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Avatar: The Last Airbender

The Absolute Best World Building I've Seen
Wow. I can't believe this is my first ever IMDB review that isn't spoiler free. You know a series or film is a true masterpiece when you can't seem to write a review for it that doesn't contain spoilers.

Wow. Just wow. I have never seen such amazing world building in any story I've seen or read. I have never felt so many emotions while watching a cartoon. This is truly the American equivalent of Majo No Tabitabi. This is Majo No Tabitabi but it's a war fantasy instead of a coming-of-age fantasy. I think that Majo No Tabitabi is a 10\10 masterpiece, and because of that, I also think that Avatar : The Last Airbender is also a 10\10 masterpiece (Also, I know Avatar : The Last Airbender premiered 15 years before Majo No Tabitabi).

Anyways, on to my points :

1. Story Good Story Traits - Zuko's redemption is just as emotional and believable as Shoya's redemption in Koe No Katachi (Which is also a masterpiece). The friendship between Aang, Katara and Sokka is a friendship that feels less of a cartoon friendship but more of an actual friendship you would see in real life. All of the characters are well-written and unique in their own way. Not to mention, this is the best world building I have ever seen in a story. The war is engaging and I always want to see if it's gonna end well or if it's gonna get worse. The elements thing is super interesting. The lore is so fun to learn about. Seriously, I was always exited when they introduce something new about the lore and magic system of this amazing and magical elemental world. Also, this is one of the most satisfying cartoon endings ever. I was straight up bawling my eyes out when Aang and Katara kissed in the finale. This series is like Violet Evergarden except it was premiered in 2005 instead of 20218. While Violet Evergarden is a masterpiece of an anime that take mainly focuses on a former soldier lady trying to find herself back into society after the end of a war, Avatar : The Last Airbender is basically the same thing but the war is still ongoing and there's also magic (Magic is not present in Violet Evergarden since it's supposed to be a realistic post war story, unless you count Violet's Auto Memory Doll job as "magic). And I know I keep on comparing this cartoon series to anime series that premiered years after this ended, I really think comparing it makes sense. Even tho Violet Evergarden premiered in Winter 2018 and Majo No Tabitabi premiered in Fall 2020, they both still feel like more anime versions of this series. And besides, Violet Evergarden, Majo No Tabitabi and Avatar : The Last Airbender are all 10\10 masterpieces in my eyes, so I can compare them all I want! Also, I only compared Avatar : The Last Aibender to Koe No Katachi because both it's "villains" had super emotional and believable redemptions, and bsides the redemptions, there's no other similarities they share (Besides being animated). Koe No Katachi isn't even a fantasy. Anyways, Avatar's world building is quite like no other fantasy world and I honestly think that no other story could top it's amazing writing when it comes to building it's world, conflict, plot and characters. Every location in this series is magically unique and I want to travel there if they are real. Also, the lore of this world feels like Southeast Asian mythology. As a Southeast Asian (Specifically Filipino), I appreciate how instead of being mainly inspired by European mythology like most fantasy series, it got more inspired by Southeast Asian mythology, giving us the representation that's super rare in American media in 2005. Of course, there's a lot of things in this world that are obviously inspired more by European mythology, but majority of the lore and world is inspired by Southeast Asian mythology, and obviously as a Filipino, I adore that! The war story feels like World War II with magic and that's pretty fun since World War II is a super interesting topic in history. It's like the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom are the allies while the Fire Nation is the axis powers. And the Air Nomads... Idk I guess they're the countries that got absolutely destroyed by the axis in the war.

Bad Story Traits - There are none, there are absolutely none. This is a perfect 10\10 masterpiece.

2. Animation Good Animation Traits - Absolutely stunning backgrounds and memorable designs. I swear the animals are so cute I want to adopt them. The element bending scenes are super intense and they feel real. The designs for the cities give me medieval Europe vibes. It makes me feel like I'm living in Western or Southern Europe even tho I'm literally sitting here in Southeast Asia. It kinda feels weird that the outfits are Asian inspired while the backgrounds are European inspired, but that's okay because it still fits well with the story of a fantasy version of World War II.

