
IMDb member since June 2021
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    3 years, 3 months


Halloween Kills

Before watching this just close your eyes and picture a serial killer with white mask just mindlessly killing. For no reason just because. Then throw that with a mixture of a thoughtless plot and Bad acting and you got this movie. I can appreciate this movie series but just gets old.


I get what the writer was trying to do but I believe it was executed poorly. Definitely wouldn't recommend to watch at movies seen people walking out and not coming back in the middle of movie, maybe would be worth on Netflix or Hulu but does not belong in movie theater seems like they are just pumping out movies to fill movie theaters with boring and pointless movies.

All American

Quality show.
This is a great show if you want to start a new series I would definitely invest some time into this. You really connect with the plot and the characters, but I do feel sometimes the characters get way too emotional over little things and that kinda ticks me off. Also I feel as the show progresses it's less about football and more about the drama. Overall the show is heading in the right direction, but should focus more on Spencer and his progression.

Rick and Morty

Great show
I love this show and would be a 10/10 but the new seasons 4-5 are not as good as seasons 1-3. Almost feels like a completely different show. I love Rick and morty but I feel like the writers need to put more thought into the episodes and not just pump out anything.

Army of the Dead

Plain awful
My best decision from watching this was turning it off. So much potential get a writer that actually cares.

Godzilla vs. Kong

Not good
I feel like they pump in millions of dollars into movies like this and of course get great effects but trash story could barely sit through it all. Complete drag and would never watch again. Overhyped and to much unnecessary things going on. Definitely just a cash grab and movie for the sheeple. Maybe would be actually worth the watch in 3D.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell

Entertaining and funny
Very underrated show it is very funny and the main characters played roles perfectly.

Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Third time watching
I love this show. It let's you see and feel a glimpse of history in the Roman times. Spartacus has so much heart and you can feel it. The main actor for Spartacus was so amazing, the new guy was good also but didn't hit like the first guy.


Good but not great
The first season was amazing then started to drift away with repetitive scenes. Just overall gets boring after awhile like you sort of know what's going to happen next.


Only bad thing that I can say was the ending was not the greatest hated to see ghost die like that. I was so connected to ghost and his role as the leading character, his intelligence and charm was what kept me watching. Also his friendship with tommy, ghost was the intelligent one and tommy handled the dirty work. I wish they would have been tighter in the show. I believe the producers did a great job overall the show will forever be one of my favorites.

Prison Break

Simply Outstanding
Always need more. Loved it. So much thought put into this show, it's great!

Blood and Bone

Excellent production
Action packed throughout the whole movie. Really hits a spot that most movies don't.

The Tax Collector

My favorite movie
I am a tough critic but this movie hits home. It really touches you. Definitely a part two would be a must watch!

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