
IMDb member since October 2021
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    2 years, 7 months


The Sinner

The first seven episodes were deceptive: they appeared to be well-written. This all became undone in the final episode where the writing became so incredibly sloppy and unhinged from reality that you're left regretting the previous 7 hours. It boils down to: Biel murders someone but hey that's OK coz she's a victim. And the strange, weird personal histories of all the characters involved, extensively explored, but why? It's really hard to enjoy because of all the what-the-hell? Moments.


Ain't no dancing with wolves
One of those movies where you get the impression you would have been better off reading the (Louis L'Amour) book. Shoot a gun, the horse throws his rider. Crack shots from people firing a revolver. Often while riding a horse. I watched it because I was reading David Carradine's Endless Highway autobiography, and it's his first film. He looks sufficiently evil, so I did enjoy parts.

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