Bad Animation Traits - Like I said this is an absolute 10\10 masterpiece so if there's nothing wrong with the story there's nothing wrong with the animation.

Overall this series is perfect. I haven't seen The Legend Of Korra yet but I think I'm gonna watch the first episode later after I have written this review. I hope The Legend Of Korra is just as better as this tho. But even if The Legend Of Korra ends up also becoming a masterpiece, it will never overthrown this. Avatar : The Last Airbender is a perfect 10\10 masterpiece that will never be overthrown by any other story ever.

Roadside Romeo

Now I Have A Fear Of Stray Dogs
My goodness...

Thanks to the horrid animation and the F-Tier writing, this Indian-American animated film released in 2008 was born has officially made me add stray dogs to my list of fears.

I have nothing else to say, let's just go on with my points :

1. Story Good Story Traits - The concept is interesting and the cat is the only likeable character throughout this entire trashfire.

Bad Story Traits - Romeo is the most selfish and manipulative little brat I have ever seen in a story. The writing is bad. The plot is utter chaos. All of the characters (Except for the kitty) are unlikeable and selfish jerks who are all slaves to Romeo. I'm kinda mad that the most unlikeable character's name is Romeo, since my awesome grandpa is also named Romeo, but he's not selfish or manipulative. The pacing is stranger than Boku No Hero Academia's pacing. It literally goes from boring levels of slow to ridiculously fast scenes that go wherever the heck they want. Charlie (The villain) is a creep. Laila, who I thought was gonna be the best character, ended up being more of a wasted character than Chloe from Miraculous : Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir. I thought she was gonna be a total girl boss who decides to be independent instead of being with Romeo. But instead, she turned out to be a generic seductive kinda tsundere love interest with nothing interesting about her. Also, it has one of if not the most unsatisfying endings I've ever seen in a story

2. Animation Good Animation Traits - Okay, this is the first time I'm going to say this, but this film is 100.0% ugly. There is absolutely nothing good about the animation whatsover. I would excuse bad animation if the writing is good, but since the writing here is bad, I won't be excusing the horrific animation.

Bad Animation Traits - Every character looks like my sleep paralysis demon. Charlie especially look horrific. There was a scene in a dance sequence and the scene was horrifying. In the scene, it shows Charlie and Laila's potential future love child. And just like all the other characters, the baby looks horrific. Charlie's bad hygiene and design literally creep the living heck out of my OCD.

Overall, this film is horrible is appalling. I'm 100.0% sure that not all animated films from India are bad, but this is something that not even the proudest Indian would not be proud of. I would only recommend this to people who unironically love F-Tier bargain binge garbage films like this.

Alice in Wonderland

The Birthplace Of My Creative Writing Skills
Wow. This film has actually made a gigantic impact in my life. Rewatching this was the best idea I made. This is the legit birthplace of my creative writing skills. Although I have other series and films that I love more, this is probably the most important piece of animated entertainment to me.

Let's just get on to my points :

1. Story Good Story Traits - Wonderland is the place where I wanna go when my life starts falling apart. It's the place that inspired all the magical worlds I have made in the stories I wrote. The characters have all inspired every other character I wrote. The story may be pure insanity and randomness, but that's what makes it good. So many other animated films try to tell a complex story. But in here, they keep it simple and fun. It's like a world that a child would make in their imagination. Wonderland genuinely makes me want to have my imagination turn into a reality. That's why this film is so nostalgic to me. Even tho I'm 10 turning 11-years-old on May 23, I can still feel nostalgic from a piece of entertainment. The world of Wonderland is like a child's imagination and would easily make adults feel nostalgic about the times where they thought magic was real. The writing is nonsense, but it's fun. The characters are weird, but they're funny. This is why it inspired me to start writing.

Bad Story Traits - There are none. Never have I ever described a piece of entertainment as imperfectly perfect, but this film is imperfectly perfect. It's stupidly amazing.

