Reviews (3)

  • I watched Deer Crossing tonight. I am not a movie critic or a film Major. I am just a guy who loves movies.

    I watch 2 movies a day minimum and Stumbled across Deer crossing. I have spent way more time on way less Movies. The acting was a bit weak but show promise. There are a few in the cast that have potential. The writing was on the weak side. The directing was pretty good. Sound and music was weak. Overall it was watchable and definitely gets them a second chance. I think that this type film just needs a certain type person to appreciate it. I don't want to spoil anything.I hope you enjoy the movie and my review helped.
  • If this film is inspired by my cousin Vinny they did a good job.The only reason to watch this film is if you like Jeff and Mike. They both give you the characters they have built their carers on. Mike stumbles around Jeff makes his funny faces. The plot is very simple. Lawyer caught in a lie and good girl helps him find himself. That said Charlize may be one of the most beautiful woman in the world. Oh and Jenny Coolidge is so fun. If you are reading this Jenny, you are way more than Stiffler's mom. I think you have a suspense comedy drama in you. You should talk to the Coen Bros. Especially Ethan could write you a Oscar winner. Back to Trial and error, its worth a rainy night watch. Just don't expect too much. I wouldn't watch it twice.
  • I don't know who marketed this film but they should be sued. Now to the actual work. This was one of Brendan's best pieces of work. It didn't hurt having a legend lifting him up. Harrison is the consummate professional. As far as the story line, it was very predictable. That said if you are looking for a feel good movie this will do the trick. My father has always said don't expect anything that way when you get something you wont be disappointed. Brendan if you read this review, you are a good actor. Believe in yourself. You should go for a supporting role in a film. Something like Morgans role in driving miss daisy. I can see you winning an Oscar with the right script.