
IMDb member since February 2007
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


3 Body Problem

3BP meets Friends meets Melrose Place
Are you ready for a couple of hot actresses and dorky actors trying to solve their love lives ? I half expected the Friends theme song to play whenever the «Oxford 5» mer up and for them them to start talking about Instagram likes . Pretty much no Chinese actors , the plots been dumbed down and all the female actors are are actors/models . On a more serious note the show struggles with what it wants to be . A show for teenage social media or for fans of the book. The two dont mix and it shows. The only good things about this show are the Chinese revolution and aftermath parts . Those are also the parts most resembling the books.

Brendan Schaub: You'd Be Surprised

Nepotism at Netflix
Brendan Schaub is a good mma commentator and i like him on various podcasts. The sad truth is though that this standup is pure nepotism at work. In a world where comedy talent would dictate who got Netflix specials Brendan wouldnt even be close. I mean there arent any actual jokes in the special for gods sake. And a laugh track !? Cmon man..... For people who think that these reviews are just "trolls" at work just watch the special

Dark Skies

Very good but not stellar
The show is really good in the way it incorporates many UFO myths that might not be known to the gen-pop. Most people only know about Roswell but this show has clearly done a lot of research. The acting is also really good. The plot is above average.

It does however suffer on the following points: - The Lundengaard/MJ12 relationship is totally unbelievable. He works against them at the same time as he cooperates. MJ12 sometimes want him gone but in the next episode he's at their facilities working alongside them.

  • The character of Lundengaards wife should have be cut althogheter IMO as it just gets annoying and seems to have been added for the mandatory love story.

  • As the show goes thru the different era's 50s , 60s , 70s etc i got annoyed that they didn't just specify the time we were in in a subtle manner. MJ and Lund. doesn't have to be involved in every aspect of pop culture.

  • Even for the mid 90's the CGI is quite bad. If they had a limited budget they should have just dressed up little kids in alien costumes and film in a dark lit setting.

Life's Too Short

i am disappoint
( my first language isn't English )

First i have to say that extras and the office are my all time favourite comedy shows and i also like Ricky's stand-ups , the podcasts etc.

but I've read some of the reviews and i cant help to agree with the general sentiment.

  • It lacks a story, thats my main complaint. Yes Warrick is loosing money and his wife is leaving but somehow i just don't get emotionally involved in any way shape or form and think that is because ( as many have stated ) Warrick'scharacter as Warrick seems fake.

  • The scenes with Ricky&Steve are by far the funniest of the show , not including Warrick in the bin LOL , but are just forced into the show and storyline in a way that gets annoying and makes me think " why didn't they just do extras season 3 " .

  • The midget jokes , oh good god the midget jokes. There's a billion of them in each episode.

  • it seems to be to shows at once , ricky&steve's celeb chat and Warricks life. And the stories are forced together

  • Warricks accountant is the worst character in the show. A bad copy of Darren Lamb. Hes so bad its near slapstick

positive things :

  • its better than most out there - Warricks assistant is brilliant


Good, but should have been different
I have always been interested in the Holocaust since i first learned about it in school, but its in the last couple of years i have been studying it to the point that i actually could consider myself an amateur holocaust scholar ( alt-ho that term somehow seems a bit non PC in this context ), so when i came across a 9+ hour documentary i was very intrigued as i find it problematic to find raw unedited books or films about the topic. The film offers a huge collection of first hand testimony of the atrocities that occurred during Nazi rule from both victims ,offenders and general witnesses. The interviews with the survivors is both gripping and chilling and gives you a better feel of the actual fear they must have felt in contrast to what certain other movies have been able to as they talk in detail about the actual specific things that took place. In this part of the film he ( Lanzmann ) does a great job, and thats because he lets them talk for themselves.... as for the offenders and gen.witnesses he fails and this is why;

First off he seems to blend the two, that is he seems to be under the impression that as long as you where there and didn't do everything to stop it then you are an offender in the genocide, the most apparent and appalling examples of this is when he interviews some poor polish peasants from "hillbilly"-land , have them look into the camera and ask them ( and I'm paraphrasing ) " was the Jews that lived here rich ? " thus getting them to say a common antisemitic phrase "the Jews around here were rich" and then lets them stare into the camera unable to detect what just happened. This is also apparent when he asks them questions about what they witnessed ( usually someone living nearby the Reinhard camps ) and when they answer he has this way of responding with a subtle sarcastic manner that implies they didn't care what happened, even tho most of them actually did try to warn the people in the incoming trains and the like. About the offenders ( i think he talks to 2 or 3 ) i agree that i don't find much sympathy for them but Claude should just let them speak and not interrupt them and try to get them to break down as that has no relativity to the purpose of the film IMO. He constantly tells the ex Treblinka guard that he doesn't believe him, really ? , the guy sits there and willingly speaks of seeing Human feces in rows outside the gas chambers but he is somehow lying about other details ? that doesn't make any sense. I will say tho that when he talks to the guy who was one of the people in charge of the Warsaw ghetto that claims he didn't know anything, his disbelief is justified.

My last problem with this film is that it not only doesn't mention the non-Jewish victims it seems to purposely avoid the subject. One particular scene comes to mind when a Pole tells a heart gripping story about a mom getting shot with her kid ( i cant remember detail ) outside the train and Lanzmann asks quickly, even interrupting, " was she Jewish ?". Does that matter ? She was a victim of the holocaust and she got shot with her kid but shes not worth remembering because she was a non-Jew ?

I might seem very disappointed in this film but its actually not that bad. I just think Claude should have left himself out of the camera and let the people involved speak for them-self to the extent that it is possible.

Great collection of very important history but , but with some serious issues

True Blood

Dawsons Creek, with some vampires
(sorry for bad grammar, not English/American :))

__may contain spoilers___

I've just finished the first season and i am not getting the second. Its one of those shows where you don't really know where to start if you are writing a review. Ill try tho.

First of this series has nothing, and i mean NOTHING to do with vampires. Thats just coinsidental. Its a show about really hot young adults all twined up in a giant love triangle. The show also constantly tries to be cool, so much so that it becomes really apparent and thus insulting to watch. Another really annoying feature is the constant sex scenes. Don't get me wrong, i love seeing me some nice breasts(PC-term) but its ALL the time with the sex scenes and i really get the feeling they are used as a cop- out when the script and story just gets to bad, and that literally every other scene.

Alan Ball did to true blood what Michael Bay does to good ideas, that is, aiming it at the lowest common denominator and destroying the good idea in the process.

Im really disappointed because i always expect the best from HBO , they seems to be the only network ( along with AMC ) that dares to go against main stream. here they have failed.

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