
IMDb member since October 2021
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Megan Leavey

Bad when you know the real story
I thought this movie was really good - until i read what happened in real life. Then the movie tend to be some sort of glorification.

Megan joins the marines and falls in love with a dog. The german shepard Max. A dog that is not only intelligent but also very brave. They search for bombs in Iraq, gets blown up in the air and survives. They both becomes decorated heroes and Megan decides to resign after that. She offers to adopt the injured Max and take him with her. But no - the military says no even though he is done with two tours, decorated and injured.

So instead - Megan have to fight, for the six years old, Max who gets thrown back to Iraq - for not only one year. No, the military keeps him until he is eleven years old - damaged by the war, both physically and mentally plus a nerve disease in his face.

Then he gets to go home as all the decorated war heroes do when they are retired. With a bullet between the eyes. And who wouldn´t want to retire like that as a war hero? Not only did the US military have to squeeze the last drop out of Max - a well deserved bullet to the neck is the price. "Aw shucks - well it´s the right thing to do i guess!"

But fortunately - Megan got to adopt Max after all her work getting him back. She got him for the last eight month of his life. Woo hoo!

Krieg der Lügen

Interesting subject - poor execution
The background story for the search of WMD in Iraq unravels through interviews in this documentary.

But the film crashes even before it can take off. They have dubbed the dialogue to german - when they should have added subtitels instead. Now you cant hear how the interviewee sounds like when he is talking. All you hear is a muddle of german- and arabic voices. This makes the show feel like some kind of hybrid between a documentary and a theatre.

If a documentary shall be taken seriously - present ppl as they are and how they sound. The authenticity is gone otherwise. Dubbing went out of style some time during the cold war.

Keep up!


Dawsons Creek trying to be Homeland
Inspired by the classic "Three days of condor"from 1973 with Robert Redford. The movie is still today very good. This show, however, is not. It falls flat imediately and never recovers.

The characters are lame, the writing is poor and the dialogue is bad to ridiculous.

After ten minutes in - the main character who is a computer geek gets thrown in the middle of a CIA Op and the pointman asks - naturally - our hero what to do in the situation that have absolutely nothing to do with computer skills. Who wouldnt? Everybody knows that computer algorithms solves anything. Who needs a terrorist expert?

To start of with something that obviously isnt realistic just makes me yawn. A miner problem one could say- but no. The show just continues with the next ridiculous thing.

And our hero looks, constantly, like a pale constipated britt who have a hard time figuring out wether he wants to run for the toilet or not.

Bad Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives.

The victim turns out to be an awful person as well
Could have done this in one hour. An extremly gullible women marries a person called Shane, after conecting with him online. He turns out to be a parasite, sucking his victim dry on money. However, when you get to know the victim and how she handled her employees and the rest of her family - the sympathy runs out fast.

They both need psyciatric help.

A pretty slow and bad show about two awful persons. One (the con artist) worse than the other.

Inventing Anna

Fake it til you make it - postmodern eras religion
Its peculiar - you watch nine episodes about a con artist and the taste, left by the creators, when its over is: "a swindler, yes, but did you see what she could do - and how popular she is! And her dress! Oooh my god! You go girl!"

Thats just wrong. I can´t remember the last time a saw so many dis-likable ppl in the same show. Superficial likejunkies with nothing but money and popularity on their minds. The currency in New Yorks high society. And Anna - the master of reading the codes, how to talk, what to wear and how to behave. Nonsensical things that normal ppl uses as a punchline. And all of them including the journalist and the lawyer craved for Annas approval. Not only her friends. And it wasn´t even clear if the creator understood that it wasn´t a good thing when the curtain fell.

If the Anna-actress was like the real Sorokin - i don´t know - but it was hard to see the charisma. There was no aura only money, parties and a sour looking nerdy girl with social skills of an autistisc person. So its hard to understand what the fuss was about.

The rest of the actors did a decent job. Nothing amazing.

To sum up - i got the impression that the creators were trying to put a positive spin on Anna Sorokins story and actions - when in fact all the little sociopath did was swindling ppl and never showed any regret.

And finally - this has to be said! The hotel clerk ( the friend) was so mind numbingly daft that the clocks stopped every time she spoke.

Jackass 3.5

Pretty braindead
Time to grow up. It was fun twenty years ago.

Hanging from trees just to fall flat to the ground, snapping turtles in the ass and taze your pal when he is asleep. As i Said - daft!

Buddy Games

Fun for twelve year olds
This movie seems to have been born from some youtube clip. Like funny compilation or failcompilation with a really bad back ground story.

Its like watching grown men convince them self that the sandbox actually is still fun.

Stay Close

Decent until the ending
Good actors and a decent plot are not always enough. The series starts off well. Megan - the mother of three children and a happy wife to her husband Dave - receives a mysteriers message and a shocking visit from her past. Megan has a secret history that few ppl knows of and from there the story was pretty captivating. The pieces for the puzzle are slipped to the viewer her and there and the picture is pretty unclear through most of the series. A good thing for a thriller.

However, the mystery was over the top arranged and forced. When the pieces were put to place in the last scenes i almost felt embarrassed for the writer. Coben obviously had to make more than a split to stretch enough to reach his far fetched explanations.

