
IMDb member since July 2021
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    2 years, 11 months


The Bubble

A Fine Tribute to Hollywood
Probably a good depiction of the hollow lives of Hollywood stars. I absolutely believe that this was what it was like making movies during COVID. That does not mean that it needed to be committed to film. Horrible waste of good actors. Terrible script. What was the point?

Legends of Tomorrow: Knocked Down, Knocked Up
Episode 13, Season 7

Please be over
I couldn't understand all of the positive reviews for this season. I realized that anyone who cares about good programming does not care about this show. They've moved on and so should CW.

A.P. Bio

Where's the humor?
Watched the show until Peacock required premium membership. Which is a shame because the next episode has Bruce Campbell (the only episode I wanted to see). There is no character development. Howerton's character makes no sense (why not let them do independent study in biology rather than hold them hostage?). All of the characters are two dimensional. I've loved the shows like The Office, Parks and Rec, and Community. Heck, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is amazing. Where's the effort?

Space Force: Proportionate Response
Episode 10, Season 1

Where do you go with this train wreck? The very real conflict with China was reduced to a spat in space and the main character is on the run. John Malkovich is the only redeeming part of the show and he's wasted. The show has the "appeal" of AP Bio (spoiler alert! - none). Thrown together, poorly written, and self-congratulatory. Have I missed anything?


Movie Basics
Even the worst movies have some kind of music for title and transitions. I would check out their other works, but...I other things to do. Thankfully, Aunt May identified herself cuz I didn't know who any of the other characters were. Still, I've seen worse.

Space Force

Hack job
Rushed, thrown together, waste of talent. Dry humor? Where? Maybe I'm not smart enough to see it. I'll pass on the next season. If there's a next season.

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