after watching the first 5 minutes of episode one, you can tell it's made by people who produce daytime television. The fighting scenes are over the top, and I can suspend my disbelief if other parts of the show were good, but the story was also pretty unrealistic, and many of the episodes just went nowhere! With almost a 100k ratings, I'm really perplexed as to how this show got such high ratings. I'm suspecting it's fake ratings or the 12 year olds, maybe both.

If you end up watching and enjoying Banshee, then go watch gangs of london, another over rated show with prolonged fight scenes and bad story.


Not a comedy, just background TV
Just like another reviewer said, this is a predictable and basic show, and is just background TV.

I was walking into this hoping/expecting something like Fleabag, was disappointed by how unfunny this show was while it's listed on IMDB as a Comedy. The jokes/humor in this show is unoriginal, the story is predictable, the rating for this show is overinflated, doesn't deserve higher than 5 out of 10. If you still don't believe the mediocrity of this show, give it a shot, but take this advice, watch this show while doing something else, because this is basic background TV.


Not realistic
Season 1 was good, I'd give it a 8, then slowly the show went downhill. Things just became less realistic, and I began getting annoyed the longer I got into season 2, and then 3. Seems like the writers ran out of story, and just started making up crazy stuff.

The son and daughter of the show are complete idiots, their actions make no sense, and it really ruins the show and story. The main inflection point in the show from good to bad I think was when Mira got ratted out in court by her gypsy lover and yet she continued to have a relationship with her. After that, the whole thing with the prosecutor, and then the traffickers. She left a giant duffel bag of dirt at the prosecutor's house, then when she killed the 2 traffickers, she left the video tape at the crime scene, and the prosecutor didn't think to take the video tape either. Then it seems in under a year, she is some sort of expert giving presentations on human trafficking?

What about mom in late season 3, lying on the floor the whole day ready to give birth, I guess she just couldn't scoot over to the nearest phone, had to wait for Atti to show up.

Mark - An incredible moron, too many stupid unrealistic situations to write out, but the main one was when he started getting harassed by the gypsy contractor, his best idea was to help break out the guy from jail, the same guy that he lied in court about to keep him in jail. The same guy who just a few months prior had him held hostage, and made him and his friend pretty much fight to the death because of what, like a $50,000 debt? Mark is living the good life, instead of hiring some security with his girlfriend who's father is like a billionaire, he decides to break out that guy from jail and go into business with the guy that's harassing him, oh and of course all of this business dealing is directly tied to going against his own father's business, oh and in the end, surprise surprise, the contractor didn't abide by their deal... Is this good writing? Does it make sense? People giving out 8 and 9 stars have no problem with this?

I got bamboozled into watching this show because of it's high ratings, what a disappointment. Beware!

All About Nina

Unoriginal and Not Funny
A movie with comedians, you would think you would get a few chuckles at least, however no, I don't think I laughed even once throughout the entire movie.

The story is uninteresting, both of the main characters are cliches. I don't know how to explain it, but this movie reminds me of great movies that I've already seen in terms of story and character, however those movies I enjoyed, and this was just dull.

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