Ben Cole

IMDb member since October 2001
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If you're British then the word "Marmite" describes public reaction to this film perfectly.

If you're not British and you don't understand what I mean then it's something you can Google instead of wasting time elsewhere on the web.

Personally I loved it. Well screwed together and kept me gripped all the way through. I was just dying to get into the meat of the scenario after seeing just a little bit of the pre-release hype.

Too often a film like this has potential but one element spoils all the others. For me this is not the case in Cloverfield, the acting is OK, the effects are knockout and the concept of the subject matter is spot on.

Grand Slam

I'll 'ave you in ashes I will !
It doesn't matter whether you are Welsh or not or whether you love rugby, good comedy is always funny. This film has a lovely down to earth feel that all will appreciate.

If you are Welsh then you'll appreciate the humour and it will feel very familiar even if you don't love rugby. If you do love rugby then it's even more enjoyable.

If you are not Welsh then the comedy, story and charisma of the main stars will entertain you anyway.

Windsor Davies and Oscar winning Hugh Griffith are my favourites but my wife loves camp Boutique owner "Maldwyn" played by Sion Probert.

It's only an hour long but manages to pack in comedy, violence, sex, sport and camaraderie.

In a year that Wales won a fantastic Grandslam (2005) what more can you ask for from a motion picture?


Not your usual thoughtless rubbish. Excellent storyline which I won't spoil. Brilliant cast, particularly like the cop duo of Don Cheadle and Luis Guzman. Michael Douglas is excellent as usual, boy does he have an eye for a good script. He also has an eye for a good woman...Catherine Zeta Jones is rather good in it also. Benicio Del Toro got all the praise he deserved for this film. It is what I like to call a "well screwed together" film. By that I mean all the storyline points have maximum effect due to the quality of acting, music and cinematography. Great use of Brian Eno's music, and effective use of colour filtering to convey mood. Just watch it and be absorbed.

Edit (After having watched the TV Mini-series on which it is based)

I say based but it is mostly a straight copy apart from the Mexico/Pakistan parallel. Whilst my comments about visuals and style still stand, less credit should go to Soderbergh. I'm still a big fan of his but the scope and variety of plot lines and characters come directly from the mini-series.

In conclusion, the film is the series compressed and stylised into a nice bitesized Hollywood chunk. Well done to the teams that produced both film and series.

The Bounty

Historically more accurate than previous efforts.
I watched this film when I was about 13 and the setting took my breath away. So later in life I visited the South Pacific a couple of times, and these trips led me to read "Captain Bligh and Mr. Christian" by Richard Hough- the definitive and most complete account of what really went on. After reading this book I realised that Roger Donaldson's film was the only one that even attempted to be accurate, by illustrating how heroic Lt. Bligh's navigation by memory was. ( Without it all his loyal crew would certainly have died) And also how the crew were unruly and disobedient when facing the prospect of leaving Tahiti for an arduous voyage home. Bligh certainly lost control, and probably used a bit too much "discipline" , but the mutiny was certainly not warranted. Remember he was found innocent, and went on to be Governor of New South Wales I believe. Apart from that, what a beautifully made film, haunting Vangelis soundtrack, and that cast that would be slightly more difficult to assemble now.....what a great film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHAME IT IS NOT ON REGION 2 DVD YET!!!!!!!!!!!

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