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Great visually-
-well acted by a fabulous cast and superb settings. But by the ending? Meh- totally let it down. It left so much hanging in the air.

I am a devotee of the book- and read the biography of Will Adams even before the 1980 series came out.

I loved the realism of the towns and villages in this one- but good as the cast were- the original cast were just as good. I felt cheated by the end of this new series. There was-for me- an empty hole where the heart of the story should have been.

It began well- but got weaker for me every episode.

I rewatched the 1980 version-and enjoyed it immensely. It was dated for sure- and far too clean and tidy- but the characters told a richer and ultimately more satisfying story.

I wouldn't re-watch this version.

Sugar: Shibuya Crossing
Episode 3, Season 1

It's familiar- yet quirky. It draws you in.
There are lots of back-story hints in the background- that I really look forward to finding out more about.

The setting is sumptuous -to me. I've never been to America and California makes a great set for this.

I love the little flashes of film-noir that appear-and we play a game guessing which film they're from.

Sugar has established himself as a good guy- with lots of tiny glimpses of his exotic history- speaks many languages, may have had some special forces training?

And Wiley- what a diva! When have you ever seen a dog with such soulful and expressive eyes? Ever?

That pup deserves his very own special Oscar for the first episodes alone!

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Achingly sad.....
The story itself was awful- a dreadful mishmash.

Two wonderful actors-Toby Jones and Antonio Banderas- only had a few minutes on screen before disappearing or being killed. Why?

The actress playing Indy's god-daughter was awful. I know she was lauded highly for Flea-bag (which I never saw) - but her character here was all over the place.

I don't blame her acting- just the chaotic storyline.

I found the storyline very confusing and disjointed. So much so that I cannot even remember what actually happened.

The Crystal Skull was more impressive- and at least that was fun.

What made me sad was the reality of seeing a (naturally) much older Harrison Ford, playing the action hero of the past films.

I have no problem with anyone ageing- but I found the older images of John Rhys Davis and Harrison Ford playing out their previous characters painful.

Films are illusions- and this one shattered mine

I will try my hardest to forget what I saw.

Lot No. 249

Not the best from Mark Gattis
I love the MR James stories-my favourite is the Stalls of Barchester.

They are all creepily written-and effectively scary


The story here felt threadbare. Rich posh-boy buys a mummy and a scroll to resurrect it. We don't see or hear incantations- we only know the mummy is reanimated."

The short running time didn't help-leaving too little time for friendships/relationships to develop.

It basically felt like-"I'm setting my mummy on you. Bang- you're dead" Given more time I'm sure he could have done more with it.

I gave it 5 stars because I love that Mark Gattis is keeping the Christmas ghost story tradition alive.

(And probably because his other work is so good).


A joyously bonkers, entertaining rush!
I wasn't sure what to expect.

It was a rush of a combination of Indiana Jones, the Goodies and National Treasure. Even a touch of Jack Soarrow.

I thought it was a delight from the start. It teased some intriguing moments too -which left me hoping for a sequel.

I have never played the game- and naturally it would be a different experience from the game play.

It's quite sad that so many game fanboys have left such poor reviews. Reviewing a film you played as a game should not be allowed, I think- as they are totally different platforms.

Apart from all the derring-do- there were a few moments where my expectations were subverted - in a good and surprising way.

I would watch it again quite happily.

One Piece

An explosion of utter joy and fun!
I loved this-and I am over 70 and never heard of it before.

I love fantasy and sci-fi -so watch a lot of such content.

I knew there was a comic phenomenon in Japan called Manga- but had no idea there was a live film version.

I had thought it may be a bit like Pirates of the Caribbean - which was wonderfully carried by Johnny Depp.

I thought this would be the same- perhaps with a couple of stand out performances.

Wrong- the characters are all played as stand out performances.

From the very first scenes I was hooked- and binge watched the whole thing at one sitting.

