Sula Shoo

IMDb member since October 2001
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    IMDb Member
    22 years


Out in Fifty

either weird-bad or bad-weird
I dont get movies like this. It's just cable filler. Dull scene after dull scene and a lot of bad acting. Oh man. Rourke needs to be more picky with his choice of projects. He was one of the greats, once upon a time...

The Keeper

a thoughtful drama
The Keeper is a tense drama about a corrections officer who decides to bail out a Haitian immigrant he feels has been wrongfully accused of rape. The film takes a few turns after that, but I wont give the story away. Regina Taylor, a very underrated actress, gives a great performance. Giancarlo Esposito is incredible as the man who tries to rise above his station in life and do good and then comes apart. There's also a lot of interesting stuff in the film about African-American class issues.

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