
IMDb member since September 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 8 months



Better than expected
As an estonian and being at this time of event very close to the tragedy, I say, I can't watch more than one episode at once - it brings back all those emotions, the pain which hunts me all my life since that happened.

It's really well done Estonian memorial if I can name it like that. It' s close to real with all emotions, the on-going political games around it and the sincere "why couldn't we help?" question.

The characters are believable, not overplayed as I expected - don't forget, we didn't know exactly what really happened, and had this "its gonna be alright " feeling quite long after.

For now I Ithink it is the closest to the truth the "Estonia" can get.

Maastik mitme kuuga

Cuisine estonienne
Worth to watch but I'd advise to order and enjoy your menu on the first half of the movie. I didn't had this warning so it takes the time now before I'll use the frying pan again.

Summarising: it all makes you think. And that's good enough. You probably get lesser long-term heart breaking feelings "I must appreciate my life as it is" from each year UKs RedNoseDayDonate clips then from this movie. And that's the point: make it, don't regret it and laugh. Do laugh and if it makes your slightly sick - swallow it!

Je vous souhaite une bonne journée!

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