2. Animation Good Animation Traits - Wonderland looks like the best place ever. The colors are super fun and the designs are simple yet fun.

Bad Animation Traits - Like I said, this film is imperfectly perfect. So that's why there's nothing wrong with the animation either.

Overall, this film has changed me. Yep, this imperfectly perfect rollercoaster of an animated film has changed me. This inspired me to write. This reminded me of my imagination and why I should keep building it instead of forgetting it.


American Ghibli That Takes Place In Italy
Pixar usually doesn't make simple slice of life films. They tend to focus on magical adventures and such. But in 2021, they decided to take a break from magical adventures after Onward. And thus, we got a simple slice of life tale about 2 sea monsters trying to live as humans.

This feels like Pixar watched a Studio Ghibli film and decided to make a film similar to the studio's most famous works while also adding their own charm to the story. I'd say it's just as amazing as Studio Ghibli's best slice of life fantasy films like Majo No Takkyuubin and Tonari No Totoro. This film is also kinda a love letter to Italian culture and urban legends about sea monsters.

On to my points :

1. Story Good Story Traits - This is so obviously a Studio Ghibli except it's from The United States instead of Japan. They literally named the town after Ghibli's most popular films. The sea monster thing is super magical and reminds me of a nostalgic mermaid series that aired on television in the mid 2010s. The film's Italian setting fits with the story. The characters are all charming (Well, all characters except for the dumb villain who's name I forget). In a time where mainstream media is trying to be chaotic and fast paced, this is a real breath of fresh air. While some good films and series are chaotic and fast paced, I really enjoy seeing calming and slow paced stories that are just about the development and relationships of the characters. I'm also really glad that Giulia isn't the "i'M nOt LiKe OtHeR GiRLs BeCaUsE i'M A ToMbOy iN a WoRLd FuLL oF GirLy-GirLs" trope that get shoved down our throats. I'm also glad she did not become a love interest. I hate it when films have to make the boy protagonist and the girl protagonist fall in love. I'm happy that some films I've seen don't do that and Luca is one of them. I love how Luca, Alberto and Giulia just stayed friends through the entire film. I also love how Giulia did not automatically betray Luca and Alberto when she found out they were sea monsters.

Bad Story Traits - Okay, what was the point of the last act of the film which is about Luca and Alberto going on some random bike racing contest while trying not to get caught? It feels so not-Pixar to throw in some random conflict so there can be drama. Not to mention, the F-Tier villain who's name I can absolutely not remember is the one of the most boring villains I've ever seen. I'm not saying he's the most boring villain in animation history (That award goes to the idiotic villain of Big Hero 6), but he is one of the most boring. I also don't know if this film is portraying Italian culture right since I'm not from Italy. But if there is, then that's great. I also wish that Luca's sea monster family had more screen time.

2. Animation Good Animation Traits - I was kinda sick of Pixar trying to make their films way to photorealistic, so Luca having a more cartoony style is satisfying to me. The trailer for Turning Red makes it look like the film is gonna have similar animation to Luca. With the cartoony faces, cute animals and such. I also love how they made the town. It's like I'm taking a trip to Italy without leaving my home in The Philippines! I also love the underwater backgrounds and the sea monsters are adorable.

Bad Animation Traits - There's nothing bad I could say about this. The animation is eye candy and reminds me of the seacore aesthetic.

Overall, this film is a masterpiece. It's a breath of fresh air from a year full of chaos and it's also a breath of fresh air from an industry that's trying to make everything wacky and crazy. I recommend to everyone, but I recommend this the most to people who love the seacore aesthetic, people who love Studio Ghibli films and people from Italy. Seriously Italian people, this is a love letter to your country. You should watch this film along with Kurenai No Buta. While Kurenai No Buta is a more of a love letter to Italy's history (Specifically Post-World War 1 Italy), Luca is a love letter to Italy's culture. Every single Italian reading this IMDB review made by some random little girl from The Philippines should watch this immediately (Also, please watch Kurenai No Buta, it's one of Studio Ghibli's more underrated films).

