
IMDb member since February 2007
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Bullet Train

2h of pure fun
Considering the movies Hollywood has been making in the recent years, this one is a masterpiece.

I'll keep it short: They've taken a thing or two from Guy Ritchie's movies and yet it absolutely well done.

Actors threw a great performance, the situations, the action, to dialogues - all well done and made me laugh a lot.

This movie is a must see for a Saturday afternoon in the mall :).


The Gray Man

Total cliché and yet quite funny
Like I said from the start to the end the movie was a cliché and I still I liked it.

Ryan Gosling throw a good performance. Luke Evans trying to be the bad guy ...doesn't worked that well.

The action scenes were descent. CGI as well.

Watching in it on NetFlix in a lazy afternoon - totally worth it.

Ray Donovan: The Movie

Worthy closure - but you have to watch the TV Show first.
Ray Donovan was one of the better TV Shows in the recent years and it finally got the closure it deserved.

The performance of all the characters from the TV show was top notch as usual, so no need to discuss them.

The end left me with mixed feelings, cause Ray has always been a man of honor following his own moral code and I wished there was a happier ending thou.

The Matrix Resurrections

2.5h summarized in 10min
First of all it wasn't that bad as most reviews are saying.

But honestly the whole movie and moral story can be summarized in the couple of monologs of The Merovingian (from the second movie - yes he's back) and the Analyst - i.e. The Architect of the Matrix 2.0.

And the moral is that the Matrix 2.0 - i.e. Our nowadays world is way worse place than the one 20 years ago when the first movie came out - we are willingly selling our imaginary "freedom" for even more imaginary "safety".

Watch it and you'll see.

The Misfits

The worst Ocean's Eleven clone I've ever watched
I'll be short.

This is the worst Ocean's Eleven clone ever. While I was waiting for something to happen - it ended. And Pierce Brosnan and Tim Roth are far better actors than this.

So don't waste your time on that movie.


Without Remorse

They did it again... (in a bad way)
15-20 years ago when I've watched some of Tom Clancy's books on a screen I was absolutely fascinated about such masterpieces as "The hunt for the Red October", "The sum of all fears", "Future and present danger", etc.... and do you know why these were masterpieces - because they've followed the books - simple as that.

As a person who have read all Clancy's books I was absolutely disappointed to see what they've turned such a milestone book as "Without Remorse" that introduced John Clark / Kelly to the world, into. And why is this important - because alongside with Jack Ryan, John Kelly is the other most important character in the whole Clancy's universe

If you own the copyright - then simply follow the book and you'll have successful movie. Why is it so hard ?!?!

If you'd like to enjoy Tom Clancy's universe I'd suggest you to watch the old classics or the latest (2 seasons already) Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan TV show - it's far far better than this.


No sugar, just the harsh reality
It's hard to believe this show has 6/10 average score. It's maybe because like I said in the title - it doesn't show superheroes. No, not all - it shows the things where they are on both sides of the Mexican/US border and the struggle of an old & tired single man and like one of the characters said "We have man on the moon, we have robot on Mars and yet we keep fighting over lines in the sand"

We have Michael Chiklis at his best and I really hope they'll make more episodes and more seasons since this show brings the same feeling as the "Sicario" movies of late.

The Watch

Why 1/10 - because there is no 0/10
Sir Terry Pratchett is one of the two authors I have re-read multiple times in my life. And I read A LOT. (The other is Jack London) So when've read there will be a show for the Watch - I was over-hyped with joy Then I've watched the trailers ... hype started dying Then I've watched it - This is not Disc World and this is not THE watch. NOT EVEN CLOSE Cap. Sam Vimes - not a chance Sgt. Carrot - not a chance Lord Havelock Vetinari - seriously ??? .... and more and more

These are some of the most complex and funny characters created in the Fantasy genre ever so what this show did was to spit in the face of the fans but most important spit on the memory of the genius sir Terry Pratchett.

I know i may sound extreme but there are some things in this worlds which should NOT be reproduced - you should stick with the original. Disc world is one of them.

