
IMDb member since December 2006
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Inspector Morse: Driven to Distraction
Episode 3, Season 4

Great humour and acting
I agree with people's comments about Morse's over the top breaking the law in pursuit of his despised number one suspect but ignoring that there are some good moments of humour (what do you call a group of pathologists?) and Patrick Malahyde is superb as the slimy car salesman/suspect.

The Children

Good but could have been better
Some difficult issues handled quite well but I found the non-sequential nature of action annoying more than confusing and any programme that repeatedly cuts in slow motion action of any kind is irritating; in this case a child falling back onto glass, indicating that the programme was being dragged out to fill the time available. I am old-fashioned, I just want them to tell the story. Good acting, good characters and the ending leaves you guessing but I feel it could have been better.

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