
IMDb member since September 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 8 months


A Stalker in the House

Terrible Acting
I don't know why I have a thing for these terrible made for TV movies. The lead lady is a bad actor but not as bad as her best friend. And why would someone taking a course to become a therapist fall for the dudes narcissistic "charm"? I haven't actually given anything away.

Moriah's Lighthouse

The fact that when the lead lady is screaming and crying her "French English" accent literally doesn't exist is hilarious. The chemistry isn't believable. If the location is France, why is everyone speaking English with the French accent? I know they are doing it just for the movie, and it's only Hallmark, but it's still frustrating.


Typical TV Movie
Terrible acting, especially the lead actress. It feels like they are literally reading the script with monotone voices. I don't know why I expected more from Lifetime.

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