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For the Love of Pasta

I don't know why this main actress keeps getting roles. She plays the same boring over the top nagging person who is ungrateful for those who care about her. Her character is soooo unwatchable. The story does not help either as I thought the movie was at least going to be in Italy so there would be nice scenery but no. I'm only 10 minutes in and I don't think I'll be able to switch back after the commercial break. Everyone else in the movie acts naturally. The best friend is fine, the main guy is consistent as he is in all his movies, but this main girl is so annoying and whinny. She is the typical pretty girl with big eyes and no personality.

Catch Me If You Claus

Santa sure like kissing...
Was this a comedy? The mystery movies this year have been a bit off with so muchhhhhh talking! Non stop! There seems to be some big story but all the convoluted stories, scenes, and running around, then circling back, just made it hard to follow. Santa didn't feel like Santa. Security guards are more trustworthy than police. This wanna be reporter tries to come out from under her mom's shadow, and there's a bunch of people at the news station and no one else to report the news? The magic of Christmas just wasn't in this movie. The very long make out scene so seemed very un- hallmark like. Also a random name drop of Beyoncé. Why are they name dropping celebs this year? Just stay in the hallmark snow globe not reality. This movie felt like a mess of a ride but I guess this is how all the mystery movies are. There's probably some appeal and certain audience that really like the chase of the clues and try to figure them out before the end but I lose interest half way and really don't care about the ending.

Holiday Road

Too many characters you don't care about
This is the longest road trip ever. I would rather just stay at the airport and wait until flights open than go on this awful journey again. The story has been done before but this time they added a bunch more people watering down the story and making you not care about any of the storylines. The main character had some kind of heart problem so she lives every day like the last and drives off on a dangerous unmarked road causing the car to break down. Another guy made some dating app and is unsure about love. An Instagram is obsessed with followers and is unbelievably annoying from start to finish. An old guy has a bag of cash and it's a "mystery". An Asian family speaking a confusing dialect and switching between knowing English and not. A woman who loves singing but her ex took away her son so she steals money from the old guy- was she going through everyone's luggage? Probably missing some other characters but it wouldn't change anything. There was far too much going on at once. It has similar actors as the golden dragon movie with a convoluted plot but this one doesn't pull it off. A very forgettable movie that's not worth watching.

Holiday Hotline

Love the manager
This movie was such a surprise! The ads really did not do it Justice which probably made the movie even better. It was debuted on a Sunday as if it would be one of the terrible movies this year but it might be the best one so far! I was pleasantly surprised by how refreshing the story was, new storyline, well written plot, and great characters. I wasn't sure about the fake accents but it was really good as part of the story. The manager was so awesome. He had a very small part in Santa summit so I'm glad he was given more lines in this one. I've rewatched it three times now and still find it much better than most of the new movies this year. Highly recommend this one!

Family for Christmas

Makes me not want to have kids
Some hallmark movies have wonderful adorable kids and it makes you want to get out there and meet someone, get married and have kids of your own- this is not one of them, in fact it's the opposite, it made me not want to meet anyone or ever have kids! The husband is awful, ignores her, is never at home and yet says how he wouldn't trade this for anything? I guess so cause you literally do nothing at home! The kids? So bratty and god awful! They may not be the worst kids like the ones you see have temper tantrums in the malls, but they really turned off Christmas and family for me. Shouldn't the cereal and fruit already be sorted into different containers if she's such a great mom in this imaginary life? Seems very inefficient to do it in the morning before school. And what time does school start? Like 10? Who has all this time in the morning . The kids are so annoying expecting the mom to do everything at school and home? You all are spoiled and need to be told that. This movie just rubbed me the wrong way.

My Christmas Guide

Wonderful movie!
Similar to guiding Emily, this movie was much better than I thought, and it had a purposeful use of Christmas! I've watched it twice and it really made me think of the assumptions we make and how rather than changing the problem (like horrible every changing lazy construction) institutions will easy blame the employees instead and get them to go on unpaid leave to make the problem go away! It was so horrible how the main character was treated and yet so realistic. The actress was wonderful! Hope to see her in more hallmark movies. Very cute dogs, and the daughter is a bigger person than I am to help her bully. The jerk boyfriend wasn't really needed especially since they dated less than a year instead of a long term relationship. Very heartfelt movie that's a great addition to the Christmas line up!

