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Kim Possible

I'll admit, it's pretty good.
I used to absolutely love this show, then I stopped liking it, but as the new season came out, I started to like it a lot more again. It has a certain essence to it, that just keeps you wanting more. It is action filled, not as much as non-cartoons, but still pretty good to satisfy. I like most of the episodes, but some of them are okay. The new season is definitely the best. The first few seasons are also good. The voices of all of the characters have really good chemistry, and they all blend together really well. The plot of all of the episodes/movies is really well put together, and a crowd pleaser. Even if you don't like these kinds of shows, you will say that it is good. If you haven't watched this show before, I would definitely suggest it, whenever it is on.

Untold Stories of the ER

Amazing, Unique, and Wonderful!
I find this show quite unique. It is not like any other medical shows on t.v. Like my sister is watching Grey's Anatomy right now, and it is good, but I would rather watch Untold Stories of the ER, than Grey's Anatomy. I love all of the stories in this show, they are very interesting and it has really opened my eyes to everything that doctors do. It has also helped me understand things that go on behind the scenes of emergency rooms. It has also helped me understand just how stressful a job like this could be. It definitely gets in depth, and shows how much a doctor of the ER has to go through. I would definitely suggest this show to very many people, especially ones that are planning on going into the medical field.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Pretty good.
I had been absolutely in love with the first two Pirates of the Caribbean movies, so I had very high expectations for this movie. It certainly met them. Not my favorite Pirates of the Caribbean movie, but I still loved it. All of the actors met the expectations I had set for them, even the new ones, and little kids. The special effects were absolutely amazing! There were so many fighting sequences, the action wouldn't stop. I didn't mind this though. All the characters improved and definitely matured. The plot line is a little confusing at first, but not really that hard. I am still trying to find out a few little things, but I can pretty much understand the whole movie. You would probably have needed to see the first and second Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but if you haven't you would probably still be able to understand it. I would definitely suggest this movie to anybody who likes action, fighting, and the other Pirates of the Caribbean movies.


Amazing, But Not For Young Audiences
I am absolutely obsessed with this show. It is definitely not suggested for younger audiences or people who can't handle murder or other things like that but other than that it is an amazing show! I watch it every single day. I was actually channel surfing and saw it one day, it looked interesting, I watched it and fell in love with it. This show is absolutely amazing. Cartain people I know can't watch it, because of it content, and I feel bad for them since they are missing out on a lot. There are many different cases, but I have seen certain episodes multiple times, but not very many. If you give this show a chance you will probably fall in love with it.

Unaccompanied Minors

I saw this movie in a theater of sorts and everybody there could not stop laughing! I absolutely loved it and I am very glad I went to see it! The kids in here are ingenious! Absolutely amazing acting and the plot was definitely very strong. During certain parts I just busted up and could not stop laughing. My friends and I were talking about how entertaining and amusing this movie was. I wanted to stay and just keep watching it over and over again. Everybody that I know that saw this said they loved it and they were really surprised at how good it was. The kids and adults were very good at planning schemes, but the kids were definitely better.I think that people of any age can go and see this movie, and they will all leave being glad they saw it.

Catch That Kid

Would Never Happen, but Still AWESOME!
All of the actors and actresses were absolutely amazing! All of the teen actors produced adult quality, even Max Thieriot, even though this was his first movie! I love how they balanced out all of the different types of movies this was, to make it all just roll together. I have watched this movie numerous times, and yet I still absolutely adore it! The emotional scenes are just fantastic, and when i saw this in theaters I was just amazed at how good all of the acting was done. It has some parts that could really happen, and some that would never happen, but that is normally just what movies are usually lacking. I would most definitely recommend this movie to practically anybody, and I am almost absolutely sure that they would love it.

Nanny McPhee

Really good kid's movie!
I really enjoyed this movie. It was a little predictable in certain parts, but only a little bit. Some parts of it really took me by surprise! I think that all of the actors and actresses were quite good, which took me by a little bit of surprise since most of them were really young. When I first saw a commercial for it I really wanted to see it, and I can't believe that I waited for what I think was over a year to see this fabulous movie! I didn't want to leave during any bit of this movie while I was watching it, even though I could have easilly put it on pause.I most definitely suggest this to many people, especially if you are a little on the young side.

Nancy Drew

Really Good Mystery
I really liked this movie! Even though it wasn't anything like any of the books it still the that classic Nancy Drew style. I had been seeing a lot of advertisements for this movie and since I was really into the Nancy Drew books I had really high expectations for this movie and they most definitely met those expectations. Pretty much all of the characters were exactly how I pictured them from reading the books. I am really happy that I saw this movie. All of the actors and actresses really acted like they acted like in the book series. Ever since I saw this movie I have wanted to read every single Nancy Drew book there is out there. All of the actors and actresses really got into their characters and it definitely showed when the aired this movie on the big screen. It definitely seemed like all of the actors and actresses were really in the positions that the characters were in I most definitely give this movie a 10 out of 10.

