
IMDb member since October 2001
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Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Best Part of the Movie----
---is Heather Graham.

Although the edition of Mini Me comes a pretty close second. Seriously though this is pure camp and was just as good as the first one. I loved the misplaced references to pop culture including the Alan Parsons Project and Moon Units Alpha and Zappa. Some of the one liners from the movie have become ingrained in pop culture even today: "Magma", "Mini Me", "One trillion dollars" (with the hooked thumb). It is a fun movie but they could have done without recycling some of the older jokes and inserted some new stuff.

Quiet Riot: Well Now You're Here, There's No Way Back

Excellent documentary
I have seen quite a few documentaries dedicated to bands or musicians and I have to say this is by far the best I have ever seen. You get an intimate front seat view into the band's entire history and humble beginnings. You can feel the joy along with the frustrations the band experienced during their early days. And the emotion of the devastating loss of their friend and band mate comes across the screen. You can actually feel the sadness from friends and family as they recall the experience. Despite all the odds as well as a collection of naysayers and doubters the band stages a comeback which is embraced by both their fans and music lovers. Director Regina Russell did an amazing job and should be applauded. I sincerely hope we will see more work from her in the future. This is an excellent film and a must for anyone who is a fan of not just Quiet Riot, but fan of music. Go see it--you'll love it!


Brings back memories!
Just noticed the series can be streamed on Netflix and its been fun re-living all the episodes. Joanna Cameron was gorgeous as Isis/Andrea Thomas and had the perfect legs for the Isis short skirt. The story lines were pretty simple and since this show was targeted for kids there were "life lesson" story lines with every episode. One big downside is the unfortunate decision to drop Joanna Pang in the second season. Ronalda Douglas wasn't a great replacement. (To this day Joanna Pang does not know why she was replaced.) One interesting tidbit: the opening of episode 22 (the last) uses the same voice over as season 1. You hear the name "Cindy Lee" instead of "Renee Carrol". (Was that by accident or design by the producers?) I think the show laid the groundwork for the future Wonder Woman series since it showed that a woman character could be the lead for a TV show.

The Sex Monster

This was a funny spin off an old story line. Hemmingway looked great in this movie, along with the young girl who played "Diva" (fell in love with her!). Nice "different" movie if you are in the mood for something other than the same old thing on the movie channels or TV.

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