
IMDb member since August 2021
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    2 years, 9 months


Swallows and Amazons

A Proud Edition of My Childhood Memories.
1974's Swallows and Amazons sets an example on how to adapt a great novel to a film because this film stays true to it's source material, with it's adventurous story of six children's unforgettable holiday in 1920s British Lakeland in their ships that them on an adventure they will remember for years to come. Thanks to the dedicated group of people who careful and accurately adapted it. The film brings Arthur Ransome's unique world to life with entertaining Acting, Visuals, Storytelling and Music. Many people grew up with this charming film and have gone on to show it to their children in later life. The Film is up their with other Classics like The Railway Children and Five Children and It. In Conclusion Swallows and Amazons was and still is a testament to true Family movies as well as to the Legacy of the Great Arthur Ransome who I know would be proud of this wonderful adaptation of his most famous story. SWALLOWS AND AMAZONS FOR EVER.

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