
IMDb member since February 2007
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Avatar: The Way of Water

Was Avatar 2: Way of the water as good as the original? No. I don't think so, not by a long shot. Avatar 2: Way of the Water was rather boring in comparison to the first one. Didn't much care for the storyline at all. Twenty five minutes into the movie, myself and two other adults in our party were ready to leave the theater.

Based on the disappointment of this one, I don't think I'll spend any money to see the next one. In fact, we all agree, we will wait until it's on streaming then maybe.

The first movie was incredible. This one didn't have the same wow factor, as we've seen this all before. I had hoped for an awesome story but it was rather meh.

Ordinary Joe

Confusing and jumps between lives too much without focusing enough on each one
Jump between lives way too much, too quickly to let us get in-depth details about each one. We don't get to enjoy any of it or get shown enough to really care about any one of them. It other words we are going through everything entirely too fast and with too little detail to even care. Has the potential to be an Emmy contender and a 10 but as it is it's only a 6 at best.

Ordinary Joe: Way Leads on to Way
Episode 1, Season 1

Definitely had the potential to be a 10
We are seeing the results of 3 different life choices but we're never shown the moment he made each of those decisions or any kind of explanation why we are seeing all three nor why we should care. If the first episode had tackled this first and helped us understand the point, when, how, why, then it would be way better. Hopefully something will happen in episode two that gives us the this, but as is...6/10.

Dave Chappelle: The Closer

Excellent Commentary mixed with woke nonsense
He said some truths that needed to be said but then mixed them in with brainless woke nonsense. He's starting to wake up but only about halfway there yet.

American Horror Story: Election Night
Episode 1, Season 7

Horrible political BS
Horrible the writing was done by AI software, apparently. Utter garbage. Won't be watching any more AHS. What a waste of time.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Worst Bait and Switch ever
According to Kevin Smith,"Mattel television and Netflix said to me, 'We want to make a series for the people who love the old series,'" he explained. An upcoming series, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, will start over from scratch, leaving Revelation more of a free hand to "do something that completely honors the franchise, honors the toys, and sequelize, spiritually, the show."

It actually does NONE of the above. This show isn't HE-MAN AT ALL.

COMPLETE AND UTTER GARBAGE. Everything Netflix touches, they destroy with their braindead wokness and then they can't figure out why their subscription numbers are so bad.

Hey Netflix, ever heard,"Get Woke Go Broke?' it's true.


Absolutely Awful
The only thing TBS is good at is creating garbage that consistently deserves the low ratings it receives. Horrible. Not one funny scene anywhere in the dumpster fire.

Superman & Lois

Not a Fan of any thing CW touches, but.....
Where's the woke, over the top, "we hate television and are on a mission to destroy everything we touch" usual CW treatment?

Did CW accidentally hire actual writers? Not since Gilmore Girls went off the air and CW canceled Hart of Dixie "to go in a different direction" has there been anything worth turning CW on for.

The first episode is amazing and shows the potential hit CW has on their hands. I'm skeptical though. Most likely they will get us invested then take a sharp left by integrating the garbage that is supergirl. I hope not but it's CW signature to destroy EVERYTHING they touch.

Marvel is about to see a sharp decline in revenue as they start woke preaching in a major way with the next phase.

Here's to hoping I'm wrong about CW.

Station 19

Force Fed PC BS
If I wanted ri be assaulted by such BS drivel I would watch MSNBC. What a disqusting waste of an hour. Cancel immediately and how about, for once, find out what people really want to watch. I can give you a hint, it's definitely not this.

Council of Dads

BS PC garbage... The worst thing on TV? It's a contender
If you believe Rachel Maddow has ever had a coherent thought then you're the target audience due this site. Otherwise, you see right through the contrived BS. The only way this will last a season is if enough ppl are so bored from sitting home and having already watched everything else, puts it on for background noise while they browse their social media.

This is what the out of touch Hollywood elites really thing we will find entertaining?

Don't waste your time.

