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The Cutting Edge

This was quite fun! So many training montages!!!
I can't remember how we stumbled upon this film. We were trying to find romantic comedies to watch in February, we also do love a sports movie around here, so maybe that's how, but I was surprised by the high rating and had to check it out.

Really enjoyed this. It was fun to remember that weird year where we had two winter olympics with only two years apart, and the two leads had a really nice chemistry between them.

There were multiple training montages in this film. Every thing you hear about the athletes village at the Olympics suggests its a bit of a sex den, and I enjoyed seeing that portrayed here. There's no way that move would fly in competition, so I think it was wise of the filmakers to end it where they did.

10 Things I Hate About You

Just as good as I remember!
I loved this movie in my early 20s. I owned it on VHS and watched it over and over. I was a really big Heath Ledger fan, but there are only a handful of films he starred in that I watched so many times I remember what happened it them, and this was one of those.

I don't think I've ever actually read The Taming of the Shrew, but I did enjoy that run of basing teen comedies on Shakespeare and other classics, and I think this is one of the best films to come out of that practice.

The jokes are funny, the actors all have great chemistry between them. The bad guy is slimy in a delightful way. Bonus points to Alison Janey as the guidance councilor.

Very pleased to say that this film stands the test of time.

Benny & Joon

Just as good as I remembered it!
I remember loving this film as a teenager. I must have watched it four hundred times.

We've been on a romantic comedy kick of late and as always, when deciding to watch a beloved film from one's youth in one's fourties, there was some concern it wouldn't hold up, but it does.

The story is simple but strong, the characters are interesting and sympathetic, the jokes are funny, the premise is delightful, the acting is fantastic.

The imdb trivia section is full of other actors that were lined up to play the 4 mains and I can't imagine this film with anyone else in the starring roles.

It's a sweet little film full of whimsey, and I'm up for 400 more viewings.

The Beekeeper

John Wick with bees.
This...this was rediculous.

I want to know how the actors managed to keep their faces straight while delivering all the lines about beekeeping.

I want to know how Jeremy Irons' agent sold Jeremy Irons on taking this role. I want to know how he managed to give that beekeeping monologue while keeping a straight face.

The action was great, and you really can't go wrong with Jason Statham. I did enjoy the movie, but I laughed at nearly every line of dialogue. I'm pretty sure the writers expected that. We think they watched John Wick and it's rediculous premise and were like, we can do that.

It got a little too silly towards the end, but it was silly all the way through.

I should have tried harder to make bee puns in this review. I apologize.

The Nun

Solid creepy horror.
This was really well done. I genuinely liked the three main characters. The story was intriguing, the dialogue flowed naturally. The setting couldn't have been better.

With no power in an old abbey the characters had an excuse for investigating the creepy sounds at night in the dark, though I did still find myself saying: Why are you going there! Why don't you leave and call the Vatican and tell them to send in the Jesus Strike Force!

The character whose job it was to lighten the mood with some laughs did so in a very natural way. In fact yeah, they got the balance between tension and relief just right.

I haven't seen any of the other movies where the nun character shows up so maybe there's some pre-conception that some viewers have that isn't being met? That's the only thing I can think of to explain the low rating here on IMDB.

This was a solid creepy horror movie.

Don't Kill It

OMG Dolph Lundgren is dreamy!
That was good fun! Had some real Troma-esque sicing and dicing in places, and I think they used most of the fake blood budget in the opening scenes, so there wasn't much left for the end, which gave it an extra quirkly feel there. Probably the most light hearted film I've seen with such a high body count.

The story was simple and straightforward. The goofy small town small mindedness was over the top and fit well with the Troma feel. There were no long drawn out encounters, all the action was nice and fast.

The onscreen chemistry between Dolph Lundgren and Kristina Klebe was delightful.

But mainly, holy smokes! Dolph Lundgren is hot!


It was indeed sinister, but I can't handle bad decision making.
The sinister spooky parts of this film were really well done, and i think were spooky mostly because they really captured what its like to creep around your house at night to investigate a suspicious sound.


