
IMDb member since October 2001
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Cabin Fever

A blast from the past
Cabin Fever reminded me of a time when I would wait for my parents to go to bed, sneak into the living room and watch the midnight show of the 70's and 80's B horror movies. Don't go to the theaters expecting to get as scared as you got when you watched The Exorcist for the first time. It's not scary, and it doesn't mean to be. In fact, the camera angles and the way the story is told makes me think of this as being almost an artistic film. It's definitely weird and unlike anything out there today. But the cast is excellent and you'll get some pretty good laughs. And if you still don't like it, at least you'll be able to say that you were open-minded enough to check it out!

The General's Daughter

I don't know...
I just don't know about this movie... The fact that, at the end, there's a suggestion that the movie might have been based in a true story is repulsive. I can't even begin to imagine a father who would, while clearly conflicted, take such posture regarding his only daughter's gruesome gang rape - especially by men who were being trained to protect the weak and abused, being that the father was a superior officer. The scene when Elizabeth is attacked shocked me - and I study Forensic Sciences and Criminal Psychology for fun, which means that [technically] I shouldn't be easily shocked. The ending was quite empty; even though I liked the twist involving James Woods' character. And I did like the performances delivered by James Woods (as always) and John Travolta. But I'm not sure if I would recommend this movie to anyone... Unless you're home, snowbound (or something of the sort), there is nothing else to do or watch and this movie is on TV, you're probably better off engaging in some other activity...

Bicho de Sete Cabeças

The Rise of a Star
Until I watched this movie, I considered Rodrigo Santoro to be a gorgeous, yet average talented soap opera actor. Today, after being forced to admit to my mistake and recognize the extent of his gift, it even upsets me when people give more emphasis to his looks than to his performance. Santoro is clearly a star on the rise, and the sky is the limit.

If for nothing else, "Bicho de Sete Cabeças" would be worth watching simply to witness Santoro's performance. But there is more to this movie than its Leading Man. Based on the autobiography of Austregésilo Carrano, this is a courageous, heartfelt move about a young man's journey into the Hells of public Mental Institutions and his struggle to maintain his sanity. A must-see to all of those who have ever feared losing their minds... and all of those who haven't!

Central do Brasil

Sensibility and innocence
Nominated for the Best Actress in a Leading Role and Best Foreign Language Film Academy Awards, "Central do Brasil" is one of my all time favorite movies. The screenplay is very well written, the cast is amazing (from veteran Fernanda Montenegro to newcomer Vinícius de Oliveira) and the plot is filled with sensibility and innocence, characteristics that are very hard to find in today's movies.

O Que é Isso, Companheiro?

A new Era
After the dark era of the 1980s - when the only movies being produced locally were, to put it mildly, very erotic - the Brazilian Movie Industry struggled to regain international credibility. And, while "Carlota Joaquina" and "O Quatrilho" clearly paved the way, this is (in my opinion) the production that put Brazil back on the charts. Based on a true story, "O que É isso, Companheiro?" is brought to life by actors who are probably the best performers of the currently generation, and earned an Academy Award Nomination for Best Foreign Language Film. The most amazing aspect of this movie, however, goes unknown by international audiences: two of its main actors (Pedro Cardoso and Luiz Fernando Guimarães) achieved success, in Brazil, through their work as comedians.

Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle

I don't think there are enough words in the English language to express just quite how disappointed I was with this movie... Ok, so I only went to watch the movie in the first place because Rodrigo Santoro (one of my favorite Brazilian actors) was in it - and I'm not sure if it'd be appropriate to discuss the dimensions of his role because, although I will strongly discourage anybody from watching that movie, I also don't want to spoil it for anybody who decides to check it out for themselves. But the movie is silly, childish, poorly written and completely detached from the series in which it's supposedly based. My thoughts as I walked out of the theater were "I don't know why they bother to call it Charlie's Angels; the appropriate name would be Charlie's Sluts." It has more scenes of Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu half naked and shaking their cabooses than there are explosions. And at least half the time that Demi Moore is on the screen, she's wearing something underwear-like. For Santoro, a foreign actor on the road to International recognition, I suppose that just a shot in a Hollywood major production is something impossible to turn down... The rest of the movie is... (what is the word I'm looking for?)... (oh, yeah)... idiotic!

O Auto da Compadecida

A must see!
It's hard to find actors with as much charisma and on-screen chemistry as this movie's main duo. Throw in an impeccable script and various Cameos by Brazil's biggest and brightest stars, and you'll have one of the funniest movies ever made (and my personal favorite amongst the post-1980s Brazilian productions. The only downside of this movie is that it was originally a four-hour TV mini-series; the two-hour version is inevitably condensed. If you have the option of choosing between them, go for the complete work. If not... well, half the laugh is still better than no laugh.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Truely Amazing
Like many others, I unwillingly waited for this production and was both fearful and excited about the idea of "Lord of the Rings" being turned into a movie. I happen to be a big fan of the books (to the point where all of my pets have been named after characters) and the very preview of this first part of the Epic story was enough to take my breath away. And I couldn't have been happier with the results achieved by the professionals involved with the making of this picture!!

As a personal protection, I tried not to picture any actor or actress to portrait the many wonderful characters in Tolkien's work - to avoid disappointments with the offical cast - and I have to say that I would not be able to imagine artists more perfect for the parts than the ones that were casted. The creatures that had been part of my imagination for years seemed have been brought to life in front of my very eyes as I watched this wonderful movie!!

Faithful to its source as only a movie directed by a fan could be, "The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring" is certainly only the first of a trilogy that will enchant and amaze generations to come. Because that's what the books and this movies are: Truely Amazing!!


One of the Bests!!
I simply love this movie. Not only are cast and story perfectly put together, but the information displayed is very accurate. Weaver and Hunter are wonderful in their roles, but I have to say that McNamara makes a stand as Peter Kurten. This movie is Academically respectable and can be enjoyed not only by Serial Crime scholars, but by thriller fans in general. Wonderful, wonderful job!!


Written by a 14 year old
Even though the main cast holds its ground, this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The plot is so weak and full of holes, it feels as though it's been written by a 14 year old. Of course, it's nearly impossible to guess who the killer is - I did - and the end might be surprising, but that's only because of the inumerous and contradictional sequences. The way the characters react to the deaths of their friends is totally unreal. And the method used to profile this killer is laughable - to say the least.

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