Never Been Chris'd

Funny title but movie is a fail
There were a million commercials about this movie and I hoped it wouldn't be disappointed but here I am wishing I got the last two hours back. I am convinced someone thought of the title and they said great now put together a random movie about it. It reminded me of last year's class reunion Christmas movie where the concept of fears you had in highschool come back as adults for a weird class reunion that happens at Christmas time. The two best friends were odd and didn't seem to be really friends and more like two codependent people who had a very hard time going off on their own. There were forced moments, a lot of cool guy smouldering, and some really mean comments towards parents who care about their spoiled kids. I thought both characters were very rude to their parents who just wanted to be in their lives. There were moments where they overstepped but it was exaggerated with any plot line. Just like the reunion movie this did not feel like a Christmas or holiday movie. Not worth your time.

Big Sky River: The Bridal Path

Erin is a brat
The first movie wasn't great. I found it slow, boring and forgettable, so I had no idea why there would be a second one. Tara maybe a teacher, although not sure if she's a great teacher, but it doesn't automatically make her a great parent which seems to be the assumption of hallmark movies. She wasn't likeable in the first one and until she said how long she was actually married to Erin's dad I thought they were married for 1-2 years not since she was young! She was her mom and acted a lot like a distant step mom. The second one, where to begin! Boone was right- the daughter gets away with everything! Anything she overly dramatically whines about she gets her way because of Tara's parenting style. She gives in likely due to guilt and he was not wrong on yelling at her for causing so many issues and for yelling at him. Tara should have made her apologize instead of breaking off an engagement. Matteo also has zero accent which I found weird. Normally it's very played up- the cool European kid. Erin's sudden turn around in her relationship with her biological dad was just ridiculous. Then there is this singer. I don't know if she's famous or a producer of this movie, but her love storyline was so random! It came out of nowhere! Went from showing her to buying gloves to now a secondary important character? I did like the causal wedding so it ended off nicely and I liked there wasn't a stupid wedding dress trying on scene. I don't know if there will be another movie but I'm not that eager to see it.


Banff is beautiful but Jayne is going to ditch Simon
The plot is very confusing . So Kate comes to meet an author who hasn't met anyone about a book and theory he ditched. Did no one tell her manager this? Why would the author even want to meet her? He cancelled and then said ok? None of this makes sense.

I only watched this movie cause Lucas from when calls the heart is in this and he was good in it. Although the whole tour and B&B problem was a bit of a stretch. The colouring of the movie is also strange- maybe it was too bright with the snow? I thought about changing the channel many times but the scenes of Banff are very beautiful. Maybe it would have been better as one of those national park love story movies. Makes me want to go in the winter!

Now on to Jayne. She likes the chase not Simon. I don't know what she sees in Simon at all. He's not interesting, boring , gives nothing, and acts disinterested in life including Jayne, making her want him even more. The comment by Kate that Simon is the only guy who hasn't fallen inlove with her instantly was very telling. She seems like an okay friend but one that needs guys to be obsessed with her and then ditch them once she leaves.

The movie is pretty forgettable and I'm wondering if I have seen it before and don't remember much from it. It's one of those movies you just play in the background while cleaning your house which is a shame as it highlights one of the most beautiful places in Canada. Hope another much better movies gets filmed in Banff by hallmark!

A Tiny Home Christmas

Like tiny homes but not this movie
I thought this was a hallmark movie since it's playing during the July Christmas month but it doesn't seem to be. Like other reviewers said, this couple lacks any chemistry. I don't know how they were selected to be together as they are awful on screen together. They interact more like side characters than main characters. The main actress has been in a lot of movies and usually it's always two guys fighting over her. Here if almost happened but the other character seems to be forgotten about. Actually the main guy seems to disappear for great lengths and you completely forget he's even in the movie. When he's on screen he doesn't act like a main character. He gives a dramatic performance of yelling at the manager but that's it. I expected more tiny homes and instead it focused more on the fake HGTV. It didn't even feel Christmasy, just a generic winter movie with everyone wearing thick jackets. They had the opportunity to make it more heartfelt but the actors just didn't deliver on it. It's came off very boring and I'm surprised I even finished the movie for a very blahh ending. Guess hallmark needed some movies to fill in the gaps of the 24/7 Christmas marathon but I rather rewatch some of the better movies than this one. Skip this one.