It made me laugh, shed a little tear at times- and delighted in the relationships that were forming.

I really look forward to the next series.

I am also wondering if anyone has invented a snail-phone yet.

It's a rollicking piece of fun- enjoy.

Becoming Elizabeth

Don't bother if you are a fan of Tudor history.
This was a mish-mash of fantasy mingled with an approximation of actual events from this fascinating period.

What was the point of this series? I believe it was a stand alone series with no second series in the offing? If that is the case- thank goodness.

I was a waste of time-finishing on a most unsatisfying note- with nothing resolved.

The Tudor period does not need augmentation to make it interesting- it's an amazing part of history that deserves being told truly- without invention, or deletion of important features.

As a dramatisation of a story- it had it's moments, but any lover of this period in history will be disappointed.


A fantastic telling of international rights juggling in the foundation of modern gaming.
The actors are terrific- the story flies along- and the passion for gaming really gripped me.

I remember these games and the machines they were played on.

It reminds me of some ways of 'The Offer'-and how The Godfather almost never got made.

Make your own minds up. It might not all be exactly true-but it's a great story.

I loved it! And what delight to hear some club tracks from that period.

I really don't get the criticisms.

Films tell us a story to entertain us- and this entertains in spades.

The actors playing the Maxwell family are so well cast- at times I you would think it's actually them.

I think I will no longer review IMDB- 600 character minimum is too much.

Great Expectations

Flatter than the landscape of the marshes.
Dickens was a wonderfully descriptive writer- but there's no richness of story in the first episode.

It is like watching a plodding unimaginative story recounted in a flat voice by someone who can't be bothered.

It isn't the cast's fault- indeed the casting is probably the best part of this version.

I found the relationship between Pip and Joe curiously cold.

I simply found I couldn't care about what happened next.

Perhaps some previous versions have just been too good.

My all time favourite was years ago-with a wonderful Stratford Johns playing Magwitch. I was hoping for something like that this time.

I don't think I'll watch the rest.

It has made me want to re-read the book again.

The Last of Us: Long, Long Time
Episode 3, Season 1

One of the most beautiful, moving episodes I have ever watched on television show.
I am disappointed that some viewers think this episode did not 'advance the story'.

I haven't played the video game- and had no expectations when I began watching.

It was SO important-it reminded us that people survived-as in Bill's case, and people fell deeply in love- as when Bill met Frank.

Bill taught Frank how to survive-and just as importantly Frank taught Bill how to live.

It demonstrated the importance of enjoying a rich life -as well as staying alive.

It also showed that even if you avoid the 'spores'- something else will get you eventually.

Death comes to us all.

And dealing with it like Frank and Bill did was inevitable. So sad, yet so sweet- and ultimately uplifting.

It was perfect-and myself and hubby watched it in silence from the first time they played the piano- until the end. Tears running down our faces.

Both actors were superb- and this beautiful love story was amazing.


Just watched the box set for the umpteenth time.
I loved this series. The characters were cast perfectly. The stories were pure Arabian Nights- but without the sex and violence of the books.

The sets were perfect-Malta doing what it does best.

These are total fantasy- escapism stories- and great for family viewing. They are set in a time of fantasy and imagination that never existed-so anything can happen.

This begs the question, for me, -why are some of the worst reviews slating it for not following their very 21st Century ideas?

I have to think these poor reviews are fake- or the reviewers never read a book in their life.

I was bitterly disappointed the series was not continued.

I hope something like it is made again.

The Last of Us

I am stunned at how amazing this episode was!
I'm 'older'-and often can't wrap my head around some sci-fi shows.

This one was magnificent-pulling you in from the very first scene where the Fungus Specialists are speaking.

(Interestingly- our entire global eco system is based on fungus.)

It had drama, tension-some really poignant moments- and left me looking forward to the next episode with a passion not felt since the Game of Thrones.

Not that it's a similar story-but it's captured my imagination fully.