When i was done the show felt very superficial and not believable. Not to mention the "scary elements". Something that looked like it was brought from a 1950s musical. Not credible at all.

Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material

If you cant tell a joke - make fun of the audience
I cant figure out wether Jimmy carr is smart or somewhat of a retard?

There was nothing wrong with the subjects, but there were no build ups or story. Just simple minded jokes or oneliners. And a stupid laughter here and there...by Carr.

Boy! He's got a long way to go before he can compare to Gervais or Chappelle.

Don't Look Up

Brilliant satire
The clash between enlightenment and postmodern political- and media frenzy at its best.

This satire is changing pace at least twice. It starts off very good and rather funny but after ten minutes the movie almost fumbles to a disaster. However - after 35 minutes the movie gets back on track again and gears up to become really good and accurate when describing the political- and media process during the overwhelming threat against the earth. This time in the shape of an asteroid.

Any viewer can relate to the covid- or climate debate, and the movie takes you every step of the way through the process. From fear and disbelief, to the awakening and misguided political goals, to denial and finally politically incompetent solutions.

Di Caprio is excellent as the scientist who desperately tries to get attention, making people listening through newsmen, that are more interested in gossip and celebrity issues - when the world is coming to an end. And Streep is superb as the daft president.

An excellent satire for today's "climate" on the polarized public debate regarding...anything.

The Witcher

Not for book- and game fans
Henry Cavill has suited up in an armor that look samurai and with a sword that looks like its made of plastic. He´s got white hair and a dark low voice but no matter how much Cavill tries to be Geralt - he fails with his wheezing voice and ridiculous outfit.

This type of problem is consistent through the series. The cast is horrible. Triss looks nothing like she is described in the books and Yennefer is completely wrong as the queen-like sorcerer - regardless all the effort Chalotra puts into the character. The ensemble is just wrong when the game-characters appears more charismatic than the the characters in the show.

And the monster - for the love of christ! They look like they have escaped some CGI-fairytail for kids. And it looks even more obscenely when some knight screams at the weird looking creature and cuts off their head. It´s just wrong what they have done hear.

The acting is between terrible and decent (at best). The only good thing i have to say is that they sometimes try to put in the original story so that you at least can recognize some parts from the books.

All and all - a really bad adaption with ridiculous looking outfits on the actors and ridiculous looking monsters. I normally like Cavill but this is the absolute worst he has ever done.

Once Upon a Time in America

A movie that takes it self way to seriously
A rather long, pretentious and slow movie that lacks the quality it seemingly aims for.

It´s starts with a couple of poor boys that lives under working class conditions in the early 1900th century. Mostly during the prohibition. The boys have ambitions to become something great etc etc which obviously directs them into the criminal path.

The main character is played by De Niro who is in love with a girl from early age. But the girl doesn't want him because of his gangster life and so on and so forth. You follow the boys through their lives without caring. Why should you? In the end they are mostly a-holes all of them and the story never really tries to create sympathy for them. And it never becomes anything interesting of the plot.

Even though the movie tries to be a masterpiece with the melodramatic-tragic 50s-ish cinema tone and music - it falls flat before it even makes it to the start up line.

Den osannolika mördaren

A decent theory and a depressing portrait
Its more of a personal portrait than a thriller. A depressing portrait. The disastrous police investigation was mostly shown in the first parts of the series.

The hypothesis is not bad and Engström is clearly someone the police should have investigated further - but ignored. However...the explanations - the constant insinuations the creators have given Engström to enigmatically mumble from time to time - feels somewhat forced a lot of times. Every one of Engströms odd behaviors that is presented to the viewer and that tells you why he had the motivation and did the murderer, can easily just explain that he did and said all the contradictions just because he wanted some attention. Add the alcohol problems and the results will probably be confusing. It could have gone either way and we will never know.

To sum up - decent theory but not convincing.

The Unholy

One step sideways and it is a comedy
Churches and dolls are sometimes scary. This one is however not scary. Rather borderline funny. The priest is one wrong step away from James Woods priest-character in Scary movie. Probably wood have been better to aim for something like that instead. And the main character is so pale i thought of a side character like the priest first. The movie is like a bad episode from some horror series.

I onde dager

Not a comedy, not horror and not mystery. But a failure
I honestly cant figure out what the creators tries to do here because the movie is not smart, scary or fun. But it is however embarrassing every time it fails to accomplish what it seemingly aims for. And that happens every other minute.

And the characters are very unlikable and quite frankly incredible daft all the time. And not in a funny way - just awkward.

Lake Placid vs. Anaconda

Want to see an anaconda squeeze a crock until it explodes like a balloon?
Yep - that happened. Imagine that and then add a bunch of teenage girls running around in bikini and screaming. Oh, i almost forgot - the crocks also jumps onto cars and boats. Awesome!

The CGIs were ok - that and all the laughter due to how bad it was - contributed to the four stars.

Ojing-eo geim

Morbid, unforgiving and tragic
What are people prepared to do for money and survival? A lot obviously.

Our poor protagonist- a sympathetic middle aged man with No luck in life gets the chance to participate in some kind of game Where to lose means elimination and elimination means death. The show is cruel and twisted in Ways that are hard to imagine. The actors are good and i like the hero - that was the only reason i followed through the whole show. If it wern't for those things i had given it a below average rating. This was a sick show to say the least.

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