Back to the Outback

Madagascar In Australia
Apparently, 2021 was kinda the peak year for entertainment. Sure, years like 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 have brought us far better series and films, but 2021 was a massive improvement from the previous year where entertainment kinda dropped in quality because of a certain situation. A lot of great anime series came out that year and western cartoon films seem to be decreasing in lazy money hungry capitalism and increasing in quality.

After watching Back To The Outback, I had a mixed feeling. On one hand, you got a fun film about animals going on an exiting and engaging adventure. But one the other hand, you got Madagascar but instead of taking place in Madagascar it takes place in Australia.

On to my points :

1. Story Good Story Traits - Very rarely have I seen a piece of non-Australian entertainment take place in Australia (Seriously, that's very rare to see). I love the adventure and the jokes are funny. The message is a very important message for children to learn I love how they deliver message using animals, something children love.

Bad Story Traits - The script is pretty generic for a film that came out in 2021. The characters are boring archetypes that are already seen in other animated films that feature a group of animals going on an adventure. The story is the exact same as Madagascar (But in Australia). And the way they deliver the message is awful. The "Don't judge a book by it's cover" message is a good one. But, did you really had to do it with animals that can actually poison and murder people in real life? Like, a child could actually try to pet or touch a very venomous animal after watching this film. You could have done it with the big scary breeds of dogs that are actually harmless. But you just had to choose literal spiders and snakes. Not to mention, the film is a little bit too "American" and I think it's a bit too "American" because it's distributed in the United States.

2. Animation Good Animation Traits - Wow! An animated film that takes place in Australia and actually looks like Australia instead of the Sahara desert? That's amazing! I'm saying it like I'm some random Australian being happy that they my home country isn't looking like a literal desert. No, I'm Filipino and I have never been to Australia. Heck, I have never even been somewhere outside of The Philippines. But still, I'm so tired of some films showing Australia as just a big desert. It's so nice to see that change. I love the Australian scenery featured in the film.

Bad Animation Traits - The animals are nothing like their real life counterparts. You guys seriously made actually poisonous animals from the country that has the most poisonous animals look like adorable stuffed animals that you would see in the Build-A-Bear workshop store you would see at the mall. The humans in this film are terrified of the animals (Because they're legitimately poisonous in real life), yet the animals look so cute that a real life human would look like an idiot for being scared of them.

Overall, this film is fine. But to all the parents watching this, please tell your kids to never touch these animals in real life.

My Little Pony: The Movie

Everything I Wanted In An Animated Film, Except...
2017 was a crazy year for animation. On one hand, we got some of the best animated series and films ever made. And on the other hand, we also got some of the worst animated series and films ever made. As a long time fan of My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic, I was very excited to see this film. I watched it with my parents in theatres and younger me thought it was okay, like a 5\10 or 6\10. I'm still a fan of the franchise and a fan of cartoons, but ever since quarantine started, I started watching more anime. Of course, I still watch cartoons tho. Rewatching this film was a great idea. Now that I'm a different person with opinions that were different from my younger self's opinion, I was surprised. The film was better than what I remembered. Of course, it's not a masterpiece, it has many flaws.

This film is basically everything I wanted in an animated film. But sadly, some parts make me drag it down. I wouldn't say it was a massive disappoinment like Emily In Paris, but there were some parts that disappointed me.

To my points :

1. Story Good Story Traits - The film mixes everything I want in a film. A film about 6 friends going on an engaging adventure to stop an evil corrupted force and using magic to stop villains while balancing great musical sequences and hilarious jokes is a film I would kill to watch. This concept would possibly create my favorite film of all time.

Bad Story Traits - The adventure is a little bit predictable. I'm kinda mad that Tempest or whatever the name of this film's antagonist is wasn't explored a lot. Her backstory is sympathetic but I really want more besides "My horn broke so now I'm evil". The film also focused way to much on friendship. Sure, friendship was a huge theme in the series, but the film focuses on it way to much. I would love this film more if it had less "Friendship can save the universe!" things and more character development. Not to mention Tempest's redemption kinda falls flat. It kinda upsets me that the villain had another redemption thing. Even tho I love the series, a big issue had with it was that the villains always redeem themselves. Sure, villains redeeming does push the friendship is magic message more but it's very repetitive and predictable. Not to mention, the pacing goes everywhere. It goes from slow to fast to slow to fast to very slow to very fast to very slow.