After The Banshee of Inisherin- I was bit cautious as the hype encouraged me to watch a ghastly film.

This series cannot be hyped enough to do it justice, in my opinion.

The cast-the scenes- the cohesive story with glimpses/suggestions of classic sci-fi books I read years ago.

The music codes- looking forward to hearing more of them.

I'd give it 20 stars if I could.

Our Flag Means Death

It's really got everything.
This 'comedy'- is indeed very funny at times- but it is also dark.

There is sweetness that is quite moving as well as shocking violence you don't always expect.

This first series deals very well with the human internal struggles under the pressure to be something you're not.

It is also witty and humorous.

Once I began watching I had to binge the series. I had to find out what happened next.

Looking forward to series 2 very much.

If you have seen the wonderful Jojo Rabbit or What we do in the shadows- you know what it's going to be like- sort of.

This man must be one of the most talented film makers of our time.

If you haven't seen it-I recommend 'The hunt for the Wilder people'.

It is superb.

His Dark Materials

The film was beautifully made-and well cast.

Ultimately I found it every bit as disappointing as the books.

I had hoped that the series would have more resolution at the end.

At the end of reading the books some years ago- I wondered what the point of the story was.

The first two books are very intriguing- and their premise really resonated with me.

At the end of the third book, though, I felt rather cheated and wondered just what the author had been trying to achieve.

A close friend who read the books at the same time felt the same way.

I had hoped visualising the series would -and it is visualised very well in this production- give me more insight into the author's intentions.

Sadly- it was every bit as disappointing as the book trilogy.

The cast were very good- and why I gave it 4 stars.

But that is 23 hours of my life I'll never get back again.

The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

Very sweet- and quite delicious.
It was schmaltzy- but the cast-especially Kevin Bacon- stopped it from being tacky.

There was nothing in it to release my 'cynicism overkill) about Xmas films. 😉 It was just the kind of Xmas Card that isn't totally sacharrine.

Too many Xmas films are totally cringeworthy- but I will be watching this one again on Xmas day.

There was lots of heart-without any deliberate tear-jerking, as so often happens.

I must admit- the song playing as it opened is always emotional for me-as it is for many. They couldn't have chosen better.

The sets and effects were excellent- and made me look forward to the nest 'Guardians' outing.

Granite Harbour

Loved this new series.
I was enthralled with this new series. I just binged the 3 episodes and really hope it's renewed for a second series. It was a great choice to set it in Aberdeen- yet wasn't full of the North East cliches you often get when something's set in Aberdeen.

I lived down at Aberdeen Harbour for years, and it was great seeing it like I remember it- rather than seeing the gentrification that's already taken place.

It would have been nice to see a replica version of PeepPeeps.

The pub where you wiped your feet on the doormat as you were leaving.

I don't understand the critical reviews-and wonder what sort of shows the critic's actually like.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Very promising!
After the utter disappointment that was House of the Dragon- I wasn't expecting much from this new journey to Middle Earth. I was very happy to be proven wrong. This is a different Middle Earth from the one produced by Peter Jackson- as it should be. It is the beginnings of Middle Earth when the world was new. I watched the first two episodes quite riveted- and felt disappointed they finished too soon. My only criticism was the casting of Galadriel at the beginning. But she grew on me a little as the second episode progressed. TBF- Kate Blanchet was always going to be a hard act to follow.

Having read Tolkien's work for many years- it feels right to be watching the early development of the peoples and creatures of Middle Earth from the Elder Days.

House of the Dragon

Flat, dead and uninteresting.
Lots of gore does not make a story. Bloody scenes involving characters who only appeared for 5 minutes meant you didn't know them enough to care. Lots of dialogue that didn't contribute to the story or move it forward. I can overlook the bad CGI if the story is interesting- but there was no story to get interested in. I am a great fan of several of the actors- but they had nothing to work with.

I see people talking about how well the tournament and jousting was filmed? Perhaps- but that's boring to me.