A Royal Christmas Crush

Royals can't afford security
Love any ice castle movies, they are so beautiful and such a magical setting! But I do prefer hallmarks other ice castles movies over this one as the story was very lacklustre. There's no one the niece can come over to work for 5 hours and it magically helps finish the castle- this requires professionals with ice sculptures and architects! I thought all royal activities were going to be at the castle but it was just made for 3 of royals? What about the children the prince talked about making the slide for? Where are they? The ball was in a regular building and many scenes were at boring non ice buildings which was disappointing. How is the paparazzi allowed there? Where is the security? There is zero security anywhere! When the prince runs off to spend a day with the main girl it was funny that no one knew where he went nor did they care. No search party for if he got eaten by a polar bear. Maybe Meghan markle should have watched this movie to get a realistic look at the lack of security even royals get. These royals were really on their own with just the gossiping staff. The story was okay, not very interesting. The villains turn out magically good at the end and only wish the prince well and will do really anything to keep they jobs and pretend like they have no ulterior motives. The king and queen looked nothing like a king and queen. The prince's fake accent made me laugh. I liked that it was an older couple and cast compared to some of hallmarks recent line ups with very young main casts that don't know how to act and just stare at each other. Maybe they weren't allowed to film more areas of the ice castle, but it would have been nice to see more. The random storyline of the woman's career in helping people suffering from natural disasters was slightly interesting but it didn't amount to anything and seemed to just be thrown in there so her career wasn't the typical freelance writer, photographer, social media blogger. Although any of those would have made more sense with why the prince would ask for help for his speech. Again, where are his staff to write speeches for him? Our presidents don't even write their own speeches. Not a great movie but better than a lot of other ones.

Key to Love

So much potential and went horribly wrong
I don't know how they screwed up this movie. The concept was good, all the characters seemed like typical ones you would see in rom coms and yet after the first act it just goes downhill fast! Maybe because it seemed like the focus was going to be on the girl but turns out it's all about the guy? It seemed like the movie was a rip off of the lost city and this one is the lost key, but it doesn't have the charm of Sandra bullock and here the story drags on!!! A funny cover model for romance books, a struggling bookstore, evil lawyers that somehow sell the library before the guy gets his inheritance ? Shouldn't everything belong to the guy? How could they sell things when the terms of the will were not met as the letters didn't appear? The mystery of the key is overshadowed by dress ups, tea parties, endless iced tea, a random drunken night that seemed like it was a hook up with the villain but not? A photo album that for some reason is at the bookstore? I don't understand how the guy could be soooooo dumb after being played by the lawyer, being told by the bookstore girl that they are evil, and he hands them the box no questions? Wouldn't they rip up the letters if it was obviously laid out in the box? Also who did the grandfather marry who would be okay with him naming his favourite boat after an ex love? Isn't that a problem? I likely missed why the grandmother turned down the proposal as there was a lot of fast talking in that part as if it wasn't important yet other parts dragggggggggedddddd like it was an avatar sequel! Do we really need dress up time? Slow dancing? Black and white flashbacks? If the movie moved at a faster pace or if the two of them actually searched the house instead of him having a hang over and delusions it would have been more interesting. It was really boring and I should have just rewatched a Christmas in July movie.


#monotone movie
Jen has no emotions. This movie is just her mumbling throughout every scene, saying how she is freaking out, not reacting to anyone around her, and seems to hate being in this movie. Most of the side characters seem to try so hard to make this movie work and Jen just stands there like a brick, then whines and complains about freaking out as everyone else is trying to help her and save this dying store that she for some reason opened? Her job is decorator but she opened a store? Her sister gave up a high paying job to open this store with her and she seems to be the owner of the store. The fake posts were one thing, then the visit got crazier and crazier, and Jen doesn't change at all. The mom should have been the main character as she's the only one who knows how to act in this ridiculous story. The dance someone comes together by magic. In other movies this would require a whole town to help pulling all of this off but in this one who puts it together?! No idea! Also doesn't this town know these two people very well and no one is surprised they are not married or have a kid? It's very weird. The climax of the movie turns out to be Jen confronting her mom and again a huge monologue of a mumbling mess, but this shouldn't have been the main point of the movie. The storyline is not clear, just a bunch of random arguments between various characters set infront of thousands of Christmas lights. The kid looks way too big to not be able to talk, so the whole mama thing to give away the lie was a stretch. Jen's acting is very hard to watch, monotone with exaggerated facial expressions, no voice change, even when she's out in the cold with her fake shivering voice. You could replace the dialogue with blah blah blah and there would be no difference.

