
IMDb member since September 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 8 months


The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy

I wanted to like it but I can't!
I wanted to like this show, I really did. In theory this show is exactly my kind of taste. On the surface, it is an adult cartoon about a space hospital, following two main female characters and two male side characters. Sounds interesting, and the setup definitely is. However, unfortunately this is were the positives end for me. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this show, it just feels uninspired and even though the color pallet is as colorful and rich as you could possibly be, the rest of the show feels kind of gray to me. Unfortunately it feels once again like the producer of the show were more interested in checking boxes than to make interesting rich characters. It's a shame too, because I think this setting has a lot of potential and could create a long lasting franchise. Instead, we got a bland and boring world with characters we have seen a thousand times at this point. While this show is not the worst thing in the world, I do have to wonder if maybe it would be for the best if AI is writing our fiction in the future.

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