
IMDb member since June 2021
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    2 years, 11 months



A low budget is no excuse for a poor script and an even poorer directing.
Many movies are made each year on low budgets, like the Rocky franchise or Evil Dead, but there are ways to steer clear of dumb cinematic mistakes that this movie is filled with.

The movie says that it's based on a true story, and remember, it's a story about 2 dudes who come back from the dead to seek revenge for an injustice that happened to them 100 years ago.

What's wrong with it? Frankly the million dollar question is, what's not wrong about this movie. I will point out some of the dark spots that make this film deserve a 1/10.

1. The acting, To be honest I never blame the actors. An actor is like a socket wrench, and it's solely the director's responsibility to put them in the correct acting path. This movie is a shining example of poor directing that's filled with fake and cringy acting.

People who see bodies and react like they see dead bodies every day and it's no big deal, characters that are closer to cartoon figures than real people with zero backstories and build ups, and huge gaps where you think you are watching a soap opera - romance sitcom.

2. The script, If you are going to use the "based on a true story" thingy in the beginning of a movie, make sure that the film the audience gonna watch, doesn't have zombies or resurrected supernatural dudes in it. You can't just pick a dramatic and true event were 2 innocent people died because of the color of their skin and make it into a stupid paranormal slasher flick.

3. The dialogues, People in real life don't act or talk like this! It made me feel second hand shame throughout the entire movie. I would prefer it if it was silent movie to be honest... Somewhere in the duration of this thing, the blond country girl says the line "I am trying" at least 7 times while being in imminent danger of dying a horrible death.

4. The CGI (?) So, you have a low budget, is it absolutely necessary to use CGI when it's gonna look fake as f? Really guys, it's 2021, there are literally millions of ways to show a gory scene with a good make up team, fake blood and guts, props, and some smart directing. But no, let's hire little Timmy, the director's nephew to make some utterly fake CGI on his smartphone, that looks worse than special effects used in movies from the 80s.

5. The.... action(???) I think I cried a little when the final act started. You are closed up in a building with 2 dudes that rose from the dead and who are trying to kill you... Let's just run in stupid circles, let's try and open doors that are locked without having a key, let's kill ourselves (yep, a girl just kills herself by cutting her own throat for no reason at all), let's yell, let's check a dead girls body that has a huge hole in the stomach for signs of life, let's just sit around and share the true story about how the 2 dudes where innocent and didn't deserve to be executed, and my personal favorite, the magic musket (old pistol that took gunpowder in the barrel and a single spherical bullet), that can shoot not once, nor twice, but 6 times in total without reloading, and my second favorite, the same musket that blew a hole the size of a fist in a girl's stomach, when the judge shots the pretty boy in the end from point blank, it just doesn't do the trick, and he is healthy and happy in the next scene with a little tummy ache like he ate a bad burrito or something.

6. The ending, My 3 friends just die, but I am gonna live in the big ol white house with my newfound hubby, because what's a movie without a good old fashioned happy end?

The short review, Don't watch it.

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