Five More Minutes: Moments Like These

Lot of unanswered things
So where is the star on the Christmas tree? Where was it hiding? Where is the main lead going to work now? London? Flying there when needed? What will the main guy do now? Is he unemployed? Back at the company? Did the company lie about the charity thing?! None of these were answered. I did laugh when the kid plays both his younger self who apparently doesn't remember anything and then his current self. Really gigantic 4 year old! What was the IVF random storyline? She carried her son and gave birth to him so what's the problem? It's not like someone else carried him and she didn't bond with him. Her husband didn't carry him and bonded with him. Was it not her egg? It seemed like something thrown in and how her midwife was so great and only she knew of her struggles and not her perfect husband who died from a mysterious death. Did he ever buy the bell? Did the kid get the bell on the bike? Maybe the dad ghost should have given him a bell instead of sunglasses that seem like something you would wear in 2022 instead of 1970. Are all the other houses still being torn down for the project? Wouldn't they just give in one day and have to sell anyways? Were the drawings a gift from the dad or did this kid with no rules draw these perfect sketches of every room ? Why does Skye want to hang out with these crazy people who see ghosts? Also really her parents let her sleep over at a boy's house? Were the luminary light bags just for people who have died or for names of people who are alive? Are there that many dead people in this town? Didn't the main character live in the town for a while? She acts like she knew nothing about the town but the kid grew up there so that's at least 4 years? That's a long time. Well lots of question, not a great story, too many subplots.

Time for Him to Come Home for Christmas

Very convoluted story
Similar to the last time for blah blah blah to come home for Christmas the story has so many plot lines and dead ends. The story unfolds like a mystery, going backwards and forwards, jumps between characters, and you have to work hard to put these stories together in a clear order. It kind of tried to be like Godwink but failed. It became exhausting after a while trying to keep up with the story that when the ending is revealed to all be connected you lose interest. The actors all played their characters well but the story was just all over the place and the way it was shot and edited was not the best. I can see why this movie wasn't replayed over and over. The "misunderstanding" was very obvious and anti climatic after all the crazy mixed phone numbers, running around a Christmas market, a snowstorm that was supposed to come and closed the market early they didn't happen, well there was fake digital snowflakes. Is the singer famous? Someone Blake Sheldon is trying to promote? She seemed so random but does have a nice voice. Maybe she was on team Blake or something. Won't rewatch.

Styled with Love

Forgettable movie
I find any movie with this actress very forgettable. Have I watch it before? Have I not? Makes no difference! I gave it a chance anyways as the storyline seemed familiar but I had no memory of this movie. Well it looks exactly like any "fashion" movie. Very bright lighting, boring story, boring characters, high pitched main actress, mumbling main actor, a bunch of "photoshoots" or unnecessary segments of trying on clothes, demanding "boss" you need to please. If you are bored on a weekend and just want something playing on tv that you can watch occasionally but still get the point of the movie since nothing exciting happens, this is that movie.

Make Me a Match

Indian matchmaker
Clearly hallmark writers are fans of Indian match maker! I was so surprised by this movie. It seemed gimmicky and I wasn't sure how good it will be as the other dating app movies are very subpar. This was actually good! I loved the openness of the main characters and how it showed not everything works out and that okay. Her parents seemed to get along after counselling and seemed like all their problems will be gone but then it turns out they get a divorce! But this is a good thing, they focused on communication and happiness and not just the pressures of looking like a good family. I hope the matchmaking mom continues to be in other hallmark movies. The wedding was beautiful, the engagement, and even though it didn't go veryyyy deeply into culture or tradition,the focus on family as very relatable. As they said, marriage is between the two families and not just the individuals and they showed different dates that just didn't get along. I had hoped the friend would have done match making too and gone on dates but maybe that would take away from the main storyline. Compared to the number of ads for other movies that really sucked, I am surprised more promo wasn't give to this movie. I'll be rewatching this one! Maybe there will be a Diwali hallmark movie coming too?!!

