
IMDb member since June 2021
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Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Best PSP game
The Kojima productions team decided to make full fledged Metal gear solid game for PSP and it was a great move.

Story - I love how the story is probably the first in Metal gear saga, that is more character driven, than story driven. It gives it a new take on characters and their development. The whole cast feels like a family and you dont want to leave them. This is the most Uncharted like Metal gear and tbh i quite like it. The weakest part about the story is the main villian Hot Coldman (I kid you not, this is his real name), but everything else is amazing. The game same as Portable ops has a comic stylised cutscenes. In Portable ops, they were underused and were very blank. Here they sproute with life. Even paperlike handdrawn animation feels so alive and fits perfectly on PSP. Snake now struggles with loss, than ever before and has his slow transform into villiany, with even recruiting his first child soldier and embracing his title. The endings were very satisfying in a way, that it didnt even need any sequel and thats how many games should end.

Gameplay - The base gameplay is awesome sneaking through dense jungle, spotting enemy camoflague and eliminating them is very fun. It builds up on Portable ops with building your own army, but now it actually has a meaning. The game tries to utilise the 3rd person shooting mechanic from MGS4 and tries to translate it over to PSP. To my surprise it worked extremely well. The lack of analogue stick wasnt a problem at all. Little unfortunately the ai bosses were just a bullet sponges. The only way to defeat ai bosses was to empty your rocket launchers in them, while dodging their attacks and after you ran out of ammo, you had call an ammo drop and repeat like 4 times. It couldve been much shorter with harder mechanics, but I guess I cant be so hard on a handheld game for system, that was just a tiny bit beefier, than PS1. I have to say, the game was extremely impressive for a handheld from 2004 and its the best game for the system.


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Best plot twist ever
The final game, the conclusion to Big Bosses storyline and Kojimas last Metal gear, with probably the most controversial final twist ever. Lets see how it went.

First off I have to say, that the game has this extremely nice vibe, that just few songs can capture more, than Midge Ures "The man who sold the world" cover. People complained about Snakes talkativness, although Hayters Big Boss and Solid Snake always had something to say, Venom is a different person, so it kinda makes sense.

Story - The story itself is good and gripping, but the game has some pacing issues and it sometimes feels empty, its little bit overconfident in its gameplay fullfilness, less sometimes equals more and here it shows. If im ever gonna replay this game purely from Metal gear perspective, I might just skip few missions, watch some of the important cutscenes in them and move onto the 20th mission and rest of the game. I really didnt want to believe it, but it picked up the pace and finally caught me in. But lets face it, the story was not that amazing, it was definetly above average just because its lore, but what justifies and ultimately saves it, is the masterpiece of a final twist and probably my favorite in the entire gaming industry so far. Its so genius and I just love it. Even more, when you discover how many hints there were, that you are not the real Big Boss. Now the bad part, if you thought, that inclusion of Evas cleavage in third one leading to her pants was bad, you havent seen Quiet. I feel like she was there just for coomers and nothing else. Its a shame, because if she was just dressed normally and the devs didnt focus on showing off her tits and ass in every shot, but actually focused on her personality, it mightve been really good character. Overall I dont like her.

Gameplay - Together with MGS4, this is the peak of gaming. The gameplay is perfect. Those repetetive missions Ive mentioned earlier? It doesnt even matter that much, because its that good. I may be the only one, that thinks that actually.

I love having an option of playing songs from that time whenever I can, atleast it continues the legacy of the Ipod from the MGS4, but now it is even better. Even tho the open world is refreshing, the game shines when it takes more linear approach to an objective, that open world is worse, but the linear side of this game is just tad bit better.

Coomer Quiet, the blank and few major reveals off the main story line, that are just part of the side ops these are the problems, that rid this game.

I still love this game, it will at the top of gaming with one of the best gameplays and soundtracks Ive ever experienced and one the best with post game content. Its so fortunate, that it is one of those games you would enjoy even if it havent had any story at all, so the story light missions was not that big of a problem as it would be in other game + you can kill Quiet, but I dont know if the true ending can be unlocked after that, since you will probably lose all your the yellow tapes about her (Ill still blast that bitch in my next playthrough *wink). It is the best unfinished game I have ever played and its a pity, because i just cant get enough of it and I want it to be better.


Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Its not just a cut out prologue
People really f hated this game for beign just an hour long demo sold for 40 bucks and Konami really messed this launch up, but is it just a glorified demo or something more?

Story - I have to talk about the intro, that is really amazing and gives me chills every time. Devs really nailed the tone with dark atmosphere, Ennio Morricones "Heres to you" and the one shot cutscene. What also deserves atleast a mention are the tapes, which are pretty f disturbing. They basically map, what its like to be a prisoner in this kind of facility. Rape and torture are daily bread for these people and it really hits you, after listening to them. For the story as a whole there is no character development, only mysterious lines making you want to uncover more. Unfortunately what people dont realise is, that it was supposed to be this way, it was a damn prologue cut out by Konami goddamit. You cant blame the devs. If you play this together with TPP youll get much better experience and playing prologue a year before release of the actual game is something Konami shouldve never insisted on.

Gameplay - Gameplay is really peak of the series together with the fourth one. I think they are both on top, because each one has (famous IGN line before giving game 8/10) "a little something from everyone". In MGS4 you crawl around focusing on the threat ring, using gadgets and fooling the ai. Here you scope out the area, mark the enemies and head there immedietally. It may piss off few players for beign too "casual", but i disagree. Enemy ai now has a much greater vision and cycles with changing positions. The inclusion of reflex mode was a big step towards casuals, but if you dont like it just turn it off lol.

To wrap this up its one hell of a prologue, that Ill definetly come back to one day. Unfortunately as a game it doesnt stand much tall and its just a "something" you have to play before TPP.


Red Dead Redemption II

Best western experience youll ever have
After Rockstars streak of (atleast) good yearly releases, they took a break. An unusually long one for them and then came the announcement of RDR2. Finally in 2018 the wait came into an end. The important question, was it worth it?

F yeah it was.

Story - Story is awesome, has nice gradation and then fall. Probably the weakest part of it was at Guarma, with real bad pacing and feels disconnecting. It has nice twist snd still subconcious feeling of uncertainity of trust in the gang. The voice acting is top notch and the OG voice cast returns.

Gameplay - On the outside it migh look like just enhanced RDR. Thats not true at all. Its much more, it makes everything better in every possible way. Physics, shooting, guns, activities etc. The first games world has really reminded me of GTA and I get why ppl called it a GTA with horses. It wasnt whole truth, but partially it was accurate. This game however feels so fresh and new. It explores uncharted teritorries of videogames and does it with pride. The best new addition is probably the system of talkin to someone, by lockin to someone without a gun you can finally talk to them, you can greet them, disrespect them or rob them. This is so awesome i cant even describe how much would other games benefit from it. When you ride for instance on some heist, you can choose to stay silent or you can ask questions to your comrades. It opens up whole new branch of exploration in videogames. Now when someone wants the story he chooses to chat and when someone wants to grasp the atmosphere in he can stay silent and enjoy the subtle soundtrack, while looking into the sunset. In GTA games (especially fifth one) the only fun missions are heists, here its fortunately not the case, almost every mission has such diversity in them mainly is fun. Normally when you have a cutscene in a videogame or a scene in a movie it should do one of these three things: either move the plot, help us understand the characters or entertain. And the game totally delivers.

Ive never been into westerns and wild west, but this might be my favourite wester product ever.


Red Dead Redemption

The best of GTA IV made into western open world
Open world western is something noone has ever seen and it was fresh. I get all the comparisons of it beign a GTA with horses and I gotta admit its partially true.

Story - Story was really good. It wasnt a masterpiece level of storytelling, but John Marston is really good character with him not beign the same and basically hunting down his old comrades for the safety of his family. When the idilic crumbles apart, with the Dutches words turning out to be true makes the game truly remarkable. Johns death was inevitable, but even tho you know fully well it will happen, you just swallow the pride and finish the game. I liked it for what it was, John was really despicable, but deserved what was coming for him.