Life with Derek

I think that this is one of Disney's shows that I sort of like sort of don't like. I like certain episodes a lot, but not very many. I think that some of the episodes are okay. I think that quite a few of the episodes aren't very good. I usually just turn it off once I find out what episode it is, but I sometimes leave, but not very often. I think that the actors and actresses are pretty good, especially since most of them are kids. That is mostly why I gave it the five out of ten, but I also put it there, since I like a few of the episodes. I think that I would still like that show the same amount that I do now, even if the had different actors and actresses. This show is okay, I think it mostly is just for teaching kids life lessons, more than a show to entertain people. All together I think this show is okay, and I guess you could see this show if you wanted to, but I don't suggest it too strongly.


This show is totally and completely horrible, and awful. All the people that Iknow that like this show really like it but to me, it is horrible, and pretty much the most horrible anime show ever. All of powers that the characters have are unrealistic, and completely annoying. One of the people that I know that watches Naruto is completely turning into a freak about the show, she tries to turn everything into Naruto. I just can't stand this show, I almost fell asleep during it. America ever let it be aired. It is much much better fit for Japan, or China or wherever it came from. I definitely do not suggest watching Naruto.

Toy Story

Great kids movie.
This is a really good movie for kids but maybe not necessarily teens. Even though like almost all the the stuff that happens in it couldn't happen, but it is still a really good movie. I like the second one better but this one is still pretty good. I don't like very many animated things, but this is definitely a great exception. All of the actors and actresses that did the voices were really good, and I definitely give them much credit, especially since it was made in 1995. It is really cute, and I definitely think that if you are a little kid, or if you have a little kid I would definitely suggest seeing this movie.

The Phantom of the Opera

Seriously Good!
When one of my relatives first wanted me to watch this movie, I really didn't want to, but once I watched it I just loved it. All of the actors and actresses are amazing in playing their parts, especially when they had to hit those high notes, I could never do that! They also got really into their character, as much as they could, and it definitely showed! It really gives the visuals of what it would be like in the 1800's and doing an opera show, with a phantom lurking around, doubt that that really happened though. It also has a little romantic touch to the mystery part of what the phantom will do next. I definitely suggest this movie, to basically any crowd.

Guitar Hero

This game is a really good game. I also love how you don't have to know how to play guitar to be a "guitar hero". All of the other people that I know that have played this game also think it is great. As another comment about this game says it is a must need in Play Station two households. I have played this game pretty much a million times, and I still haven't gotten bored of it. It is somewhat hard, but not that badly, you just need to have good hand and eye coordination. Hint, Hint. There is just one thing I would fix about this game, which is, I think it could have a few better songs, but that is why they made the second so, I really suggest getting this game.

The Haunted Mansion

Not Scary, but good movie
I know this movie is supposed to be scary, but it really isn't, even though I saw this movie at night a dark movie theater it wasn't very scary. It might be scary to 3-5 year olds maybe, but it really isn't scary. But I liked the movie, it was a pretty good kids movie, and the only part about it I didn't like was the whole not scary thing. I think that all of the4 actors and actresses were really good, and you could tell they really tried to make it scary, I think that no matter how good the actors and actresses are, they won't be able to make this movie a scary one. I think that you should definitely see this movie if you aren't looking for a very scary movie.

Cheaper by the Dozen

Funny and good movie
I really liked this movie and I think it set a very good example for the second movie. It was a funny and very good family movie, for any ages to see. I don't think that anything could be improved for this movie. All of the actors and actresses were really good, especially since they were either a kid or they had to work with kids. I was laughing a lot when I saw this movie. I think that you could most definitely relate most of the characters to either yourself, a friend, or a family member. I would definitely suggest this movie for anybody or any family looking for a great movie that they might even be able to relate themselves to.

The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea

Really good sequel
I think that this is and always will be a wonderful sequel. It will definitely be passed on for many different generations. The stuff that happened in this movie couldn't happen in real life but you could definitely remind you of yourself or a friend. I like this movie a little more than the original The Little Mermaid. It definitely told a story of a mother and a daughter. It is a very cute and family related movie, especially if you are a daughter, or have a daughter. The whole plot is really great, and it has a wonderful ending to it. If you haven't seen this movie I would definitely suggest seeing it, especially if you have a family.