Shadow in the Cloud

The worst waste of time in 2021
As I said in my title - this movie was the worst waste of time this year, although it's been only 6 days so far. The other movie I have every seen where there was a gremlin dismantling a plane was maybe 30 years ago when I was a kid watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon - and it was way better than this. Period

Cyberpunk 2077

Too much hype instead of patience
It's hard to deny CDPR's previous achievements raised the expectations for Cyberpunk 2077 to ridiculous levels. Also it's hard to find any AAA game title (especially of this scale) to be released without any issues or bugs - just think about - they've sold over 6mil copies even before the game was released and thus there were plenty of players having various issues when the game was released (not to mention the fact - CDPR has been heavily pushed to release the game, now these very same people are yelling that the game should not have been released because of the issues they have...)

About the game itself - for my 6h in it I can tell you this much:
  • the story and the characters are more than intriguing (it's hard to say yet how much your choices matter, it's about to find out due time )
  • voice acting & music - top notch as in the previous CDPR games
  • the world itself is big & beautiful, exactly what you should expect from a huge metropolis - combining extreme luxury & technology and even more extreme misery & violence
  • skill system, weapons, armor, computer implants for your char are numerous as what you should expect from a descent RPG.
  • the combat is quite satisfying - basically from my perspective you may play Rambo style (guns blazing / swords shredding enemies) or more quite stealth approach using various hacks &gadgets to distract / kill remote your enemies
  • lot of lore to read / listen / watch
  • instead of Roach you have plenty cars / motorbikes this time

There is a lot of critics about the game performance - ok I can speak of this only from a perspective of a PC player - so far I've got zero performance degradation problems, got very few graphic glitches, no game crashes. I've installed the latest Nvidia graphics drivers as CDPR recommended, and the game runs smoothly on the highest settings so far for me.

Knowing CDPR I am 100% sure they will polish the game in time and will drive it to the state where the Witcher 3 ended few years after its release back in 2015.

Total : My opinion is this is absolute must for the fans of descent RPG and in order to enjoy it it's better that you should be a grown adult with a real life - because it's something you should consume as a 10 years old brandy - in a nice glass with small sips... and there is plenty to "drink" trust me...


It's deeper than that
I admit I decided to watch the movie just because of two reasons - Mel Gibson and Walton Goggins. At first I thought it's gonna be some black comedy, it turned out to be more than that, making you think after you hear & see what characters say & do in the course of the action:
  • What Christmas stands for?
  • Haven't we forgotten its meaning?
  • How close are we to the point where we are going to kill it ..forever ?

That's why I gave this movie 10/10, because it's not aiming for the popcorn digesting audience, or at least I hope so...

P.S. I'd love to see more movies with these two playing together in the future.

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

More of the same and yet different enough to give it solid 9/10
When I compare AC Valhalla to AC Odyssey I have to admin one thing - while Odyssey represented the ancient Greece with all its beauty and "pristine", AC Valhalla represents Europe's dark ages and England in particular at ITS BEST. You can almost smell the blood & gore, the dirt, the mud, the cruelty and the darkness that ruled Europe between V and XIV century. Ubisoft simply nailed it!

The graphics are incredible, I can walk England's fields for hours just watching the environment, the cities or the Roman Empire ruins. The story is griping enough to keep you hooked with memorable characters and there are more than enough side activities to perform in order to make you looking for more of "what's behind that hill" exploration. The combat is fluid and compared to previous AC games a bit different which brings some fresh air. Developing your viking settlement also brings sense into the material grind fest - i.e. plundering middle ages monasteries and also brings the feeling of a "virtual" community you're bound to.

I have only few complaints such as:
  • the voice acting - although it's traditionally good, more of the time it sounds like the actors are talking in a large hall rather than in the open field under a tree
  • Difficulty - even at the highest difficulty, the game feels too easy - once you cover the "power" level for a certain zone and exceed it - you start simply feeling like a demigod

All in all - for me AC Valhalla is a solid 9/10 and must play for the fans of the previous games / the Witcher series

The New Pope

A must see if you have enjoyed The Young Pope
The first one "The young pope" was a masterpiece - great writing, great scenery and top notch performance from Jude Law and Silvio Orlando.