Oh and I'm also way past over the under12y/o LQBTQ agenda.

Little Women

excellent movie but not faithful to the book
LITTLE WOMEN is the most gorgeous, historically accurate big screen version of the famous book that's been made several times in movies and for television. It has no foul language, no sex, no nudity, no violence but is a delightful character study of a family dealing with real issues during the Civil War. These things I loved about the movie. And it would be a wonderful movie if it weren't for the fact that the movie jumps around with the source material, leaves out details that were important in the book, and adds details that had nothing to the story other than to confuse any viewer who is read the book and knows these women story.

Bottom line, It's a Wonderful movie on its own and if you've never read the book you will love it. However if you've read the book and you love the book and watch this movie looking for a faithful adaptation of the story you will be disappointed. It's a great movie, an instant classic, what does injustice 2 and weakens the book in many ways.

Designated Survivor

, season 3 is a steaming pile of garbage
Why would Netflix spend all the money that they did to buy a series and create another season if all they were going to do is trash it? Season 1 and 2 were amazing, president Kirkman was a true Centrist. Season 3 is a steaming pile of garbage. The language is disgusting unnecessary and it stands out and it's horrible. The condescending attitude anyone who doesn't subscribe to the far leftist left-wing ideology is horrible. Netflix has done some pretty disgustingly left-wing trash programming but this is the worst

Designated Survivor

, season 3 is a steaming pile of garbage
Why would Netflix spend all the money that they did to buy a series and create another season if all they were going to do is trash it? Season 1 and 2 were amazing, president Kirkman was a true Centrist. Season 3 is a steaming pile of garbage. The language is disgusting unnecessary and it stands out and it's horrible. The condescending attitude anyone who doesn't subscribe to the far leftist left-wing ideology is horrible. Netflix has done some pretty disgustingly left-wing trash programming but this is the worst

The Mandalorian

impossible to leave a review
This is the fourth time I've started over trying to write my review. Every time I get a paragraph in the page refreshes and I have to start over. This show is not worth the work it takes to write a review. It is a 6 out of 10 and that's saying a lot because it's the best thing created since the original trilogy and it's still not even that good.

New Amsterdam

Nauseating Amount of Radical Liberal Drivel
Though it would be a good show but once I began getting brow beat with unsustainable liberal BS feel good ideas presented as grand solutions, inew it was time to move on.


More Fun Than I Expected
I didn't think it would be much, mildly entertaining at best, but I was throughly entertained. It's a feel for movie eBay makes you happy.

Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan

The title "Danger Close" serves double duty as a warning about staying away from this heap of garbage.
I am a fan of war movies, particularly Vietnam and Korean War movies and this particular film won't every make an objective list of the 100 best war films of all time.

I thought I had seen the worst written, and acted war film of all time with Korea's "Operation Chromite," but then this comes along.

The dialogue between characters was cheezy, the filming locations did nothing to make the movie even feel like that it was in Vietnam and the much of the acting was cringe worthy.

This is not an attack on the brave men who fought and died at Long Tan nor is it a hit on the Australian movie industry over all, but this film was hard to get into and impossible to find believable.

Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan

The title "Danger Close" serves double duty as a warning about staying away from this heap of garbage.
I am a fan of war movies, particularly Vietnam and Korean War movies and this particular film won't every make an objective list of the 100 best war films of all time.

I thought I had seen the worst written, and acted war film of all time with Korea's "Operation Chromite," but then this comes along.

The dialogue between characters was cheezy, the filming locations did nothing to make the movie even feel like that it was in Vietnam and the much of the acting was cringe worthy.

This is not an attack on the brave men who fought and died at Long Tan nor is it a hit on the Australian movie industry over all, but this film was hard to get into and impossible to find believable.


Genuinely Creative Fun
Hilarious, creative, fun. So much better than it could have been. At first I was confused. "What's going on," I asked, but it didn't take long to figure out.

Great first episode.

Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer

Opened my eyes
This movie opened my eyes to the atrocities that occur in abortion clinics.

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