You know what I do when I go to investigate a suspicious sound in my house at night? I turn the lights on.

And do you know what I woud do if I found a box full of evidence for multiple murders in my house? I would turn them over to the police.

I also wouldn't have spent the royalties of my first book deal on a mansion that will run me into debt, and I wouldn't buy a second house while I can't afford to live in the first house.

As a result, i found the ending very satisfying.

Special shoutout to Detective So and So. He was the best part. Voice of reason.

Jennifer's Body

It _is_ hard to be an indie band!
This was great! I don't understand the low ratings. The two stars were great in their roles, the premise was fun, the execution really well done. The story and dialogue were engaging. The jokes were funny.

A bunch of the reviews seem to think it couldn't tell if it was a comedy or a horror, was a comedy horror. I thought everything was very well balanced. It also looks like all those people were expecting something like the writer's previous movie which looks to be a thoughtful drama rather than a comedy horror, so maybe that's part of the problem. If you want a fun well made comedy horror you can't go wrong with Jennifer's Body.

Maybe I found this particularly funny because I'm an independent musician.


A Romance for the ages!!
There was so much kissing!!!!! I enjoyed the romance in this story. <3 <3 <3

It's a fine film about the power of love and the dangers of small town mentality. I thought the costumes and sets were really well done. A couple of the muppet style monsters didn't age so well, but for the most part it looks great. Lots of sets that really looked like Dark Souls imagery and a lot of the monsters were really cool looking.

WTF this was set in Calgary?! I had assumed it was set in Calgary for the Canadian Film Tax Credits, but the novella was based in Calgary too. Was Clive Barker on a ski trip or something when he wrote it? I want answers to this question.

Also: David Cronenberg was really creepy!!

The Order

A good story with a satisfying ending.
I saw this in theatre when it came out as I am a big fan of Brian Helgeland's writing, and I love Heath Ledger. I deeply enjoyed it at the time and have watched it a number of times since. Maybe I like it so much cause of all those religious studies classes I took focusing on weird medieval Catholicism, but I really enjoyed the whole premise of this film and it's execution.

Every so often i check to see what Brian Helgeland has been up to and am dissapointed that there haven't been many films. By the looks of all the reviews, people really hated this movie and that is why he hasn't gotten to helm many others. I'm really not sure why.

A slow broody film about a weird old catholic quirk with some intrigue and some supernatural stuff. I don't remember it being billed as a horror movie, but I notice that's what it's listed as so maybe that's part of the problem. It's a solid drama more than a horror.

Talk to Me

Solid spoooky horror.
I thought this was rather well done. Everything looked really good, the suspense was well done. The story was well told. Some characters made some bad decisions. I thought the ending was particularly good.

I'm not big on gore, and this film had very little (though there were a couple scenes that I did look away for.)

Most of the characters had a good mix of likable and unlikable qualities, most of them seemed realistic, though there were a couple moments here and there where I don't think a real person would talk or act that way.

I also thought that the existance of social media and ubiquity of cell phones was used well in this film.


Entertaining and humorous
I was entertained by this. The true horror will be felt by anyone who has actually had to go on a corporate team building retreat. The mere suggestion of being forced to play paintball with my co-workers was enough to send shivers down my spine.

There were a number of delightful gags at play here. The pacing was well done. I thought they did a good job of giving you a sense of each of the characters dispite having very little time to go into greater detail. I also thought they did a good job of balancing the suspence, horror, and humour.

The bad guys are faceless unknowns here, and I think that after watching every movie villan get their story told I think that was a good choice here.

Where this film really shines though, is in it's attitude toward sex, which is downright refreshing.

Yi ge ren de wu lin

It's hard to justify being number one in the martial arts world in this day and age.
Yeah, this was good. I tend to enjoy movies that are about being number one in the martial arts world. This one both honorus, and pokes fun at that trope, illustrating what the world's top martial artits find themselves doing for a living in this day and age, while delivering some awesome action.