Now we have even more - John Malkovich added to the team and there is no need to say a word further.

If "The young pope" was 10/10 I am expecting this one to be 15/10 due to these 3 actors and the brilliant writing again. At least the first two episodes gave the expectation!

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

The best thing about the ending of the saga was ...that is the ending.
If you have grown up with the Star Wars universe like me, there is NO question if you should go and see the end of the saga - Yoda says : Watch the movie, you must!

The questions come after:
  • why "The Mandalorian" in 7 episodes (so far) brought me more fun and Star Wars-ish feeling than all the 5 cinema movies released in the last 5 years ?
  • why these 2h felt like damage control and apology for the fans (sorry, apology not accepted) ?
  • why "Rogue One" still feels better than the 3 major movies released ?
  • why I feel more pity for all the imperial troopers who obviously wear these white shiny armors not for protection because they can be penetrated even with a tooth stick?
  • why the protagonist felt more convincing than our Jedi lady ?
  • rude inconsistencies in the plot and changes in the past events
..and so on and so forth.

Anyways - in a galaxy far far away - nothing is impossible fore few more dollars...


The best WWII Naval battle movie in the last 5+ years
For quite some time I haven't left the cinema with the bitter taste of disappointment. Until today! This time Hollywood nailed it - the combination of incredible computer effects, great actors, following the real WWII story events and showing how it went for both sides simply made this movie one hell of a good entertainment.

It makes you think - that the only war that should exist in this world should be in the movies!

Go and watch it. 10/10

Terminator: Dark Fate

Not so bad as they say it is!
Yes, this is not like the first two movies. Yes, they keep scratching the backs of the LGBT community in each new movie (no matter the franchise) Yes, it was almost repeating the same story from the first and second Terminator movies.

However, it still has its value for the Terminator franchise fans like me (watching the first one as a 10 years old boy many years ago). Both Linda Hamilton and Arny gave descent performance (as usual). The combat scenes were spectacular and well done. So if I have to put this in numbers - it's gonna be like that: actors - 7/10 combat scenes and CGI effects - 10/10 music - 10/10 story - 5/10 mr.Arnold Sw. - 10/10 (as always)

If I have to summarize it - This movie is not worse (if not even better) compared to the last 2-3 movies of the Star Wars saga. Simple as that.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Back to the roots
The CoD series has finally returned where it belongs. The new MW game is as good as the previous 3 MW games were. In terms of graphics, sound, music, voice acting, gameplay - the game is 9/10 (occasional bugs here and there). The story is actually the prequel to the previous MW games. Campaign is absolutely amazing, although very short, even on veteran difficulty, so I guess the game is aiming for the multiplayer.

In conclusion I should say I don't regret a single dime I've spent for this game and watching Barry Sloane's performance as captain Price was as good as it could be!

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

You know what to expect and yet you come for more!
John Wick is like Taken - you know the actors, you know the play and yet to want more of it. Keanu Reeves, Ian McShane, Lance Reddick, Laurence Fishburne are the faces we know and the face that fit in their roles perfectly! On top of that we have Halle Berry who brings the perfect spicy taste that a movie of this kind needs.

The action scenes were perfectly arranged and performed, the dialogues and the bitter humor were also in the right place in the right time, and finally the action scenes with the 2 shepherd dogs were simply incredible as a performance and as fun!

If you enjoyed the first two chapters, you'll like this one a lot and I really really hope there will be chapter four next year, cause this action movie is one of the very few in the past few years that does not leave the bitter taste of poorly spent time&money.


