
IMDb member since June 2021
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    2 years, 11 months


Spider-Man: No Way Home

Hype carried the movie..
It was a pretty decent movie, but the ones who are yelling, and saying it's the best MCU movie ever.. or the best Spider-Man Movie ever.. i don't think so.. It's jst the hype talking so much, the comedy as usual MCU always tries too much to be funny.. and it fails.. This film is carried out by cameos.. Lazy writing.. The only good thing was the ending.. That's it.. Definitely not the best.. and not an 8 IMDB rated movie.. Dr Strange is better than this IMO..


Weak Plot, Weak showcase.. Awful!
The show was a big disappointment, and tbh I didn't have any expectations either.. And there was no plot, like this series was.. Idk what to say, Kate Bishop is, jst "there" u know, no impact, bt I understand, debut of this character and all.. actress not that experienced.. okay.. bt the others, jeez.. Kaazi, Yelena, Echo, Kingpin, they were shown so badly, Kaazi had nothing, same goes with Echo, and Kingpin, such great actor, with so awful action scenes.. He was better off with Netflix, DISNEY+ ruins everything.. and Jack, oh my.. I thought it was gonna be a big revelation.. bt NOO.. he was jst an innocent, I mean wtf.. he was a nobody in the end.. And also, none... Not one fight scene was good, from the 1st episode to the last.. NONE.. The series is a big low-blow.. I jst hope, justice 😅😒 for Kingpin.. I know he is not dead, still.. I do want to see the best of him, like in DAREDEVIL..

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