There were just so many beautifully done fight sequences in this film. The opening sequence in the jail (and it's reasoning) is fantastic. The big fight at the end is so well done.

All the sets were very visually pleasing, the film had a good pace, and the closing credits were entertaining too.

Donnie Yen is in top form here.


Slow burn but a good one
This moved at a much slower pace than I tend to find enjoyable, but it really fit the mood of this film well and I can't imagine the premise working as well at a faster pace.

There was a lot of emotion and thought conveyed in glances and headshakes which I thought was well done, and I enjoyed the way the various mysteries in the plot were revealed in little pieces throughout the film.

There was a lot of poking fun of hollywood and the movie industry that really makes you wonder what parts are taken directly from Jordon Peele's actual experience.

There's no gore or jump scares and I think this could easily have been billed as mystery or sci-fi instead of horror.

It was a good story, and it was told well.

The Old Guard

Nice take on immortality without all the whining!
I thought this was really well done. I enjoyed the cast of characters and their back stories. The pacing was good. It was just over 2 hours but felt like 90 minutes.

The action sequences were brief and brutal. No long drawn out over the top fight sequences, and the choreography was good.

The story unfolded in an engaging way and the dialogue flowed naturally. No monologues, no one liners. The characters were able to discuss the ins and outs of immortality without whining at length like the immortals in some movies do. I appreciated that.

I might have thought the villans were unbelieveable, but I read about that Theranos woman, and I've met tech bros, so now I am of the opinion that those villans were totally believable.

I am not one for graphic novels, but I am interested in reading the source material for this film. I think if a film makes you want to read the source material than it's done a good job.

The Fast and the Furious

Better than I was expecting it to be?
It wasn't very good, but it wasn't all that bad either. By the end I found myself...half caring about the characters, so I'm giving it a 6 instead of a 5.

I watched this because I'm sick and not really able to concentrate on much and we figured this would take very little brain power. It maybe took a little bit of brain power to believe anyone was making any of the decisions anyone made in this movie.

I wondered if street races are a real thing and it turns out it's based on a news article, so I guess it is a real thing!

The second thing this film made me wonder is how often people in LA can't get to work on time cuz streets are closed to film car chases.

I...feel compelled to watch the rest of the series as I don't understand what could happen next.

Jûsan-nin no shikaku

Yeah, this is really good
Man, Miike really is capable of making some incredible films! I enjoyed this immensely. The premise is interesting, the execution is wonderfully done. The fight coreography is well done. I think they did a pretty good job of presenting what you know must have been deeper friendships between characters in the limited screen time.

This is one of those films with so much emotion that's conveyed quite subtly. There are a few Miikeisms that lighten the dark mood.

The men caught up in their honour system and understanding the waste but also not able to do any differently.

The few against many! I really enjoyed this, and now I'd like to watch the original film.

Dou foh sin

Pretty meh all round
Not sure why this is so highly rated. There aren't very many fight scenes, and those that we do have are either a bunch of super close shaky camera angles so you can't see anything, or a bunch of ground wrestling. Not much by way of interesting action to be found.

The story is really ho hum, which is fine when you've got a ton of wicked awesome fight sequences, but this lacked those entirely.

There is some nice parkour i guess.

I really love Donnie Yen, but we really don't get to see him let loose on anyone in this. I keep getting the feeling that Donnie Yen wants to make regular movies but isn't really able to put his name on anything that lacks fighting. Like Big Brother, this probably would have been better as a cop movie without any expectation of the arts martial.

Insidious: The Red Door

A good story well told.
I have watched all the Insidious movies, but have forgotten pretty much everything that happens, which put me in the the perfect spot to stand in the shoes of the protagonist in many ways.

I think there are fewer jump scares and horror elements in this than in the original trilogy, but there was a good spooky feeling throughout, and the story was compelling.

I quite enjoyed the characters and the pacing.

I really wish IMDB would lower the character limit for reviews. I have said all that I think needs to be said.

