
IMDb member since August 2021
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Now You See Me 2

worst movie that exist!!!
I am sorry that i will be super negative right now, but this movie is just the worst and most useless film i have ever seen. It has no right or justification to exist. This is by far the worst movie i have ever seen, followed by the first film. There are no rules...all the magic tricks are done in the edit or in vfx. Everything is possible and easily achievable...the protagonists are never in danger because they always can bend reality in an impossible and stupid way, and can just do what ever they want at any if they where super heroes. That just drives me crazy. Its just soooo lazy and stupid. This film should not exist.

The Crown

wake me up when it's done
The royal family can rest easy. All the worries about a delicate fifth season were completely unfounded as viewers fall asleep after the second episode and stop after the fourth episode and watch something else. I was so looking forward to the new season, like so many others. But it's unbearably slow, boring, uninteresting, and unimportant. Big disappointment. Lady diana and prince charles are played very well. That has to be said. The similarity of facial expressions and gestures is spot on. It's just a shame that you're following other characters all the time that you don't know and aren't interested in.

Im Westen nichts Neues

Usually its horrible for me to watch a german movie...and thats because i am german, and german acting is usually really really bad. But this film is just outstanding. The acting is overall outstanding, and like nothing i have ever seen before coming from germany. Yes the effects are mostly digital and not practical, and this is the difference between germany and hollywood, but still this is an amazing peace of art, that touched me to my core while watching. Its actually really really good and heartbraking! I really hope we will see more work like this coming from germany, finally, i need to say to be honest....


its just dumb and makes no sense...
Why do blind people have tattoos? Why do blind people have filigree jewelry? After civilization was destroyed, why do blind people know how to make cloth, make armor out of leather, or smith? Why do the sighted among the blind behave like idiots and always get their asses kicked instead of being gods. A sighted with a bow and arrow could kill hundreds of blind people from a great distance without them knowing where it came from or what the hell just happened. Why don't the blind people accidentally kill themselves in the huge battles. Why doesn't anyone think about this beforehand? Why is such garbage simply produced?

The Gray Man

who likes these kind of movies???
Such a good cast...such good directors...and that amount of money...and yet this is what they came up with??? Dont get me wrong. I really love action movies. Its my favorite genre. But this is just tooooo much. After 5 min u are so overloaded with action that u get kinda numb...feeling nothing, because it doesnt mean anything. It is unrealistic and superficial...i barely made it to the end. The last 30 min i spend on my phone surfing on insta just waiting for this thing to end. We want stories...characters...developments...twists...feeling...this gun porn movies maybe work in the usa, but in the rest of the world it is just redicolous.

The Sandman

netflix is destroying itself!!!!
What the hell is this again...yet another redicolous tv series from netflix that proves that quantity is more important that quality. Its again a show that is unwatchable because it is so bad and mainstream. Its not dark, its not deep, its not clever, it has no twist, it is just like eating a slice of white toast. It has no taste, no character, and is designed to be pushed down the throat of one hungry dude, that expects to eat a pizza or something. U thought u would be served a delicious meal, because u saw the trailer, and than you realise you have just a fade, tasteless, loveless peace of unsustained nothing on ur plate. Why is netflix producing these bad shows just one after another?????


i hate this kind of movie
Of course the story and the subject is really interesting, but unfortunately this movie does one thing, that i hate more than anything else. It exaggerates beyond whats humanly possible. The hero of the movie, who is the ultimate victim, suffers more abuse than a real human obviously could take. To see the hero suffer and be abused throughout the whole move for sure is an effective method, to make the audience care about him. But if its not in a realistic way, its just stupid. Everyone that got punched in his face one time in his life...wich i guess are a few people, knows that nobody could survive being bunched in the face with the fist by hundreds of people and still be alive, or further more, still have a normal looking face. This scene just destroyed the whole movie. This is just lazy...


who cares about berlin????
Its just cute and a bit embarrassing when berlin tries to imitate Hollywood. But it just doesnt work. Even though the actors and the vfx are pretty decent it still looks off. U know what i mean? Berlin is just not an attractive city to shoot. Also it is really hard to enjoy german actors, especially when they try to speak english. Makes you really wonder why berlin became such a metropole for foreign productions...ok yes we know it has something to do with paying less tax, but is this reason enough that we need to create this false glorious picture of berlin? Everyone that has been there once knows exactly what i am talking about. It looks like an ugly city in russia that u want to leave asap.


its just too much....
...too much of everything. It makes the impression that the director and the d.o.p. Were working for their reel and their reputation instead for the film. The long shots, the fire works, the steadycam shots, the drone shots...everything is kinda used all the time and frequently without serving any purpose except of being there and looking cool. And thats the biggest problem of the film. It feels like the wet dream of any music video director, but not like an generic and authentic film. It lacks of bravery to look ugly...sure it looks good if a dude on a horse is riding through the smoke weaving the french flag in the middle of a revolt...but does it really need to be there?