2. Animation Good Animation Traits - It's been a while since I last saw a mainstream western cartoon use 2D animation. The main 2D animated films I watch nowadays are just anime. It's refreshing to see these beautiful visuals that could absolutely never work in 3D. The magic sequences and the fluid animation is so good.

Bad Animation Traits - Honestly, there's nothing for me to complain about. My only complaint is that the cat guy who's name forget has a character design that doesn't really hit the My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic aesthetic. His color pallette is bland and hits more of a pirate or cowboy film aesthetic than a fantasy adventure about different kinds of horses aesthetic.

Overall, this film was good. I don't know why it has such a low score. The visuals are easily the best part of the film. The film has a concept that can create my all time favorite film. However, a lot of things that I didn't like about the film drag the score down from a possible 10\10 to a 7\10. I kinda realized that I had the same problem with Boku No Hero Academia. Boku No Hero Academia had a bit of an identity problem. It had both boring and uninteresting characters and fun and interesting characters. But my biggest problem in Boku No Hero Academia is the pacing that goes from super slow to super fast. My Little Pony : The Movie just feels like the American animated adventure fantasy film version of Boku No Hero Academia. It had a good concept, an okay story, amazing animation, good and bad character and horrible pacing, just like Boku No Hero Academia.

Summer Camp Island

My New Favorite Comfort Cartoon
Ever since the end of 2020, I've been watching less cartoons and more anime. But in early 2021 I decided to change that and start watching an equal amount of anime and cartoons. I kinda failed at that, since I watch like 700+ animes and 200+ cartoons, but still, I managed to watch cartoons again. I had a bit of a nostalgic road trip so I watched some cartoons that I watched but didn't get to finish. One of these cartoons is Summer Camp Island.

I watched the first 3 episodes on Cartoon Network back in Summer of 2018. I enjoyed it. Now, I completed the entire series, and it's my new favorite comfort cartoon.

Before I get to my points, I just wanted to say that Summer Camp Island isn't my favorite comfort animated series. My real favorite comfort animated series is Hetalia : Axis Powers. But, Hetalia is an anime, not a cartoon, so it obviously can't be my favorite comfort cartoon. I consider cartoons as animated forms of media that are not from Japan. Meanwhile, I consider anime as animated forms of media that are from Japan. Hetalia is from Japan, so that's why it doesn't count.

Anyways, on to my points :

1. Story Good Story Traits - This is basically American Iyashikei. Iyashikei is a type of anime that features the characters living peaceful lives. This really reminds me of Amaama To Inazuma and Yuru Camp. The story is so pleasant and satisfying that I can't believe some people hate this series. The characters are all charming and I really want to live in the Summer Camp Island the series takes place in.

Bad Story Traits - Honestly, there's nothing bad about the story. It's all amazing and charming.

2. Animation Good Animation Traits - While most people don't like the artstyle because it's 'too cartoony' or 'too simple', I adore the artstyle. It's so cute and so simple.

Bad Animation Traits - Honestly, there's nothing bad about the animation either.

Overall, this series is a masterpiece. It's so wholesome and charming and I love it. I am going to be waiting in my room for season 6. I really want more series like this. This series is literally the American version of Yuru Camp. Keep on greenlighting wholesome cartoons like this, Cartoon Network!

Emily in Paris

Nothing But Disappointing

I was expecting this series to be a simple story about an American going abroad to be successful and stuff. But instead, I got a racist and stereotypical series that only exists to make fun of Non Americans.

On to my points :

1. Story

Good Story Traits - I'm glad they actually filmed this in Paris instead of a fake one. I also love the concept too.