Gameplay - Gameplay was a big change from GTA IV. Most notably this was the game to popularise weapon wheel, with really handy weapon and item placements. The gunplay was finally done right and the autoaim didnt suck. The camera is just at the right level, where you can see the whole character, but when fight ensues and you start aiming it turns into over an over the shoulder shooter. The horses were really well controlable for that time and also pretty damn fast. The missions were really nice and fun. I liked the tight aspect of them, but I kinda missed the open style potential it couldve had.

Wrapping things up I think its an amazing game worth playing, I played it before RDR2 and I reccomend you doing the same. Even tho its partially GTA with horses it has its own charm, that seperates itself from the GTA series.


Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

The best of PS3s hardware
Story- Story wasnt as much twistfilled as the other parts of this franchise, but felt like more relaxed story, where we are not worried about our characters at all. And this is probably its biggest downsight. Yes it was meant to be an end to the trilogy (which it wasnt) and should end happy ended, but it did not felt that rewarding. You as a player did feel like you deserve it. I do appreciate the familiar faces and most importantly flashbacks, that offered us inside view at Nathans and Sullys relationship. They were heartwarming and it did really make my connection to the well known character even stronger.

Gameplay - Gameplay is not that different in this collection to its predececcors, however many people stated, that this was gameplaywise the best Uncharted game on PS3 and that in the collection all the games cover system and aiming were remade exactly after this game. Crosshairs for each weapon now has unique style unlike the normal combination of pistol, shotgun, ar and sniper. Scripted events happened far more often, which made the game feel more cinematic and well paced. What the game loses in slower part like wandering in desert makes up in combat by beign in the middle of encounter thrown to the another just to be saved by masked friend. And dont even get me started on the plane part, this has to be one of the coolest videogame moments. You dont feel like cringing when its all happening, you are at the edge of your seat and dont know what will happen next. And that the feel you should have by playing this mission.

Overall this game is the most underrated ride from start to finish, that i enjoyed more than others did.


Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

A rough start to one of the greatest series ever made
A game that started the most succesful serie of games from Naughty dog, selling more copies than whole Crash Bandicoot series, yes Uncharted.

This game isnt perfect in any means, but did it save PS3 from being 600 dollar blu-ray player?

Story - Story had pretty good idea, which surprisingly noone thought about before, (newtime Indiana Jones hunting for nazi treasure in the middle of a jungle). This game was one of the first pieces of interactive media, that rly felt like a Hollywood movie rarther than a game. Awesome jokes, twists and sympatic characters just lined that atmosphere. Now I wanna mention the biggest mistake and that is "killing off" most sympatic character in the first 30 minutes of game, Sully. Sully was such a well written and performed character, he is also funny, respected and all of it while having a southern accent and big cigar in his mouth all the time. Atleast Nolan North as Nathan Drake saves it with his lovely voice and dumb jokes, until Sully gets back. What really frustrated me was the character of Elena, beign more annoying than helpful, but as the game progresses and Nathan falls in love with her, they make her less annoying guiding you to actually like the character from hating it.

Gameplay - I have to get props to this remaster, for fixing everything wrong in the first game: weird cover system, aiming at nothing when you pull out a gun and jump glitches, this is all gone with this remaster. Thanks to this encounters with enemies are fun and challenge at the same time. Well until like 60% of the game, where it turns into standard zombie shooter. Zombie enemies are hard as hell to kill + they have insane amounts of health and the most frustrating thing is, that their melee attacks (game encourages you to dodge them) are almost undodgeable, making me absolutely not wanting to play this game on crushing or brutal difficulty setting.

Well it could've been more, but it is what it is.


God of War

Kratos at his best
God of war is one of the best exclusives on PS4. Game has such a beatufil graphics, that really gets most of your PS4 and pushes the boundries of videogames. Snow in this game looks really revoltionary and like nowhere else at that time. The really impresive thing about this game is that Santa Monica made breathing, living and colorful world out of boring snowy wastelands and how they included traveling between worlds (not to mention a single cut in the whole game).

