
IMDb member since December 2006
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    17 years



Truly terrible
There isn't much great music. The soundtrack seems garbled, hard to understand the words. I was wishing for a closed caption.

The story is terrible. The movie is beautiful, there is one great conducting scene.

I thought the movie was a real mess - it seemed like I didn't know enough about Bernstein's life as an entry into the movie, and shockingly, I didn't learn that much after. We know that at some point he was with Aaron Copeland, but not sure where or what they were doing. It wasn't a biography, I didn't learn anything.

This is my choice for the worst movie I saw in 2023, but I'm sure that it will win many awards.

Somewhere in Queens

I saw a different movie
I must have seen something different than the folks ranking here. I saw a dad hating his job and his family life, a mom with cancer survivors guilt, a highschooler with little social skills and his fairly normal girlfriend. The movie was sad, but unbelievable. Felt like a paint by the numbers approach.

The movie said comedy/drama - I challenge anytime to point out any humor. It's just not there.

I found little to like and nothing to recommend in this Queens drama about a boy making his way in the world and people making bad decisions. The family that gets together and yells at watch y other every Sunday?

Marcel the Shell with Shoes On

not for me
Read the reviews, was excited to see a heartwarming film. Just not that entertaining. Not for me. The story was really tiny, the topic was really a short that took too long to tell.

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