
IMDb member since July 2021
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Call Her King

They certainly tried
There's some poignant themes here, like people of color resorting to domestic terrorism to get ahead of the justice system. But eeehhhh it's executed kinda silly, and it becomes difficult to take seriously.

They attempted to pull a "Usual Suspects" ending... I think? I dunno, whatever they meant to do it was definitely botched. There's clearly good potential in the themes and the acting, but they failed to come full circle with the plot, and tried to mask it by cranking the action beyond where the budget could truly accommodate - to the point where you end up rolling your eyes or laughing at the CGI or unbelievability.

2 stars for the intriguing themes, and 2 stars for the intense acting.... The rest of it's just too disjointed. Someone should rip off these themes and execute a better story, because some of these ideas could lead to a gem in African American cinema.

Shingeki no Kyojin: Memories of the Future
Episode 20, Season 4

Heap on more praise
This section of the last act, from the time Eren's head fell off, was truly the peak of the manga's writing. I've been yearning to see this animated and filled with true emotion, and it did not disappoint. Seeing Grisha anguish over his decision, and Eren's broiling anger listening to Freida, and Zeke relax into his father's embrace... it's a 10/10. Amazing delivery.

There's 2 more manga chapters that I've been particularly excited to see brought to anime fruition, at least in terms of writing and emotion. The next episode is one of them. I can't wait. It feels like I've been waiting for 2,000 years...

Rick and Morty: Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort
Episode 8, Season 5

Back on track
This is probably the only "storyline canon" episode we're going to get this season. Thankfully it was solid, and thankfully they placed it after a few turds. We needed a win. They filled in a LOT of old canon threads from season 2, although it was a bit rushed being crammed into a single episode. Some other reviews seem to think there's holes that make no sense, but my canon nerd-o-meter caught none of that, so there's probably some people who just couldn't keep up with the hastiness.

There's some hope now for the last 2 episodes, but I wouldn't be surprised if this episode turns out to be the peak of the season. I think too many resources (writers especially) are being diverted or lost to other projects. It's a shame. But hey, let's just enjoy this one, I guess. RICK AND BIRD PERSON, A HUNDRED YEARS!

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