
IMDb member since August 2021
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Sympetheroi apo ta Tirana

a masterpiece
Finally a funny Greek series who made me laugh so hard! Im waiting for second season. The actors are incredible,the writing excellent,the jokes very good.

Congratulations to the director for his imagination.

WatchMojo: Top 10 Worst Movies of 2020

i agree
The movies in this list are the most known,there are unknown movies who are worst of course but this channel search for the most known. Im glad birds of prey isnt in this.

Ta Nea Tou SKAI

Lies lies lies,propaganda,fake news,eveything sucks,people are idiots because of this fake news.

Greeces news sucks,is the worst in the world.

How some people believe the news? Especially for covid scam!!!!

To symplegma tis arahnis

so bad is good
The series sucks,actors sucks too,but i like the epic moment when the guy said''MIA PETRA'' hahah ok its so bad is good. You can enjoy them with company.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

huge dissapointment
What is this?? I expected for a epic strange vs strange like in what if episode but they didnt did it,they will make part 2 for the money!

Marvel wants only money i thing after this baaad movie.

Ekip 1: Nizama Adanmis Ruhlar

so sad
Its sad we never seen the ending,the channel it closed and we didnt see the next episodes,its sad akif and aysegul died. Anyway is good series with some plot problems and annoying villain escapes.

Roda, tsanta & kopana 5

roda tsanta k kopana 5
This film never released because its so awful,the cast and the director understood they made a abomination,a disaster so they desided to cancel this,i would like ti see it from curiocity but if it canceled it means its awful.

A Good Day to Die Hard

underated sequel
Yeah i know,many people hate this,yeah mclane is aged and old,but i like him more in this age,he still badass,stop hating,i love to see old action characters still badass years later.

Ta Stroumfakia sto... feggari

the worst movie
The worst greek movie of all time,why this exists?

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