Sky High

Good for all ages
I think that this movie is really good for all ages. It is a pretty good movie, not exactly the best one, but I think it was pretty good. Pretty much none of the actual events in this movie could actually happen, but they kind of relate to ones that real kids could have in a real school. All of the acting is really good, and the whole plot really makes sense, and is really good. It is yet another one of Disney's great accomplishments, and this movie definitely met my expectations. All of the actors and actresses are really good, especially since they are kids. I really like this movie, and I definitely recommend this movie to anybody.

Ice Princess

Makes you want to become an ice skater!
I have only seen this movie one time on DVD but, I really liked it when I did see it. When I saw it I wanted to go out and ice skate, really badly,( even though I don't know how to). It is definitely good for all ages, and the stuff that happens in it could really happen. It definitely tells you an important life lesson, which is, if you follow your dreams they can always happen. I think that young inspiring figure skaters will especially like this movie. It also has a little bit of romance, but you can choose if you think that, but I know you will like Ice Princess! I think you should definitely see this movie, especially if you are a figure skater that has many hopes and dreams.

Air Buddies

Perfect for kids
This is a very, very cute movie, in a few ways, one way is that the dogs, and puppies in this movie are cute, and the other way that it is cute is just the whole idea and plot of the movie. I would most definitely say that the whole aspect of that pretty much nothing in this movie could really happen, makes it so adorable! I think that if you are a kid, or an adult, but mostly a kid, you will totally and completely fall in love with this movie, like I have. One of the best things about these dogs is that you can't be allergic to them, lol! I think you should definitely see this movie, puppy and or dog lover or not you will completely love this movie!

Cheaper by the Dozen 2

Really Good Family Movie
This movie is an excellent family movie for many reasons, including since it is about two families, and stuff happens to the two families that could happen in real life to actual families. I have seen the first movie and really like both of these movie, they have really good actors and actresses and the complete plot is really good. I have found lots of laughs and really hilarious moments out of this movie. I think that once you see this movie you will feel the same way about it. I have watched this many times and has still not gotten bored of this.

If you are renting this on DVD or if you own it on DVD, you should definitely see the bonus features, even though there are not many of them they are really good! I definitely recommend seeing this movie!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I really like this movie! Even though most of the events in this movie could never happen in the real world, it is awesome. I think that this really set a really good example for all of the other Harry Potter movies. Ever since I saw this movie I have loved the Harry Potter series, the movies and the books! I saw this almost right after it came out on video and I am really happy I did. I think that they chose the right people to play the people in the movie. The director made it a lot like the book, and I really liked that about it! I definitely think that if you haven't seen this movie, you should see it as soon as possible!

The Little Mermaid

This is a very good movie, it has really good people doing all of the voices for all of the people. It is kind of romantic, and at the same time has a lot of problems brewing. I think this is a very good movie for anybody who has ever had a dream, went for it, came across a problem, but then everything turned out all good. This had a very good ending. This is one of those movies where there is a very happy ending and you are really happy you stayed to watch the whole thing. When I first saw this movie I was like, fine it is OK, but then the second or third time I watched it I really liked it. This movie is good for all ages. I definitely recommend seeing it.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Very Very good, especially for a cartoon
This show is one of the best shows ever. When I first heard about this show I thought it was going to be the lamest of all shows, but when I actually saw the show I thought it was like the best show ever, ever since then I have watched the show a lot! Even though this show is kind of mystical, magickey like it is really good. I haven't seen one episode I don't like. I have got to that Nickelodeon has really out done themselves, this is an amazing show, not just for Nick but for any show! Even if you aren't into mystical stuff you should definitely see at least one episode of this show and you definitely won't be disappointed.

High School Musical

Super good
This is such a good movie, I wanted to see it 500000000000 times. When I first heard about High School Musical I knew it was going to be a winner. Just the idea sounds amazing, this is like the only recent mucical I have seen and it is definitely one of the best. After I saw this I got all of the songs on my MP3 and I memorized each song, until I could literally hear the pe3ople singing in my head when I wasn't listening to my MP3. It is a really good story and it also gives a really good message, the message is that, you can do whatever you want, even if your frie4nds don't want you to do it. This is a very good message to be sending to kids. I would definitely suggest this to anybody who likes to sing, likes to be in musicals, wants to be in a musical, or all of those things. Just see it and you won't be disappointed.

Akeelah and the Bee

An Amazing Movie
Sine I am in a spelling bee myself, when this movie came out to DVD I just had to see it. I thought it would be all about spelling but it definitely isn't, yea the whole story revolves around spelling bees but, the whole story isn't just words and spellings, it is really something that could happen. The whole story gives out a message that can really be useful in life. Another thing I like about this movie is that is a very entertaining and fun way to study words. I mean since they spell a lot of words in it why not include it studying. This movie is funny heart warming and an all around good movie. Please please see it, you will really like it, especially if you have always had a love for words.

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