
IMDb member since September 2021
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Evil Dead Rise

Too dark to enjoy
I really wanted to like this but is was so dark I couldn't fully see what was going on. I'll never understand filmmakers who create movies like this. The bathtub scene with mom was great and the cheese grater scene made me cringe and I'm sure there were lots of other great scenes but I couldn't see them. I dont understand how Bridget got possessed from a tattoo needle but I missed that part too I'm guessing. Also, there was nothing wrong with that pizza....not sure why they couldnt just bring it up as it was still in the box... just sayin. Or maybe it did fall out and I COULDN'T SEE IT! Ugh!!!


I Liked It
It's good to see the Broken Lizard guys back for another movie as I've always enjoyed their humor. I thought the concept was funny and the comedy on point. I also really liked that each guy played different characters. Duchamp with purple teeth and lips after drinking all that wine is beyond funny to me and watching the king and pope go at it was great. Their movies always have great banter between the characters which is enjoyable to watch and this film is no exception. This movie may not be for everyone but I'm happy its out and will watch it again for sure. Its currently on Hulu if you'd like to check it out.

That '90s Show

Just make a Kitty and Red show
Just binged this series and it was pretty cringe. Kitty and Red were by far the best part. I would happily just watch a show based on just the two of them. The kids were painful to watch. There was no chemistry between the characters and it felt like a Disney kid show. Lots of overacting and predictable one liners. I felt it hard to believe that noone knew Michael/Jackie had a son and the age/timelines seemed a bit off. Just lazy writing I guess. It's doubtful I will watch another season or if I do I'll just fast forward through the kid's scenes and go right to Kitty and Red. I think Netflix blew it again.

Missing 411: The U.F.O. Connection

Another great Missing 411 movie
The Missing 411 movies are captivating. Dave does a fantastic job of not only bringing a spotlight to these missing people but exposing the oddities of each case. This movie is no exception. Some may discount it because of the UFO angle but I found it very interesting especially the gentleman who was abducted and then returned. I'm surprised his case isnt more well known. Dave has written a ton of books about missing individuals so I recommend reading any one of them as they are just as good. He also has a youtube page where he talks about missing people which is also recommend. Enjoy the movie.

The Munsters

I Liked It
I enjoyed this movie. I used to watch the TV show so I appreciated all the references. Jeff Daniel Phillips was a fantastic Herman. Richard Brake is amazing in anything he does. Jorge Garcia was beyond funny. Elvira had a great part. I think the haters are taking this movie far too seriously...it's supposed to be campy.....like the original TV show. I don't understand why Rob Zombie gets so much grief for his movies. They aren't perfect but they are certainly entertaining and have THE best soundtracks. Why do I have to write so much just to submit a review? They make you write a novel before you can submit.

The Kids in the Hall

Soooo in love with these guys
They were brilliant back in the day and this new season is amazing. I really hope they come back for another season. Also, watch the documentary that just came out about them...it is equally as good.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell

Bring This Show Back!!!!
This show is so damn funny. The concept of corporate life in hell is beyond creative and the cast cannot be beat. Special shout out to tortured soul Eddie.... every scene he is in is just hilarious. Please bring this show back!

The Batman

Too Dark to See Anything
Why did they make this movie so dark? It's really hard to enjoy a movie when you cant see what's going on. I really wanted to like this movie but it was a bit lackluster.

The Miracle of Life

I. Could. Not. Look. Away
Normally I would give a horrible cheesy movie a low score but this movie earned a 6 from me as it kept me watching until the end. I was so confused as to what the hell was going on that I couldn't look away. Soooo many questions. Why did the girl try to eat him? What was the mom injecting in to her arm and why did it have to come off? Was she trying to kill herself? Why did he go on a shooting spree? THE best part of the whole movie was Luke driving around in his car.

Halloween Kills

Painful to watch
First of all what hospital has their morgue on a regular floor with windows and open blinds? Everybody walking by gets to look at dead people and a naked guy. Then Marion acts like Calamity Jane and shoots out all the windows in the car....the only thing protecting the people inside from Michael.....and then she locks the doors?.....even though all the windows are gone? WHAT? I stopped watching after the "Evil Dies Tonight" mob at the hospital. That was about all I could take of the stupidness.

The Matrix Resurrections

I dont care what anyone says....I loved it
I've always hated Revolutions because both Neo and Trinity died....so depressing. The fact that this movie was all about reuniting the two was awesome. Couldn't be happier with the ending.

The Isle

Didn't have a clear direction
I'm still trying to figure out if this was a ghost revenge story or a siren story. Neither idea was fully realized in this film. It took a little of both and mashed them together which didn't work. If they would have just picked a lane and stayed with it, it would have been more interesting.

Midnight Mass

Started great....ended meh
This series moved very slow. It might have been better if they told the story in half the time and came up with a different ending. The scene where the two main characters talk about what happens after death went on for an eternity. The ending seemed disjointed to me and the characters were just making stupid choices the whole time.

Ojing-eo geim

How did his phone not run out of battery?.....
Love this show. I've watched the series twice now but keep getting distracted by the officer's battery life on his phone. He was taking pictures and videos and making notes the whole time he was there and never ran out of battery...lol.

American Horror Story: Winter Kills
Episode 6, Season 10

Welp, they ruined another one
The final episode of Red Tide ruined the whole story arc. The creators/writers of this show always seem to do this....there will be one great episode after another and then the wheels come off the wagon and you get boring, disjointed, nonsensical finales.


I like James Wan movies but this not good. The reveal was cool but when Gabriel became John Wick that was it for me. Also could not get past the sister going to an abandoned hospital, alone and at night and finding every single medical record/tape in their records room left behind. Ugh...so bad.


Touching Film
I really liked this film as it felt incredibly honest to me.

Count Me In

Waited for Neil Peart commentary......
But it never happened. How do you make a documentary about drummers without him? Just ridiculous.

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