Sweet on You

Brother in law is unwatchable
The movie seemed like it was going to focus on Kate with the opening scene but then it revolves around Drew. Drew comes to town to sell off his inherited land which apparently only affects two stores that he keeps talking about but then falls in love with the town and Kate. It must be exhausting for these dead family members to write a million letters beyond the dead to lead the characters to their paths. Drew was a pretty good actor as were some of the characters but Kate and the brother in law were not. I found Kate unlikeable and that brother in law was soooo over the top with his "dramatic" "angry" performance. I didn't care if the town would get demolished just to spite these two for not listening to Drew. The old guy was also really weird, lurking everywhere with an odd expression. Tired of the random scene of trying on clothes and music playing for far too long. The geography of the town is also strange, it seems the store in the middle of nowhere but then in the middle of the town in near the end of the movie. So what about all the other stores on this suddenly very crowded street? The pregnant character is always a ticking time clock but we don't even see the hospital scene. Guess they ran out of money for filming it so just sent a text with a random pic of a baby. Redecorating the restaurant into an overcrowded "surprise" was new though as well as the recipe book that magically created within 2 hours. The movie was so slow yet the ending was so rushed and slapped together.

Love in the Maldives

Seems like two movie plots
I was excited for this movie. Set in a tropical location with an amazing resort seems like the perfect movie to make us pine for the summer and vacation season. The main girl was in love locks and baby it's cold outside, so I looked forward to this movie but was left disappointed. It started with writing a relaxing review of this magical resort (which does give off a pirates could come at any moment and kill everyone vibe) and seemed to be about finding yourself and what you want but then the whole shipwreck thing got weird. It started to becoming like the finding the pearl vibe but this adventure was starting too late in the movie to be meaningful. It wasn't needed. The movie should have stayed focused on the breathing course and the widow who was finding herself too. If she was truly respectful about the culture and people, she would not have taken a photo and accidentally send it to her editor like all the other movies revealing the secret location. Didn't the magazine pay for her to write about this resort? Not sure if anything she wrote was about that. The underwater views, amazing features of the resort, beautiful location, and it still fell flat. Also there's no way she packed all that stuff in that tiny flat bag.

A Picture of Her

Another character not helping their injured relative
The movie started off surprisingly with someone who looked like they knew how to use a camera compared to the really fake photographers in other movie. Then it gets into the cliche, with another injured relative who will miraculously heal all by themselves with zero help from the main character. Not sure what the big deal is with her being on the cover of a lifestyle magazine. She didn't talk, she didn't do anything, she didn't save anyone, she didn't steal anything, she was just smelling a flower. So they just want her as a model? Did she forget her purpose here was to take care of her aunt? Cause she spent most of the time kissing the guy and deciding if she should be caught up in this LA dream. Sorry- she moved three orchids to help her aunt and demanded the guy pick out everything from the farmers market. The aunt had to cook a meal all by herself, deal with all her daily activity without the girl around. I didn't think the movie would focus so much on the girl having a rollercoaster of emotions, crying and filming commercials, and more crying- oh you are shutterbot?!! Look at that, she's crying again and the aunt with the broken foot is getting her tea, bend down to get a package. A small misunderstanding that went crazy. I thought the girl was going to use her fame to advocate for environmental right, or the guy would come fishing. This flower girl photo is not unique, it's not like love's portrait which was a wonderful story, this was so blahhhh. I wanted to like the movie but it fell really flat.

June in January

Doesn't seem like they've been together for 2 years
From the start the couple didn't seem to have been together for 2 years as they claimed, 2 months is more believable. They don't seem to know each other, and their families seem to have never met. June is a bit too whiny for my liking. She seems like an intelligent rationale person but the wedding made her a real bridezilla. Does it really matter if her further mother in law helped with suggestions as her fiancé couldn't care less? He's put his career over everything and expects her to drop it all and move across the country with him. She had a great career and loving family and friends so why not grow a backbone and put her foot down? I get a rushed wedding is the whole plot but still. The mother in law didn't seem to be the bad guy, she was helpful, hosts expensive high class events. And the wedding was a week away. Why did June flirt with the plumber? Why did the friend approve of this? I really thought this should have been the turning point to say ok let's go our separate ways. Her initiating the flirting was so out of her character . While Alex fought off the thirsty assistant and showed his loyalty. The movie seemed to throw a bunch of cliche and non conventional things together and it made for a very rocky inconsistent movie. It was a disappointing 2 hours.

