
IMDb member since February 2007
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I'd urge that you watch it only if 1) you're not paying for it 2) you have absolutely nothing else to do 3) You're so jonsing for a new gay-themed movie that you don't care how bad it is.

Swap the second lead with a lady and without any change in the storyline, you have yourself an equally awful chickflic. And by that I don't mean something like 27 dresses. This one would be much worse.

The main lead is easy on the eyes, so are a few other people. Not all of them are equally bad actors, some more, some less. That's the only good thing I can think of this movie.

Okay, may be the original idea had a point - roadbump in a long-term relationship. It's supposed to be a story of how they realize again how much they love each other. Everything else, as I mentioned earlier, could might well be a story about a guy and a very emotional girl, and not even a good one at that.

Make the Yuletide Gay

waste of time
it's as bad as Christmas movies can go. poor making, bad acting, cliché jokes badly delivered and above all, so sugar-y it'll make you cringe. I was attracted by the theme and the nice poster. the beginning certainly seemed promising. but as it went on, i was only more and more astonished to see how truly bad it was!

A movie made in 2009 should not be yelling 'being gay is okay!' like a pamphlet and hoping to win us over with that only. It should have at least some emotional depth. And I did not even get a very 'okay' feeling from its condescending attitude. I mean, a movie can have low production value and story-without-surprise and still produce empathy for the characters. take latter days for example. but the storyline has to be developed properly and credibly.they fail to come up even with a decent crisis.a problem does occur, but there is no real building-up OR resolving. This one also wins the award for holding the highest amount of familiar sexual innuendos. but my insides are cramped with all the cringes resulting from very bad delivery. There are so many not-so-bad light-hearted movies about young people coming out to the family... Mambo Italiano and Touch of Pink for example. Then there's Get Real, Edge of Seventeen, Summerstorm, Wedding Banquet, Saving Face and many others. This one is just a punishment.

Comme les autres

this film is sterile!
I don't usually write comments after watching a film. But mid-way through this film, i decided that i must warn those who want to spend money on this. The film has great looks. It's got very nice cinematography. There are good looking people inside. But there's no passion in it. It's simply...sterile. There was no heat in it, heat that comes from human elements. The story, the relationships, the touch, everything is almost 'too' perfect.So much so that it seems cold.It's very hard to connect with any of the characters in any way. Also, the story is quite predictable. If you have never watched films about homosexuality or gay adoption, you might find the lack of heat comforting.Otherwise, you might want to avoid it. i considered the movie a waste of time.try 'patrick 1.5' or 'get your stuff.'

His and Hers

very funny...most of the time
For the first 70 minutes the film was HILARIOUS. I laughed so hard so many times that my whole family came to see what's going on. The script was good from the very beginning. It was nice and tight {with a matching sound-score} all the way . but towards the end i began to feel like ' maybe it's going a bit to far?'.It kind of became too implausible to be funny. Still, it's a good,i must say something about the acting. it wasn't very good. actually it did somewhat bad to the whole film. all the smaller actors were better than the two central ones, especially better than the lady. so, do i advise you to watch it? yes, i do. it is definitely worth seeing, especially if you don't have any problem with severed fingers.if you do feel squirmy,watch it still. just don't look at the severed end, that's all.

Suzie Gold

unfair rating!
i had to fight the temptation of giving it a 10 just to see the avrg go up...gave it a 7 - good film - sweet and deep at the same time.

what's with all the rubbish about stereotype? it's a comedy! except for the boring anthony. if anthony was more normal, that'd've been a great touch as she'd have had to choose between love and 'absence of love' in every way.

what's best about suzie gold is - it puts so much importance on her 'identity' -something she couldn't walk away the same time they showed the importance of loving ur heritage and following ur heart.

another, bit less good film is sabah. try to catch that too.


good, but...
i liked the film a lot. when i was watching it, i knew something important was missing from the film. but it was so sweet that i didn't care. then i watched 'Suzie Gold' and understood what was missing. it was something called' maturity'.the film had the basic needed a little more detail work . also the ending, for someone like sabah, wouldn't have been so easy in reality. the battle is not only with ur family, but also with urself, with that feeling of belonging to ur community, with ur loyalty towards religious practices,with ur daily habits, inhibitions. sabah made it a little too easy.

still,the film felt nice and warm.the lead actress did a brilliant job.and the chemistry of the couple - made my toe curl.though i was a little irritated with all the belly dancing,others might like it !

Lucky Number Slevin

i liked it because...
i like it,because- 1. Josh Hartnett spends quite some time in a thin, low-hung towel.and when he does dress up,he looks good,even with a red nose. has a nice, fairly complicated plot. has hit men,romance, bit of comedy,and my favorite keyword on the IMDb list- man to man relationship.last but not the least,the ending wasn't bad for me. the only thing that bothered me was the weired tone of set-designing.clearly they did it with intention-maybe to make the story more believable.but it looked kind of tacky.

all in all,not a bad movie for a light watching.

p.s.a short Lucy Liu with a tall Josh Hartnett makes quite a cute looking pair.

The Big White

watch to feel nice and warm
it's a good movie.and it's wayyy underrated.

it'll remind u of Fargo, alright. but it is a feel-good movie.yes,there is a body and some blood.and lots of ice,too.

but mostly it's about people .it'll keep you warm.

Giovanni is great.robin Williams - as good as ever. holly hunter-extremely cute.the only underdeveloped character is that of's a pity.for me, the film could've taken as much time as there is.

all in all, the film's great fun to watch.not rolling with laughter, but smiling all the time.

No Reservations

added some spice but forgot the salt
Have you watched Mostly Martha? No Reservations had added some very good detail works and a little Hollywood-style spice in the original script....all this should've made a very touching film--- would've-----only if they hadn't left out all the good things from the original movie.

This one fails to create any depth in the relationships. Instead of concentrating on the two girls, it decides to concentrate mostly on the guy-girl relationship-which is pitiful. Also, zeta-zone's acting ruins the movie.She acts far worse than Abigail.

But i must admit- i like the ending on this one better.Not exactly the ending,actually the direction of the chef's life.Anyway,watch it if you want(i warn you,it'll arrive on TV before you come out of the theater} but don't forget to watch Mostly Martha- that one is 'funny and romantic' too.

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