Maybe I can say that I liked the implication that art is a very powerful thing.


Yup. This was really good.
I guess I should point out that I'm not interested in super hero movies and the only reason I watched this is because I heard it wasn't really a superhero movie and that is correct.

This was a good story, well told, wonderfully acted. Joaquin Pheonix absolutely deserves that oscar. There isn't a drop of hollywood comic book/super hero tripe to be found anywhere in this film! Instead we get a marvelous tragedy illustrating the cost to society of poverty, cuts to social services, inadequate mental health services, and marginalizing those who don't fit in.

I had been a little worried that a film with depression at it's core would be depressing, but I didn't find it so.

I just heard they are planning a sequel, and I think that's a shame, because this film said everything it needed to. Batman is the sequel.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

The best D&D movie, but paced like a TV show
Definitely the best of the D&D movies that have been made. By far. The characters, dialogue, story, acting, effects were all done nicely, and despite it having a made for kids quality, I still enjoyed it. I read a lot of Forgotten Realms books growing up so it was fun to see all the place names on the map. I think they did a great job of giving that nod to the fans without beating us over the head with it.

There were a lot of little episodes within the movie that I enjoyed, which is really the problem. It felt like they were planning a TV series that got turned into a movie at the last minute. It was over 2 hours and you felt it. The pacing was waaaay off. It would have benefited from having someone come in and trim a good 45 minutes off.

Hugh Grant was a fun addition and I enjoyed seeing all the places they filmed in. They got all the tax credits!


Holds up!
Well this holds up.

My only recollection was that it was quite sad, and I think it was still quite sad, made even more depressing because it's still alarmingly topical. I did notice a little more humour this time round though.

Back in the day I definitely would have said that those bad guys are way too over the top, but now I have lived to see Trump's America, and the news from the indictment keeps coming out, and there's that twitter guy, so now all the bad guys in this movie seem chillingly realistic.

Also, I love Murphy's apartment. I believe they must have chosen that setting in the 80s to have something that looked like a futuristic apartment, but now it just screams 1980s.

Queen of the Damned

More like Queen of the Decor!
I paid money to see this in the theatre when it came out. I went to an earlier enough show that when it was over, I went back in and watched Enemy at the Gates for the second time because I couldn't stand having my last theatre experience be that bad. My husband had a similar experience at the time.

Anyway, we're watching vampire movies, so we decided to see if this one's as bad as we remember it.

This is every bit as bad as I remember it. The acting is so bad across the board that this must be a direction issue. Who wrote this script? Was there a script? I'm not sure if they had a script.

The decor was pretty cool though. There was a leopard print couch and a really big bathtub I would have in my home, and at one point Stuart Townsend sports a fabulous blue floral blazer that I would totally wear.

The Night Comes for Us

Oh god why!?
This was very gory. I think there was some good fight choreography, but I can't be sure because I closed my eyes for half of every fight scene. Lots of blades and tools around. I think there should be blood in a violent movie, but this was horror movie gore. That's not my thing.

Despite that, and despite some pacing issues, I was enjoying the film. There were some compelling characters, the story was interesting, and the fighting i did see was good. But then...the filmmakers just..forgot about the plot? I guess we say they lost the plot. They introduced some inexplicable characters, they stopped telling a story and just went on spree of over the top draged out fight scenes until they ran out of time and money I guess.

Jungle Cruise

The Rock never lets us down!
The only thing I knew about this movie going in was that The Rock is in it, which is generally all it takes for me put a film on my to-watch list. I was pleasantly surprised to find it's The Rock in a period piece. Emily Blunt and Jack Whitehall were also fantastic and I enjoyed the story and the chemistry between the three leads.

I just read here on imdb that this film is based on a ride at Disney land/world, and then my husband told me that that's a thing. I had no idea. That's kinda weird. I tend to avoid G/PG rated movies, and I certainly would have been turned off by that had I known in advance, but I'm glad I was in the dark, because that was a fun ride.

We can always depend on The Rock to entertain us.

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