The Love Club: Tara's Tune
Episode 4, Season 1

Ends on a good note
The series comes to a close with this movie as we land back on New Year's Eve. I mean I hope it does and it doesn't get another 4 movies cause 8 movies with these people is toooo much! The stranger- friends come over to clean her house like all the movies before while the Tara is at work all day. Of the four, Tara is the free spirited non committing one and we get a backstory with her mom to see why she has the need to distance herself from all men. But the lie of marriage.. was that really needed? I get that it's the whole plot and the fun part of the movie but it was too much. The leads had good chemistry and it was different to see a hobo van life musician in the mix. When the mom suggests the friends to be maids of honour and how awkward it is, it shows this is not the wedding veil series, these girls are strangers- they are not friends, do any of them even have friends? I doesn't sound like it. It was interesting that only Nicole was engaged and Sydney said she's focused on a second restaurant instead of marriage. So how successful is this love club? Should it be renamed to strangers who come to your house for a week while you are at work and they go through your stuff? Guess that's not as catchy. The series was released during February as the main valentines movies and I don't think it fit well. Maybe this one should have been in January and wedding veils second trilogy be in Feb? There were other valentines releases this year and they were terrible so the love club series actually saved the month. This is likely the trend for movies going forward with several leads in a series. I hope they don't write stuff like Nicole's movie ever again and stick with the later movies quality!

The Love Club: Lauren's Dream
Episode 3, Season 1

Better than first, not as good as second
This one is still a huge improvement on the first one but not as good as Sydney's. The friends once again come to her house and act as housekeepers and baby sitters as Lauren begins her random art gallery. Where did she get the money from? She doesn't work! So her soon to be ex is funding everything? Left her this gigantic mansion? The house is so big that I can't believe Lauren would leave it to stay at the other friends houses that look like a dump compared to hers. The kid is cute, and I like how the push to have the leads back together stem from her wish rather than these random friends who know nothing about her life. The leads are out in situations that show their chemistry and misunderstandings. Some cliche moments but overall this was a good movie.

The Love Club: Sydney's Journey
Episode 2, Season 1

Agree with other reviewer!
The first one was soooo bad but I read the other review for this movie and decided to give it a chance. It's a huggggeeeee improvement! It's not that the characters are more established but the storyline is so much better! It actually makes sense! Sydney is caught up with her ex, following him on social media like everyone else does, and goes from an Olympic bound track star to food blogger. The career jump is quite weird but it leads to her actual true love. Sydney, the ex, and male lead are all great! Lots of chemistry and very believable. Now the three strangers, I mean friends, make their appearance again and are basically her housekeepers cleaning her house. They do this in every movie and just rotate houses and side role as the lead person goes to work and leaves them at their house to do their own stuff. Again these friends are really not friends and it gets more obvious as this series continues, but it's nice to see familiar faces and it's an actual decent movie!

The Engagement Back-Up

Another whiny girl saving a sinking business
A museum with no visitors, a depressed girl buried in the past obsessed with her dead father's memory, also a failed writer, a garbage collecting rich guy, a friend with a camera who takes their photo and send it to everyone, a mom who can't get remarried cause her daughter is selfish, a guy's family that is super rich and justifiably upset with their selfish son, and then random journalists. So neither of their families ever saw these photos? Isn't it all over the gossip columns as they new journalists were calling them? The guy doesn't recognize her in their second meeting but then is fine with going along with this lie. There's small things that keep the moving going but soooo many things that you want to turn it off. The girl is sooo whiny - grow a backbone and speak up! The story is so convoluted for something that could have been very straightforward. Just tell your mom it's a lie. The irresponsible reputation of the male character just didn't make sense. Sure he is selfish but the charities he's helping seem non existent as he's the only one picking up ocean trash. The only character that was redeemable was the girl's mom's boyfriend. What an understanding man in spite of the crazy irrational people he's surrounded by. The girl is just as selfish as the guy , and calling him out for "using their fake relationship" was so petty- you did the same thing! Then there's the new trend of the main character having anxiety and rubbing their necklaces. It was very annoying and overdone. Also the banks were coming after her for not paying bills and her solution is to give the museum to her best friend? Giving her debt?! So she can finish a book? She wrote 5 pages and put it in the folder for the guy. This movie is not memorable and way too long.

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