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Dark, mysterious and funny
I'm enjoying this new fox domination addition, the characters are very fun and the world built surrounding it is unique and different. Always a big fan at each shows ability to create their own spot in the fox universe. Excited to see what this show will be able to bring for ideas, characters, etc. The voice actors are great choices too. Reminds me a lot of a adult version of gravity falls for its mysterious atmosphere and different approach compared to its other predecessors. Enjoy that it's more of a "horror"-esq. Type show as well. Very excited to see what comes each episode, and to get to know the characters further. Hope for this series to have great success!


One of the best shows I've watched (funny yet painful)
This show was one I binged in under 3 days, yes it's kind of weird, yes it's kind of different, yes it made me euphoric and cry. This show is written so terrifically I ended the episodes really thinking about life in itself and how middle school was and what it meant. The show is very funny but a kind of funny that sticks with you for a while and turns into sadness. It emotionally really kind of heals your inner child and makes you want to hug your younger self. Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle really pull the comedy and humor into something much larger and I loved that they were able to really embody what it's like to be in middle school. The whole cast was really amazing and made the show such an experience. Highly recommend to anyone who would love a new show to binge and cry. Pen15 I think about you sometimes and smile to myself <3.

Praise Petey

Nearly perfect show!
To start this review I think I have to say I am a huge fan of adult animation, I think if you aren't in to them you won't find this show that good! That being said I always enjoy when cartoons can find there own niche or world building that differentiates them from others. I think this show has done a great job at creating a spot in the animation world. Pretty funny and has up to date cultural references which can help too. I like how the characters interact so far and the actors that play the characters are cool too. Hoping that Hulu will give them at least 1 or 2 more seasons after the current one to give them a chance to really grow into the writing and characters. Overall pretty good show, reminds me a lot of bless the Harts which got unfortunately cancelled.

Cocaine Bear

Great time and fun movie
This movie was really great, I had seen the trailers many of times and was a little worried I knew exactly what was going to happen from them but it was a great surprise.

Although still early in the year I know this will be one of the stand out movies I revisit to watch, great mix of comedy and horror. Very fun watch, went from laughing to jumping minute to minute and didn't know what to expect.

Excited to be able to watch it again at home, although a great movie to see in theaters for some great entertainment. Loved all the characters in the film and the dialogue as well, very great movie!!

Falling for Christmas

Loved it very much!
I know this movie is a little cringe worthy at times but it's such a feel good movie. Lindsay Lohan was amazing in it, I'm so excited for her comeback to film missed her a lot and I can tell she really enjoyed this one. I went into not thinking much of it but by the end I couldn't help but find myself smiling and feeling happy. Great story and message in the movie, not overtly unique much like overboard but in a more modern way. The whole family she ends up staying with were great in the movie including the grandmother who I found to really pull the movie all together. Very much like a hallmark movie but I loved it a lot and it's not normally the type of movie I would say that for. Highly recommend the movie for Christmas or feel good movie.


Terrifying as hell
This movie had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end! The jump scares of course to even how the movie is filmed make me nervous, scared, exhilarated and wanting to cover my eyes. So many scenes including when the security alarm goes off, psychiatrist not actually being there, stabbing the patient, all the way to the very crazy ending. One of the scariest movies I've ever seen, maybe even the scariest. I jumped more times in this movie then I ever have before!! Really great acting, had me wanting to know what's coming next, while wanting to look away at the same time. Reminiscent of many movies but so unique in itself, can't say I've seen any movie quite like this one. So many scenes I'll be thinking about till it comes out streaming, theaters made it oh so more scary though. Extremely well done and be prepared if you are going to see it!

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Extremely awesome!!
I loved the first 2 intros to the series, very cool adaption although kind of slow, great introduction into the universe that will be shown. Looking forward to hopefully a lot more action scenes, it was very cool to see the advanced special effects that is made both digitally and makeup. The orcs look insanely cool and very cool to see the world where Sauron came from. Very great casting, all the different people fit there tribes specifically so well. Extremely beautiful landscapes like always and amazing crystal clear filming. So ecstatic for the rest of the season and seasons to come. I feel J. R. R. Tolkien would be very proud of the series, and for his amazing worlds to come to life. The sheer amount of time able to build the world and characters will be great for the stories, with just over two hours it's already amazing.


