
IMDb member since February 2007
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    17 years



A charming, funny zany story with good acting
I watched this comedy on TV5Monde, and was surprised by the low IMDb score. In my opinion, it deserves better. The movie was in French with English subtitles as usual. The story starts in Brussels with an older lady receiving the news that she is becoming blind. Seeing her distress, her young friend, reading her mail, tells her what seemed to be a white lie about winning an invitation to a singing contest in Los Angeles.

The story is entertaining, with a lot of tenderness suitably hidden inside the craziness of some of the characters. Much of the fun comes from some impossible turns of events, introduced one after the other with implacable logic. The director has been able to combine characters with different and entertaining personalities into a successful mix. The actors are all likable.

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