
IMDb member since May 2021
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Everything a Biopic Should Be
Full of life and color, "Rocketman" is a shining example of what a biopic should be. It was perfect in every way.

I don't even know where to start with this one. There's so much that they did perfectly that there aren't any strengths and weaknesses to go over; everything was exemplary. The musical numbers are flawless, the plot works perfectly, there's never a dull moment, and it's everything Elton John would have wanted -- flamboyant, outrageous, and unmitigated.

It's my all-time favorite movie. We saw it the day it came out and I've been thinking about it ever since. 10/10.

Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Fantastic (For a Saw Movie)
An absolute thriller from start to finish, "Spiral: From the Book of Saw", though conventionally bad (all Saw movies are conventionally bad, nonetheless) excelled at what it was trying to achieve -- to be a good Saw movie. And it was.

I was genuinely surprised by how much I liked it. I'd made the mistake of reading the critic reviews before seeing the movie, so my hopes were incredibly low upon entering the theater. That was a misstep on my part; I absolutely loved the film. I'd even go as far as to call it my favorite Saw movie.

One thing to rave about in particular is the film's signature ending twist; the way they set it up was incredible. When it came, my friend and I were squeezing each others hands, aghast at what we'd just seen. We didn't see it coming at all! It was the first time that the franchise had EVER surprised me, and keep in mind, it's over a decade old.

The traps were tasteful and creative, serving crude justice like they'd intended. The ending in particular was just perfect; without spoiling anything, depending on how you looked at it, Jigsaw could have been the hero all along and the cops could have been the villains. It really gets your 'gears' turning (Get it? Because mechanical traps?) and makes you think twice about where the real evil lies.

For a Saw movie, it was perfect. Everything I'd hoped for and more. 8/10.

El baile de los 41

It's Beautiful -- But At What Cost?
Dull and meaningless, El Baile de los 41 thinks that its cinematography can save it, but a weak script leaves the whole production falling apart at the seams.

When I'd begun the film, I had my hopes up. The scenery was absolutely beautiful, no doubt. Whoever designed the set had worked 110% to make every shot of the film look straight out of a storybook. However, this couldn't save the movie.

The script wasn't just boring - it was terrible. It's very loosely jumbled together, almost like they'd spun a wheel in order to determine the string of events. When the plot should have been a single cut of fabric, it was instead a patchwork quilt, made up of many different squares that were sewn on too messily to mean anything important.

The ending attempted to be meaningful and teach the viewer a lesson. It should have been - but it couldn't, since the built-up was so convoluted that the film's message didn't get across like it should have. There was so much missed potential here that it was almost embarrassing.

3/10. The movie was pleasing to the eye, but the writing team grudgingly sacrificed a quality plot for no reason except for the fact that they simply couldn't work together.


An Adventure from Start to Finish
Bold and beautiful, Halston leads viewers on an adventure through the world of fashion by taking the scenic route; showing it to us from the point of view of one of the most acclaimed designers.

Halston starts a bit rocky, however, it progressively improves throughout the episodes. We watch Roy Halston, a fashion designer in New York City, hit massive highs and massive lows. Through and through, you can feel the tension and the emotion radiating from the screen. It's perfect for what it was trying to achieve.

9/10. Definitely rewatching when I have the chance.

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