Bad Story Traits - Oh boy I have a lot to say about this one. First, the stereotypes. Stereotypes of people from certain countries can be funny. For example, my favorite anime series of all time, Hetalia : Axis Powers, has characters who represent different countries and their personalities are based off stereotypes from the people living there. But in Hetalia, it's stated that not everyone from that country acts like that and not to mention the stereotypes make the characters funnier. Here, it's clearly the opposite. They stereotype Ukraine and China, but since you read the title of this series, you know that this series is gonna stereotype the living heck out of France. First, every single French character wants to do the devil's tango because Paris is "tHe MoSt RoMaNtiC CiTy On EaRtH". Second, all French characters are so rude. Like, not a single French character has said a kind thing to Emily throughout the entire series. They also stereotyped Ukraine and China but I won't get into that because there aren't alot compared to the France stereotypes. The only country the writers agreed to not stereotype was America. The writers just sat down and said "Let's stereotype the living heck out of every other country but let's not stereotype America because we're proud Americans!". Second, the writing. The writing is just bad in general because it's overshadowed by the racist stereotypes. Like, the French characters don't even speak French to each other even tho they're literally in France. Emily is an unlikeable and selfish brat that I just want to punch. And all the other characters are just useless. Honestly, Emily should have just stayed in America. I hope she goes home in Season 3.

Overall, this was the biggest disappoinment I've watched. I've seen alot of disappointments during my years of life, but nothing is as disappointing as this. This series is the definition of wasted potential. This could have been a story on how Paris isn't perfect and how it's just like other cities. But nope, instead it's a shameless and racist series. They just rename this to "Racist Stereotypes Of France And Other Countries That Are Not America : The Series". I do not recommend this to anyone, not even my worse enemy.

Beauty and the Beast

British Accents In A Film That Takes Place In France
I actually enjoyed some Disney live action remakes. Dumbo 2019, Maleficent 2014 and Cruella 2021 entertained me. But this one is not one of the ones that entertained me.

This film is horrible, it's very historically inaccurate and is overall useless. I didn't give it a 1 because some pretty scenes make the film a bit better. But the thing that annoyed me the most is the fact that they got actors and actresses from Britain to play in a film that takes place in France.

Anyways, on to my points :

1. Story Good Story Traits - Since this is public domain, anyone can make a film based off the tale. The story is still the same.

Bad Story Traits - WHY DID DISNEY HIRE ACTORS AND ACTRESSES FROM BRITAIN INSTEAD OF ACTORS AND ACTRESSES FROM FRANCE. This is film is so historically inaccurate it makes me want to yeet myself out the window. Although the actors have the wrong nationality, I will admit that their acting was good. Emma Waston is good as Belle, but I like her more as Hermoine in Harry Potter. As someone who enjoys history, the historical inaccuracy makes me rage quit.

2. Animation Good Animation Traits - The backgrounds are great. They really capture French culture.

Bad Animation Traits - The Beast looks horrifying in this one. Not to mention that Belle's dress is nothing like the iconic dress from the 1991 animated film.

Overall, this film is just bad. It's useless and very historically inaccurate. I am still mad about the British actors in this film that takes place in France.

So yeah, that's all I really got to say.


Kimi no na wa.

Stunning Visuals, Kinda Confusing But Unique Story
This film is great. I watched this on Netflix a few months ago and I completed it. It's absolutely incredible.

This charming romance story about two lovers living in two different worlds but want to meet each other inspired me to write some of my stories.

However, I would have rated this a 10 if some parts didn't ruin it.

First, the dream sequence. Why was it there? Why did Taki randomly go to this place in his dream? And I am not talking about the dream where he thinks he meets Mitsuha. I'm talking about *that* random dream sequence that comes out of nowhere.

I would have honestly replace that scene with some other scenes that would make an important change to the story.

I gave this film an 8\10 on MyAnimeList, Kitsu and AniList. Now, I'm giving this film an 8\10 on Imdb. It's an 8\10 because of the boring and useless dream sequence. But besides the dream sequence, the rest of this film is amazing

1. Story Good Story Traits - The story inspired me too write similar stories. It's very modern day version of Romeo & Juliet. I love the concept of Star-Crossed Lovers.