Story - Story is really emotional, considering that you play as ruthless monster. Through the game Kratos finds a human, but most importantly a loving and caring father in himself.

Christopher Judge in the role of Kratos fits with his deep muscular voice perfectly. Game starts with death of your wife and Atreus sees you as just non interesed father. The first 15 minutes says so much about the whole game, that its something different, something unique, that you never experienced before. Some really great twists are also present, like finding blades of chaos, revealing the truth about Freya/Baldurs relation or seeing Atreus's godess powers.

The story is just awesome and you're definetly gonna enjoy it.

Gameplay - Gameplay is made entirely from ground. Now your camera is not fixed, but its behind your back main weapon is axe, that your wife gave you, while she was still alive. You can upgrade your weapon and give it new attributes.

Eventually you'll unlock new armor, upgrades to your son and the blades of chaos.

Gameplay is phenomenal.

I'll end it with statement, that it definetly deserved game of the year award.


The Last of Us

Best game ever made
The last of us is just a masterful game with such a good graphics, that many new 3A games could envy on. The level of detail is incredible, level design is awesome, open and fun. Easter eggs on other games from Naughty dog cannot be missing. I really like the "infected" parts in the level where the spores are flying in the air, its just breathtaking.

Story - Story is very emotional and if you want or not to admit it, everyone spilled some tears over this masterpiece. Acting performances of Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson are just phenomenal. Story also contains lots of very good twists (Death of Tess, Joels daughter or saving Ellie at the end). To wrap this up, story is just perfect.

Gameplay - Gameplay is very intuitive and controls are really ease to learn. Very good part was crafting, cover system and stealth, its just something that the game just nails and many games still cannot get right. Very interesting gameplay feature was the listen mode where you hold R1 and see through walls and makes stealth much easier. Ammo is very limited on higher difficulties, so you have to rely on stealth and get good at it. Gunplay is very hard, because of the moving cursor of your gun, but you can get used to it very quickly. Game also has some rpg elements as the ability "tree" and gun modifications. I also really liked David bossfight, that was fun and tense at the same time.

At the end I would like to say that its just perfect and you can play it all the time and not get bored. And those people, that has PS3 or PS4 home and have not played this game should be ashamed of themselves.


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

The most unique stealth game ever
After very divisive MGS2 the team left the Solid Snakes timeline and went 48 years back to the origin of Big Boss and I think it was a great decision.

Story - Story has some amazing moments and the filmography really shows here, especially with the CQC. Unfortunately it has the worst paleta of villians, that just made me cringe. The same with Eva, she is there just for coomers and anyone with more than 2 braincells can tell, that she is double agent. Fortunately, thats where the negatives end. Everything else is great. Well structured dialogue, extremely tense scenes, well developed main cast and sense of rivalry. Every major fight scene gives me chills with the angles and moves. By the half point you even start to embrace this stupid story, just because how executed it is. Especially the relationship between Snake and Boss or Snake and Ocelot. The ending took me by extreme surprise, because of the story beign so silly and then it hits you with the final Eva speech and you just cant hold back.

Gameplay - Gameplay is one of the most fun Ive ever experienced and definetly the most fun out of all Metal gears. It tooks everything what made 80s action movies so great and transforms it into detailed gameplay. Manual injury treatment, manual camoflague system and backpack system is just few best exapmples of it.

Everyone who read atleast one other review from me knows, that I appreciate serious story, but this games ending did not disappoint. Even tho the road to it was very bumpy. It has one of the most enjoyable and replayable gameplay + good combination of silly, yet serious and tense story.


Metal Gear Solid

A true system seller
First off I have to say, that it really is reinventing game genre by all means. Before this game an idea of stealth game was just run around enemies, but this game far more expanded on that and thus reinvented the whole industry spanning multiple clone series like Splinter cell. It has amazing atmosphere and iconic soundtrack.

Story - Story itself is extremely gripping with lovable characters and surprisingly amazing performances for its era still miles ahead of games from Ubisoft. The whole game felt like combination of anime and Hollywood blockbuster which i really liked, especially for its drama and its well written and unexpected plot twists.