The best TV show of 2018 - simple as that!
I run on this show by accident, watched the first episode and then we simply couldn't stop until the season ended (me and my gf) The first thing that grabbed us was the main theme by Brian Tyler...and then everything else:
  • great plot that keeps you hooked
  • the dialogue & screenplay are quite interesting
  • great surroundings - Montana is one of the best looking states in USA. The nature is simply breathtaking.
  • Actors are giving A TOP NOTCH performance. Not just Kevin Costner but ALL of them

One of the best things about this show is that it gives all possible points of view:
  • the rancher fighting for his land using more or less 19th century wild west techniques. Fighting with his neighbors, his kids, his cancer ...
  • his kids - all of them with their own demons inherited from childhood
  • the big city money maker looking to turn the nature into a huge profit estates
  • the native Indian-Americans being pushed to oblivion and their tribal chief looking to make money by any possible means

Let's hope there will be more seasons of this masterpiece . 10/10

Black Panther

Another money sponger
Beside from the fact this movie cost a mountain of money and also made even bigger mountain of money - for me it's an epic failure. Here are my 2 cents:
  • battle scenes were poorly made. Honestly there are way better hand to hand combat fights in TV shows (for example "Into the Bad Lands") rather than here
  • the story and plot were in best case mediocre
  • even the descent amount of humor and jokes common for comic based actions were missing
  • The worst thing in that movie was the acting. Don't get me wrong but for AAA blockbuster you can expect more convincing actors performance than this...

In conclusion I will say I've found only two good things in the Black Panther:
  • The performance of Andy Serkis - top notch as always
  • I've watched it on HBO while laying on the couch ...

Solo: A Star Wars Story

I was wrong
Since the last few years there is one thing about the Star Wars saga that happens each time I went to see the new Star Wars episode, after the movie I am telling myself "This can't be worse than that".

Well - It can!

It may sound ridicules but Chobaka was the best piece of that movie. Don't get me wrong - I am Star Wars fan - since 1989/90 when I was old enough to watch the first movies. And I've watched them a lot.

But in the last few years all that Star Wars turned into - is a money maker, empty of content. Another person in another movie once said "Greed is good". Well - not in this case. So if you haven't spent your 10$ already - better donate them, at least it will be for a good cause!

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

Forget about king Arthur
Few months ago when I watched the trailer and considering the fact that Guy Ritchie is directing this I knew one thing for sure - this movie will NOT BE a King Arthur story. What happens here is that Ritchie took the concept of the King Arthur and Excalibur's myths and made a movie out of them in a way only he can (reference - Sherlock Holmes).

So what you should expect and what you will get from this movie is: - Charlie Hunnam (excellent actor with huge potential) - Jude Law (no need of comment here, this movie won't be the same without him). Hunnam and Law were one of the reasons I wanted to watch this movie - Hell of a good soundtrack - Excellent overall atmosphere and FX - 100% Guy Ritchie movie - Fun

What you should NOT expect from this movie is regular King Arthur story - quite the same if you had expected a regular WWII story from Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards. And the only thing I felt missing to get a 100% fun from the new Ritchie's movie was Vinnie Jones :)

I hope you'll enjoy it as I did on my Friday's cinema evening!!!

Designated Survivor

We are all humans...
After watching the first 15 min of the 1st episode a memory came to my mind - a book by Tom Clancy from back the 96 -"Executive Orders" describing quite the same scenario - of a person who appeared to be the "Designated Survivor". As the book, this show also starts promising : Kiefer Sutherland plays solid (as usual, or maybe I am just a fan of him and his father) - showing a person who's been suddenly dropped a huge weight on his shoulders - his internal fight and his doubts in his judgement and decisions. Overall the story is quite realistic (09.11), camera is good, supporting actors also appears solid

Overall I should say that as confirmed by the history - always the greatest leaders had become of people who didn't wanted it. Hopefully this show will prove it...

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

there is no more "the force", only the money...
I have never written a review before, but I felt so much disappointed after seeing episode VII, so couldn't stand my hand. Episode VII was nothing but repeating episode IV 1:1 as follows: we have new Darth Vader (guess who) we have new DeathStar (just bigger) we have new wanna_be_a_jedi_knight... (guess who) we have new emperor (guess who) the entire plot was repeating itself and there is nothing more to say... I've really expected something new, something promising.... something that made Star Wars a LEGEND!!! Let's hope Episode VIII will bring everything this one didn't ...but not just take my money!

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