Bad Story Traits - The useless dream sequence still triggers me. The story is also kinda confusing, like how the heck did Taki and Mitsuha manage to body swap?

2. Animation Good Animation Traits - It is so pretty! The character designs are very casual and pretty. The backgrounds are so well detailed for an anime film. And the meteor is the prettiest meteor I have ever seen in anime!

Bad Animation Traits - Honestly, there's nothing bad about it's animation! Only complaint is that Taki's design looks way too similar to Hajime Hinata's design from Danganronpa 2. Like, I literally can't tell the difference between them.

Overall, everything about this film (Except for the useless dream sequence) is amazing. I would say Weathering With You is Makoto Shinkai's greatest film so far, but this is definitely his second greatest. I definitely recommend it to every anime fan, especially anime beginners.

High Guardian Spice

One Of The Worst "Anime" Series I Have Ever Seen
So I've seen clips of this abomination online. They are terrible. I love watching anime, but this series, from what I've seen online, is terrible.

Let me get this out of the way, Crunchyroll needs to understand that their subscribers want them to license anime, not create "anime". They licensed the anime series Honzuki No Gekokujou which is literally in my top 10 favorite animes. I'm lucky I'm not subscribed to Crunchyroll. I just watch Crunchyroll licensed animes on YouTube and BiliBili.

1. Story

Good Story Traits - Some of the lore and world building can be good. The school is a bit interesting.

Bad Story Traits - The concept is literally the same concept for Little Witch Academia. Little Witch Academia is in my top 10 favorite animes. The school is the same as Luna Nova (The school from Little Witch Academia). Rosemary (Pink haired girl from High Guardian Spice) is just Akko (Protagonist from Little Witch Academia). Sage (I think she's the blue haired girl) is just Lotte (Akko's best friend from Little Witch Academia). The elf tall kuudere-like girl is just Sucy (Akko and Lotte's best friend from Little Witch Academia). The mean girl who becomes nice is just Diana (Former mean girl from Little Witch Academia). As a kid who has a hobby of writing stories, the writing, the lore and the world building of this series is awful. The lore is bad because we know nothing. Not every fantasy story needs lore, but I think lore would be extremely important for this series. The world building is god awful, we don't know anything about the people or the laws in this world. We don't know what sets this world apart from other fantasy worlds.

2. Diversity

Good Diversity Traits - Okay, I love seeing LGBTQ representation in the media, especially me being apart of the LGBTQ.

Bad Diversity Traits - The Transgender character just sits down and says "I'm Trans". That is one of the worst coming out moments I've seen. There was literally no emotion. When a character comes out as a member of the LGBTQ, they have to feel emotion. They have to feel scared since they don't know if the other characters will accept them. But in High Guardian Trash, no emotion when coming out.

3. Animation

Good Animation Traits - I love the bright colors, a little bit too bright tho. It would be better if it was made in pastel colors instead of very very bright neon colors. The character designs are cute. When creating a character design, the design has too fit the character's personality. This series' character are pretty good, not amazing but not terrible.

Bad Animation Traits - Literal Pngs are in the series. There are so many animation errors. Rosemary's design is a combination of Madoka's design from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica and Miyuki's design from Smile Precure.

Overall, this series is terrible. It's like Crunchyroll asked Netflix if they could license Little Witch Academia, Netflix said no and Crunchyroll made their own trashy version. I am very lucky that most animes I've watched are Average, Fine, Good, Very Good, Great and Masterpieces. So yeah, I would definitely not recommend this to anyone, not even those jerks who cryberbully me for being a softie. To anyone who wants to watch a fantasy all girls witch school anime series, do yourself a favor and watch Little Witch Academia. Little Witch Academia does so much more with it's lore and world building! The Luna Nova students would have beat the High Guardian Spice students in a duel! Please, don't watch High Guardian Spice, this is a cursed and truly terrible "anime" series. This series is a disgrace to anime.

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