Extremely well done movie!
This movie was amazing! Showing a tremendous story along with none stop action, female empowerment and riveting atmosphere. Very complex shots, amazing special effects and cgi and great acting. Was almost an entire new story to the predator universe in which you see the beginning story. Very cool to see into the native history from actual native people along with the time period of the French settlers fighting against the predator. One of the best in the series and very interesting story. Extremely well done, loved it.

The Quarry

Never a dull moment!
They really made another until dawn classic! Constantly immersive, cool atmosphere and play on horror movies/games. All characters get development without having to be together constantly, unsure as to who bad and whose good. Plays back to the fortune teller who is ominous yet familiar all at once, and constant scares throughout. New playing modes from before while still presenting the same game we love. Constant indecisiveness on how to make sure everyone remains alive which constantly makes for a fun game. Good relationships built throughout as well! Love to see Brenda Song in a strong character again great to see! Another really well done masterpiece Supermassive games, no surprise there!

Bless the Harts

Love this show regretful it was neglected!!
This show is amazing, I'm sad I didn't pay attention to it when it was in air! All the characters are hilarious in their own way and have great chemistry with each other. I love all fox's cartoons and am really sad to see this one go so soon, it definitely had a spot within the franchise's. I have a feeling Covid really put a damper on the show and it would have succeed if not. Grateful that season 2 had much more episodes but so so sad to see this go in a such a short time. Do do do-Doo, bless the Harts will forever be in my top 3!

The Bob's Burgers Movie

Belchers on the big screen!
I love bob's burgers so much and this was such an amazing experience to see it brought to the movies. Very excited to be able to watch this movie over and over. I'm sure it is a movie that you catch more and more small details every time you watch it. Great extremely advanced animation illustrations, the songs were catchy and told stories through each. Got to see back stories never before seen including when Linda and Bob buy the restaurant when they are younger and the reason Louise was given and wears the hat. Lots of laughs as always and more adventure than ever, and that's saying something.

Bob's Burgers: Some Like It Bot Part 1: Eighth Grade Runner
Episode 21, Season 12

Extremely well done!
Loren Bouchard comes out again with another amazing 2 part episode, as long as part 2 lives up to this weeks episode it will be great. Spent majority of the time for the episode and it was great. Loved how they set the 2 parter as like a short movie before the release of bob's burgers movie. Great references to blade runner as well as ex machina and grease too! Will Tina wear the shirt she loves or abandon it to look as cool as possible. Looking forward to next Sunday!

Bob's Burgers: Sauce Side Story
Episode 20, Season 12

A tale of sauces.
Cool look into the mysterious past of Linda, very funny episode and great to see Megan Mullally as always. Looking forward to next weeks 2 parter and movie!!

The Great North: Say It Again, Ham Adventure
Episode 20, Season 2

Very great episode.
Really awesome episode with being quite funny while still talking about important issues. No overly serious at all and fun family show. Looking forward to see what the rest of the season has in store and what kind of adventures they bring.


Best Horror in a long time!
Still in awe of this amazing movie! This will definitely be a movie that stands the test of time. Brilliant cinematography and direction, and even more amazing cast that brought this to life. The shots alone are incredible to look at with vivid colours that are intriguing and tense scenes though out to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Mia goth was truly amazing in this movie further show casing the power house she is! Finding out after the film that she played both parts is mesmerizing me even further and both me and my mom walked out wanting to watch the film all over again. The scene of the lake and crocodile will be in my head for weeks. Gorgeous film with the feel of classic 80's slasher Ti West should be Uber proud.