Gameplay - Gameplay like i said was extremely fun and never before seen at the time, unfortunately the time was not kind to this game and many mechanics + features, that have been deemed frustrating today are present in this game. Especially difficulty spikes in bossfights (mainly the last two). Even with this, the game compared to another PS1 titles still is pretty replayable, you just have to really get out of your comfort zone to truly experience it.

I would say that this is a must play game for everyone that likes a good story and for a PS1 game it blew me away I did not expect this kind of quality, the replayability and weird controls lowers the score, but overally it did not affect my experience. This game definetly needs a remake and not the Twin snakes kind of one lmao. Its the best PS1 game I have ever played and a true system seller.


Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Extremely ambitious and profound to this day
Sequel to a beloved game and one of the most controversial games ever. Lets see how it went.

Finally it gets the cinematic presentation it deserved, that made everything feel much more like a movie, than in the first game. Gorgeous new orchestra soundtrack from Harry-Gregson Williams, that gives you the grandiose vibe.

Story - I loved the emotion aspect of this story notably Rose codecs and affect of the Emmas death on Hal. Every major moment finally felt emotional and not like shot in the dark like in the original. The Raiden switch was awesome and he is really well constructed character and I cant believe how people in 2001 were so ignorant. Literally only reason they didnt like it was, that they werent playing as Solid Snake. Another complaint I heard is doing everything they tell you in the Raidens first half, but I liked to not have to backtrack all the time and mainly doing what youre told to was like the whole point. Raiden was just a mere puppet in a simulation for "Societal sanity", in other words, if the people are ready for the digital age, where the misconception, slander, fake news and convenient half truths grows at an alarming unfiltered rate. This is extremely relevant today (need to remind you, that this was 2001). It truly was ahead of its time. Only thing cringe about the story were the characters of Vamp and Fortune and they were really unnecessary.

Gameplay - Compared to the first one its so much better. The replayability is on whole another level. The first person aiming is such a great inclusion, shooting stealthy in the first game was extremely annoying, so you just got used to running around the enemies. Here you finally feel like you can do something. I also have to mention the details. Every gaming mechanic is perfected, every object has unique sound, almost every object is breakable and the ai is finally smart.

I think this game carries the strongest message of all the Metal gears, that left me thinking.

Truly remarkable and timeless experience.


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Hack and slash perfection
A hack and slash Metal gear spinoff is something, that noone couldve expected. Because of its bumpy development it was shifted to Platinum games (Bayonetta, MadWorld) and they did much better job, than stealth action shooter developers couldve ever done.

Surprisingly soundtrack reaches the "Doom 2016" levels of quality more on the rock side and it is one of the best soundtrack implemetation into any medium Ive heard.

I also have to mention, that the game is running on PS3 in 720p/60fps, which was (at that time) very rare for these kind of graphics.

Story - Story is really basic for Metal gear and few characters fall flat, but the villian roster is amazing and the quotes are timeless. Mainly the Senator Armstrong, with his understanding of the "war as a business model" which is very conviniently applied to Pakistan and its pretty relatable to the recent Afghanistan events. The codec is one extremely detailed aspect and has so much lore hidden underneath. I also like, that it continues MGS2 and MGS4 internet society dangers and how easily public is manipulated. The Raidens road to insanity was really good. I have only one complaint. In an extremely well done scene Raiden has to kill a child, to save more children currently choking on gas, but he just returns in a cybernetic body right at the start of the next chapter. It just undermines the entire moment.

Gameplay - Gameplay is like the peak of hack and slash games and the strongest aspect of this game. I loved it. Normally i hate hack and slash games, but this is the best Ive played and I played quite a lot of them. Stealth, even tho not very well done is not forced and was implemented just to be a nod to its roots. The bosses are a great setpiece showcase and a sight to behold. People complained about the exploitable blocking, but its a bs. The actual game requires you to be really precise with the timing.

To wrap it up I enjoyed the game more than I thought I would. I didnt expect much from hack and slash Metal gear, but it turned out the best it couldve.


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