
IMDb member since January 2007
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    17 years


Solo: A Star Wars Story

The Best of the Star Wars follow ons.
This movie held true to the Star Wars storyline and was a quick mover. I enjoyed the fact it didn't try to add to the storyline, but held true to what Star Wars history. I really like when they explained the 12 parsec Kessel run. That always was kind a thorn.


A little bad dialog and great action
I enjoyed this movie, it's a good old good guys (earthlings) vs. the bad guys the (aliens). The beginning the dialog is not quite up to snuff, and the morphing of a girl chasing drunken college kid to a full Navy lieutenant is hard to swallow, but the movie picks up and becomes a different creature when the aliens arrive. I found it to be entertaining and a fun hour plus. And for those SciFi fans who just cannot believe that advanced aliens could be beaten back by a less developed culture, I give you Jamestown, the Seminoes of Florida, the 7th Calvary at Little Bighorn, and perhaps the most humbling of all South Vietnam.

The Air I Breathe

Great Performances and a riveting storyline
I gave up going to see the new Batman film tonight, heard they were all sold out. So I decide to watch one of the new DVD's I was given. I chose "The Air I Breath" since it had a solid looking cast on the case. Man! am I ever glad I decided to stay home and not fight the crowds at Batman. The Air I Breath is a terrific film, it starts a little slow out of the gate,but picks up steam quickly. Collectively, the cast Brendan Fraser, Forest Whitaker, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Kevin Bacon were simply on their A game. I never thought of Bredan Fraser as a serious actor, but boy was I wrong! He gave probably his best performance to date in any film he has appeared in. I hope he gives the silly stuff a rest and makes another like this one. Forest was stellar as usual, It is his character we see in the beginning and does he ever set the tone, that justs grabs you. Andy Garcia, was chilling, and very convincing in his roll, and he needed to be, as his character was the linchpin, that the others character in the story revolved around and reacted to. Sarah Michelle Gellar surprised me the most. I have always thought of "Buffy" when I seen her on the screen. No more! Sarah simply gave a great performance, that really nailed her character, she showed that there is really no difference, between a TV actor and one the silver screen, good is good no matter where you see it. Kevin Bacon, was very good as well, although I thought he didn't really get enough screen time, I really enjoy watching this guy, I think he is a real solid actor. Over all I didn't see anyone in this film that dogged it, cudos to all! The story starts a little slow,but starts to grab you 10 min in to the film, it rapidly becomes a really riveting story, as you begin to see how each characters' story relates to the others. If I were reviewing a novel I would say this is a real page turner, a story you just can't leave till it's done.


A Movie that was a Horror!
This was a terrible waste of my time, and their effort. For the the first fifteen to twenty minutes, you are subjected to a very boring and poorly acted party scene. (If you had been at this party you would have split in the first ten minutes!) This is the movie's prime time to introduce you to the main characters and help you identify with them, but noooo. You never get a feel for any of them as the camera jumps randomly to and fro. By the time things start to happen, your ready to sacrifice you $ 8.00 bucks, and make a run for it your self, not caring about those strangers on the screen. You never get a good look at the creature causing all the commotion until the last couple of minutes of the film, and by then it's to late. The only thing to fear is if the movie goes on for another 5 minutes. (the man in front of me at the theater had fallen asleep. This was a movie, that just tried to hard to be another "Blair Witch".

Suburban Girl

Not your same old romantic comedy
I am generally not a fan of romantic comedies, they tend to be rather brainless, you see one and you seen them all sort of thing. How ever I was pleasantly surprised with Suburban Girl, it doesn't take you to the same old plot that seemingly all romantic comedies go to. I am sure you know what I mean, boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy looses girl, boy gets girl in the end. Instead we are introduced to a young woman, unsure of herself, looking to her relationship with an older man to give her the answers she can't seem to find. This is not your usual fare, and is a funny, well acted look at a May December romance. I think Alec Baldwin and Sarah Michelle Gellar, worked well with each other, giving a very good perfromances. I would go see this again.

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