In Her Shoes

Such a feel good movie!
I've seen so many reviews saying this is such a slow movie and it is too an extent, it could have been done in an hour and half but the acting that's executed in the extra time is so needed. Cameron Diaz, Toni collette and Shirley MacLaine is phenomenal, I watched this movie with my sister as children so many times and it really made me think about how special those bonds are.

Bob's Burgers

Love it so muchhhhhh (Linda voice)
Such a feel good show! Love all the characters and always make me laugh, short but sweet and constantly thinking of smart ideas for episodes. Kristen Schaal is so funny just like Gravity Falls, and John Roberts as Linda is hilarious. The varying different personalities complement each other so well. Of course Tina too is everyone's spirit animal!

House of Gucci

Another brilliant Ridley Scott movie, incredible story that is amazing to think is an adaption from real life. Lady Gaga stuns in this film in which I could really only see Patricia. Whole cast was brilliant and left the theater wanting to chat about the film for another hour after. Looking forward to the Oscar's this year!

Rick and Morty

It's either a LOVE or HATE.
I only began watching the show this year but I have to say it's already one of, if not my favorite cartoon. I've slowly become enamored with Rick, Morty, Beth, Summer and even Jerry.

I can't believe the amount that's achieved during adventures and the complexness of each episode, feels like an hour worth of content in 30 minutes which is amazing. Though the comedy can be immature, it never fails to make me laugh and I am constantly catching new jokes or things drawn into the show.

Nothing can compare to Rick and Morty, there is something so special that has came into orbit with this show comparing to Paradise PD, Family Guy, The Great North and even Solar Opposites (though I do love it as well). There is something lacking within all these shows that Rick and Morty naturally achieved through the characters relations and creating these creative realities. So very looking forward to the next couple seasons as they continue become more and more complex and advanced. Cheers to Dan Harmon and Justin Rolland for making such an amazing show!

Nine Perfect Strangers: Wheels on the Bus
Episode 7, Season 1

The way the wheels are all detaching in this episode in this episode was fantastic. Regina Hall is phenomenal in this episode! The other two shining stars this episode is Nicole Kidman and Melissa McCarthy revealing deeper into Masha's past. It was extremely amazing seeing the 2 major scenes together giving me chills the entire time. Such an amazing episode and am so excited to see this ending!

Nine Perfect Strangers

Amazing story, Amazing cast.
I never read the book but it's made me want to more then anything, it is a long slow burner which is right up my alley. I think it's really the cast that's brings it's all together to feel like you are truly with them and feel the emotion they all are portraying within every cut scene. I'm usually not the biggest Nicole Kidman fan in general but I think this is by far some of her best work. The drugs being used too in a jumping dosage well you slowly find out about each past is a very amazing and interesting progress too. One of the best dynamic based group dramas I have seen in a very long time.


As a gay man this show is really funny!
I understand people may be a little mad that they're is quite a bit stereotypical jokes but it's still a very funny show, many scenes with twink are extremely funny! Also loved all the different voices that were apart of the season. Hopefully for many to come, think it could have many different stories and missions! As well at least having some representation for the LGBTQIA+ community with relationships and things I thought was great not often shown in cartoons. Cheers to Netflix and Gabe Liedman of course too!

American Horror Story: Blood Buffet
Episode 4, Season 10

Little black pills
Very interesting take on the history of where these pills came from, seen through a variety of different people in town. Frances Conroy did very amazing this episode which I enjoyed throughly. Excited to see what the last episode of the first feature will have in store.

American Horror Story: Pale
Episode 2, Season 10

Emmy for Ryan Murphy!!!
Lily Rabe and Finn Wittrock are amazing this season finally getting a main lead in the show; loved how the whole family are all struggling in different ways, and Lily Rabe again just always knows the part so well! Very reminiscent of Hitchcock's rear window from the intensity and estranged eerie feeling. Ryan Murphy is having fun like it's back at season 1 of murder house and it's amazing!

American Horror Story: Cape Fear
Episode 1, Season 10

Phenomenal beginning!
Amazing being to the series looking forward to what they have in store this dual season!

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