
IMDb member since December 2006
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    17 years


The Invisible

Must See, 1 of the best of I've seen
Wow!!! I loved this movie so much; it was excellent, definitely one of my favorites. It's basically about a teenage guy Nick Powel who is nearly beaten to death by a troubled, "lost soul," named Annie Newton, whose own family relationships are not very strong. Annie had stolen jewelry the day prior to the beating, and then had been ratted out. She knew Nick's friend had seen her hiding the goods in her locker, and he then said that Nick had told the police, thinking that Nick was still planning to leave for Monday to pursue his own goal as a writer. This movie was very intense and had its jumpy moments, and altogether, the plot and actors proved to be captivating and entertaining for the entire length of the film.


You gotta see it to believe it.

The Black Donnellys

Best Pilot
The Black Donnellys was the best pilot I have ever seen. It was very intense, realistic,had its humorous moments. The soundtrack fit perfectly. It sends chills down your spine at certain points.

Basically, this show is about four brothers (Jimmy, Tommy, Kevin, and Sean) who put each other before anyone else, and the feeling of brotherhood throughout the show is so strong, yet believable, because many of us can relate to it.

Jimmy is a drug addict, and he had his leg run over by a car when he was younger. It is later revealed that Tommy was the driver of the car. Tommy is the smart one, and as the trailers say, the only one with a real future, while Kevin is the unlucky brother who seems to think that he has a knack for gambling (though he's never won a bet), and Sean, well, what can you say about Sean? He's the youngest, and he's the lady's man.

When Sean is beaten up by goons to whom one of the brothers owes money, Jimmy kills Sal's nephew, whom they were using for ransom. Tommy knows that Jimmy's a dead man walking, and after running over his brother's leg, he vowed never to let Jimmy get hurt again, and took the matter into his own hands, killing the "big guys," with Kevin's help.

Tommy unknowingly took over his neighborhood, and he and his brothers must now protect it, says Joey "Ice Cream," who is narrating this story to two cops while in jail.

I loved this pilot. Strong plot, great cast, and once again, very realistic.

Watch The Black Donnellys on Mondays at 10:00 right after Heroes on Channel 7.

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