Rogue One

unfortunately it will not get better than this be honest i hated this movie when i saw it the first time. When the film didnt start like a normal star wars film i was already out. How could u just delete the most iconic and satisfying intro of cinema history. The same with the music. I was disappointed to the core. But than the new trilogy came out, and the mandalorian, and boba fett, and kenobi, and all these lifeless disasters, and i realized that rogue one might me the best new star wars we will ever get to see. So i grew i to liking it actually. Therefore 10 points from me even though in the real world it would be more like 3 or so!


boring failure...not star wars at all!!!!
It started quit promissing, but than took a turn like all star wars series before. Uninteresting stories, uninteresting backstories, uninteresting characters, too long conversations, too little action, too little star wars. And this is the biggest problem. It doesnt feel like star wars at all. The music is bad, as in all series. The worlds look like they are on earth, and not somewhere in space. The general population is 99% human and not alien or artificial. Three episodes in and we see no empire or jedi or anything. Its just a sci-fi series that has nothing really to do with the star wars universe we love and know. Yet another disappointment wich could have easily avoided by choosing script writers or directors who actually love star wars, or at least have watched it before...and in gods name please fix the music problem.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

actually not bad...
But that we can not have a normal hulk film or tv series, but instead another feminist disney installment of our favorite franchises really sucks!!! Thats why this show is rated so bad...and mrs marvel...and obi wan kenobi aka. The adventures of young princess lea guest starring obi wan kenobi...or hawkeye aka. Kate bishop...because nobody asked for this and really nobody wants to see this!!!!!!

Ad Astra

had some nice moments...
Its looking surprisingly amazing here and there, and has really nice scenes and sequences. But unfortunately the budget didnt last for the whole film. Therefore we are confronted with strange and cheap looking sets and locations, as well as forever ongoing boring and slow conversations from time to time. Thats making this film actually hard to watch for me. And the scene with the russian doll actress natasha lyonne destroyed the film for me completely. It was just stupid and overacted and embarrassing. Completely speechless....

Star Trek: Discovery

shame on you!!!
I am a very nice guy, a feminist and a pacifist...but at least 4 members of the cast i hate so much that it makes me aggressive when i watch this show. This only happened to me before once with rose in star wars. The episodes are cheap and boring and full of emotions and drama and feeling and Its this kind of show that u watch with ur phone in ur hand all the time, and u dont even bother to stop it when u take a dump for 15 minutes. Its bad and it adds nothing to the universe that would have an impact on u, or you would ever remember. I am a huge star trek fan...seriously...but i would recommend u not to watch it...

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

i am very disappointed...
After netflix and amazon failed hugely and crushed their versions agains the wall, my hopes where up high. But sadly they didn't learn from it. Instead they do the same stupid mistakes. I want one storyline that drives through every episode and not different, useless and unconnected stories each episode, on planets that look like an average city on earth these days. What a fail!!!!


nolans weakest movie by far...
Its strange to see a super long (nolan style) war movie without seeing the enemy soldiers at least once...and on top nobody need this non linear (nolan style) story telling in a movie like this. It feels overall forced, misplaced and useless. I love nolan and most of his movies. One of the greatest directors of our time...but this one sadly is really bad, boring and overrated!!!

Borg McEnroe

amazing movie
I dont care about tennis at all...but this movie still got to me. Amazing story, brilliant acting. There is not much more to say about it. I really enjoyed watching it and really got sucked it!

Casino Royale

daniel craig looks like a russian kgb agent
Sorry, but what fail to cast him. He has no charisma what so ever, and is already burned out after 4 bond movies and 15 years of playing the most iconic role in cinema history and becoming a multi billionaire by the way. And as a thank you we get an old, tired, bored and ungreatfull kgb agent, that cant shut up about how he hates it!!!


too long and boring
Why do bond movies have 5 instead of 3 acts lately. Just when i think its over and i want to go home please i need to watch another 45 min of slow paste excuse of a showdown. Nobody wants this. A bit faster and more intense please....


funny but cheap
I think all is said in the title. The show is quiet entertaining and has a lot of funny moments. But it looks really cheap. The colors and also the camera remind u on an average netflix series that u quit after the first episode because it looks so bad. Thats really sad actually.

Keep Breathing

boring and annoying
Could have been great...but very average and boring instead. Backstory and backflashes are useless, uninteresting and distracting. The show is not about a woman that crashes with a plane in the wild and needs to survive...that would have been cool actually, and was what the trailer made u think. Instead the show is about a woman dealing with woman problems and an emotional relationship drama...seriously why????? Its just boring as hell.

The Harder They Fall

bad tarantino fan film!!!
I am tired off writing these bad reviews, but it is just getting more and more!!! I dont understand the use of this film. I dont see that it has a right to even exist. Its a tarantino like fariytale that brings nothing new to the table except the skin color of the cast. Its sad that this is simply enough these days to be an award winning film. This is not helping anyone!!!!

Ms. Marvel

who wants this???
Finally...all my life i was waiting to see a tv show about a pakistani teenage-girl-superhero in collage, fighting crime, but mostly average teenage girl problems ...oh wait, no, i didnt!!!!


I tried to watch this show maybe three times and i just cant!! In my last attempt i made it till episode 4, and that took my a lot of effort. The amount of average actors is just too much. The story is slow and hard to identify with. The cgi in space looks really amazing though, but is used in a boring and not really epic way that it should have done to make this show great. Its a real sad and unnessessary disapointment!!!

Solar System: The Secrets of the Universe

is he seriously reading of a monitor?
I am a space need nerd....ant the topic is really interesting. But the boring music and the fact that the dude is reading the text off a monitor is really killing me.

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