Game of thrones drew me in from the start-the mystery of the blue eyed walkers-the meaningful looks between characters-the anticipation of what would happen next.

This was a boring exhibition of special effects- some of them not so special.

  • - - - - - - - -

Edit: I've stuck with this series -because I wanted to like it. From episode 4 it has begun to draw me in. There is a story developing now.

I will stick with it for the first series at least. It's beginning to generate interest-and looking forward to the next episode.

Miss Scarlet & the Duke

I love this series- and particularly enjoyed this first episode of series 2
I was afraid I'd be disappointed- but this was a great beginning to the series. I would love to see more of Mr Moses-"it's just Moses".

He a terrific character and sparks well with Miss Scarlet and Inspector Wellington.

The new young trainee detective is developing into a sympathetic character, too.

I hope they are planning series 3 already.

Agatha Raisin

What the heck happened?
I loved the Agatha Raisin books- and thought the first two series were terrific. Yes-Agatha was now Scots-and blonde- but the atmosphere of the books was recreated and I loved them.

I rewatched episode one of series 1 last night-and could cry at the utter mess they have made of the series. It's not the casts fault. They are as good as ever- but whoever directs this has the characters behaving outrageously over the top- like pantomime dames!

Exaggerated grimaces and comedy stage whispers and ridiculously flamboyant gestures are destroying any atmosphere it once had.

Talking of pantomime dames- Agatha's wardrobe??? What on earth are they playing at? Agatha dresses expensively, yet is chic.

The costumes they have her wearing are utterly ridiculous! A swarm of large Bee brooches over the front and back of her dress? A lurid silk kimono jacket- with a massive pink satin bow on the back?

Ashley Jensen is lovely-and played Agatha's insecurities wonderfully with the smallest of facial expression-usually with her eyes.

Now she grimaces and gurns like a mad person. The rest of the cast are equally afflicted- so I can only blame the director.

Please- get this sorted!


I loved this!
It's the first time I've understood Adam Sandler's appeal. He played the sweet nerd very well. The cast were all appealing- and Peter Dinklage is never bad. The nostalgia for PacMan and Manic Miner made me search out an emulator.

I really don't get the poor reviews- even non-gamers can enjoy it as a bit of fun and a laugh.

Try it for yourself- you might enjoy it.

Signora Volpe

I love everything about this.
I like the cast- the setting (mmmmm......Italy) the stories, the gentle stories- I love it all.

I hope there will be another series to come. It's a series to daydream with.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

I loved the original. I had no idea what this one would be like- but I bought the video yesterday.

I loved it.

It stands on it's own- even without the nods to the old cast- but it was so sweet, funny and fun.

The ending was emotional- without being schmaltzy. Really touching.

Podcast was fantastic- all of the children were good.

I think they just brought the franchise back to life for a new generation. I certainly hope so.

Death on the Nile

Very loosely based on the book- but that wasn't the main problem. The soundtrack-especially in the first part of the story - is jangling and distracting. I muted the sound and used subtitles to overcome this. Even when that died down a bit- none of the characters were interesting. Poirot just seemed to keep accusing everyone who was there to see what stuck. It was, in the end- just so completely boring. This despite having a great cast that should have made it excellent. I have seen several versions- and this one was worst of all by a very large margin.

The Witchfinder

What on earth were they aiming for?
I was lairy about how a 'comedy' about witchfinding would pan out.

Rightly so. A superb comic cast- a writer from Alan Partridge. It should have been funny.

Any humour was weak- and totally submerged in the horror of wagons full of dead women- executed for witchcraft. Women hanging from trees-one tied to a stake.

I could not see past the very real horror of historical fact and think any of that could be mined for humour.

It finished me -


when the avaricious witchfinder killed the gentle soul who was his servant.

There was no need for that. I think the writers had no idea what they trying to achieve.

I cannot believe anyone genuinely found this funny. If they did- What is wrong with them.

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