
IMDb member since October 2001
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    IMDb Member
    22 years


Just My Luck

Predictable, formulaic, and almost painful to watch.
Watching this movie was much like driving past a horrific trainwreck or five car pile-up on the freeway. You know you shouldn't be compelled to give it more than a passing glance, but for some reason you just can't tear your eyes away.

As with most romantic comedies, this plot is completely formulaic and predictable to the very end. The only real surprises are in the little things that make up the story. The script is achingly bad, it has the actors saying things that I'm sure were meant to be cute little one-liners, but it just comes out sounding dumb.

Missi Pyle, always a great addition to any comedy, was great in her small role. I felt myself wishing she had more appearances, it may have made the film more funny and easier to bear. Lindsay's performance was weak, and I blame this mostly on poor direction and not lack of talent. I feel like she is still not quite ready to carry an entire romantic comedy on her own. She would have been fine in one of the supporting roles, and I think Bree Turner would have been a much more suitable choice for Lindsay's lead role.

Suspension of disbelief is crucial to enjoying this movie in any way, shape, or form. Unfortunately, everybody knows that Lindsay was 18 when she made this film. It's extremely difficult to believe that Lindsay is a college graduate (they never say how recent, but one can only assume VERY recent) with a killer job at a top PR firm in Manhattan, and a chic fully furnished apartment in a very posh building with Sarah Jessica Parker as a nearby neighbor.

I realize that this is meant to be a popcorn flick and nothing worthy of an Oscar or anything other than a Kid's Choice or MTV Movie award, however most other fluff movies have better writing, acting, and direction than "Just My Luck". I'd much rather spend my time watching a ball of fluff like "Failure to Launch" than this movie. Thankfully I didn't have to pay to see it.

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