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Better than the 1955 version
I find it hard to understand how this version can be so little known because the film is frankly qualitative and the actors are all very good.

Death in this film has an impact, so that each of the deaths is significant and rather touching, misfortune falls on the characters and we can feel it.

The film succeeds in transcribing for us the emotions of the characters, especially that of the father, in a very clear way, he succeeds in making us feel his despair, where the illusion would not take for many films, and that proves that the film, despite its seniority still has an impact on its viewers.

Le vieil homme et l'enfant

A fantastic story during the war
The film tells a story inspired by real events during the Second World War and the story transcribed is really touching. The relationship between the old man and the child is one of the best I've seen in movies in general. Actor Michel Simon still does a fantastic job here, and I'm surprised he's not better known than that for the quality of his acting. In the film, he perfectly interprets the role of the old man from the countryside completely bewitched by the Nazi propaganda on the radio. The film clearly shows us that a man can be good while having ideas that are not good, this forces the person watching the film to question himself, should he feel compassion for this old man who takes good care of the child, despite the fact that he is an anti-Semite and that he can reject the latter if he finds out the truth?

And frankly the film makes the task complicated for us by showing us an endearing man. The relationship between the old man and the child, central in the film, is frankly a success and it gives us an enriching experience which does not often happen in films and it proves its quality.

Avatar: The Way of Water

A New Visual Slap
The film Avatar 2's first positive point is the fact that it does not linger on the job before taking the main characters to where the major part of the film will take place. The big positive point that we can recognize in the film is that after 13 years, the special effects are incredible which gives us a breathtaking visual experience, I was clearly not disappointed on this point.

In terms of the story, it's certainly not the scenario of the year, but that's not what we're asking for and the proposed scenario works very well without surprising us. The villain of this film is more developed than in the first and even more interesting even if that of the first was in my opinion more charismatic. Jake's family is interesting and the fact that the film is not centered on the father but on the children makes for a refreshing experience.

The film is 3 hours long and I felt the 3 hours were over because even though the film was visually stunning, I found the story at certain points to be longer than at other points when time passed more quickly and where we were more invested in the film.

Each of the children have their own and interesting personality and the environment in which they evolve is frankly very cool to discover. The eldest is the least developed character in the story, which made me predict his death, which didn't take long, but the other characters have potential and I hope that development will continue in this direction for the next sequels.

To finish with the positives, the fight scenes which are like in the breathtaking first film, I was glued to my seat watching them. Something I really enjoyed as an avid reader and those are hard references to have but whaling is full of Moby Dick references. A whale alone and not in a herd that is also smart enough to counter the boats that chase it. There's also the moment when the chief whaler holding the harpoon gets his arm cut off, which is a direct reference to Captain Ahab's lost leg in Moby Dick. In addition to these references, James Cameron shows us again in this film his mastery of the marine world, in particular with the sinking boat at the end of the film which inevitably recalls Titanic and the scene is perfectly mastered.

Now in the negatives, there is in the first place the whole story around the pariah whale which in my opinion was the least interesting moment of the film. Then in the small details is that they did not explain after the accident of Kiri, the oldest daughter of Jake Sully, how did they manage to contact the scientists who remained in the forest but I procrastinate a little.

Another negative point but much more personal this time, it's a criticism that I already had on the film levy and it's only my feelings but I never managed to take seriously all this spiritual side, this side connected with animals and nature, with the tree which is considered as a divinity à la Yggdrasil which in my opinion is a bit forced. I've always had trouble with these kinds of themes in films where they create sorts of religions. Customs for the film. Taking this sort of thing seriously is quite complicated for me and for a film where the characters are so centered on this side, I was not really convinced.

Another negative point is the character of Spider. We feel that he is there only to make the villain feel empathy, otherwise he would have been useless. In the last negative point, it's Jake Sully, we feel that the writers wanted to make him much more in the background to develop his children and in the film he acts as a father figure but apart from at the end, he will have spent his time arguing with his children and even if the film explains to us that he educates them more in a military way than in a paternal way, I found it a bit of a shame to put him so much in the background.

To conclude, the film was like the first part, a real visual slap and the 3 hours are felt only slightly, the film makes us have a great time through the discovery of new characters and their development in this new marine environment, the specialty of James Cameron, the experience provided have succeeded and the film, even if it does not have the most incredible scenario of the century, makes us have a good time.

Der letzte Mann

The Last Laugh is probably without the second ending one of the best I've seen. To follow the decline of an old man to the end can already seem sad without having seen the film. But for what they saw, the way it feels like the world is falling on him and the people who basically have deep respect for him don't have any of it today. Great experience that I recommend to everything and do not watch the second end.

Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen

The quintessence of the Monogatari series.
Before starting, I advise you to watch the Monogatari series before the trilogy even if it takes place before the events of the rest of the series because the trilogy will be the icing on the cake.

For starters, the third opus is for me the best moment of the whole series. We observe the complicated but no less disinterested relationship between the protagonist and Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade.

Araragi will search throughout the film for a way to finally become a human again but he will have a problem: Kiss-shot no longer agrees with Araragi because she now wants him to be her servant forever.

Come to think of it, the movie itself may seem empty but it's actually stressful, stressful because even having already seen the rest of the story, the way in which the relationship they have at the beginning of Bakemonogatari (premiere) is brought about. Series in chronological order of output).

The disagreement between the two characters will inevitably lead them to the best and most important moment in this film.

The final fight.

And they didn't leave us hungry for more. Without giving details, the fight was mind-blowing, one of the best I've seen any anime combined.

This film is and will remain one of the best moments of the Monogatari series which is itself in my opinion a staple of Japanese animation.

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