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Spider-Man 2

it's Kiki Delivery Service!!!!!
this might contain itsy bistsy spoiler. I STRONGLY recommend this movie. Parents, you want your kids to see this movie. It has a relevant and wonderful moral. Even if you're ultra-conservatives, this movie has much less objectionable content than the comic

Now, the review. We got our heroine/hero, it's a "growing-up" movie, hero/heroine lose self confidence/identity, lose power, shock comes causing hero/heroine to finally understand true self identity, hero/heroine gain power back and saves the day. But truly, even though Miyazaki & Ghibli are great with plot and character development, Spiderman 2 is superior for it's more relevant and closer to home (it's at home actually)

OK, maybe it's not Kiki afterall. As already mentioned by others, this movie is EXCELLENT, which means the plot is believable, great character development, choice of soundtrack, flawless special effect, believable villain, some humor, and a righteous message. Unlike blade, hulk, daredevil, etc, our Spiderman is just like our everyday ordinary guy, making it very easy for the audience to relate to his struggle, confusion, and resolution. We follow and feel along as Peter learns he has a choice afterall, and finally receives his aunt powerful message. "To be right, sometime we must give up what we want, even our dreams," how true, there's a hero inside all of us.

Now if I can just hope for the best IMHO, please, please, Venom on Spiderman 3 (Venom can take goblin out in the first 20 min) and keep Tobey in. I'm not sure if the movie could cover Venom storyline like the comic, but after seeing Spidey 1 and 2, I'm rest assured it'd be just great.

With great power, comes great responsibility

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Max Payne R rating
hi to those who've beaten the game, how's the R rating mostly come from? I will refer to the specific, that is nudity and sexual content. Is there any, any at all where Mona is shown or implied not clothed, having s...etc? (I'm not referring to the character mod in developers mode)

I really like the first one and somehow relate to MS character (yeah...I care for these virtual thing, happens all the time). I really want to play Max Payne 2 if she's not in any sort of demeaning condition cuz I won't stand it and would ruin the game impression


Finding Nemo

Dory, a fish "with a heart of gold"
IMHO, Disney/Pixar has finally come up to the standard of film making of Japanese (especially Ghibli) animation which draws nothing but admiration from the viewer. Finding Nemo got them all: beautiful artwork that makes me feel like watching Spirited Away & Final Fantasy combined, and such a likable character with compassion, kindness, gentleness, and charity as in Kiki Delivery Service.

With that lovely character design alone, I would have like this movie so very much. But Pixar really raise the standards up this time. EXCELLENT JOB! I sure want to know if the Pixar people can say something they think they fail to achieve in Finding Nemo.

On initial watching, I couldn't help but to think with all constant action and excitement, the movie is trying to keep the young audience from getting bored. However, as the movie progress to its end, I realized how wrong I was. The constant action is a genuine part of what makes this movie purely enjoyable: 1.Instead of trying to imitate from Ghibli animation and probably come up with some superficial deep theme, it stays loyal to cinematic style of continuous excitement as in Monster Inc 2.It follows the initial plot hint; "the ocean is not a safe place"

Having something beautiful thrown (or presented) at me, I started to compare movies. I noticed some potential inspirational scenes from Spirited Away (intro of theme with title shown, same closing scene etc)& other Ghibli films. Also came to think of how one is deeper than the other, although it has so much unfamiliar/weird ideas and so on. However, I finally got to a level of change of attitude. I stopped comparing and/or putting these profound work of art in ranks.

It's futile trying to put those works in ranks. They simply reach deep within, and such is a unique, wonderful, and heart warming experience; Finding Nemo, Majo no Takkyubin, Whisper of the Heart, Only Yesterday, Porco Rosso, Totoro, Spirited Away...the list grows

Kaubôi bibappu: Cowboy Bebop

this is what heartache does to you...
I would call bebop the perfect tragedy-drama anime SPOILER All the characters have their (deep and serious) problem, and in someway, their pain and sadness inflict each other as well...and make them worse. After a certain part, it's easy to sympathize more with Faye and see Spike as one uncaring person. However, it's clear that his life is a sad and tragic one as well: the brutal and somehow fictional final fight scenes can only be made realistic when the two person have completely pay no regard for their lives anymore. Ed, Faye, Jet...

I sure need to watch more uplifting anime (Majo no Takkyubin, azumanga daioh, etc etc), this one is just downright depressing

Mimi wo sumaseba

just beautiful..
no action, not much relation to characters, but there's warmth in the heart. As always, the perfect placing, pacing, and arrangement of the soundtrack can make the memorable linger for quite a while.

Whisper of the heart is such case where a movie is just perfect without having me deeply relating to the character, which often can be depressing. This is especially if it's a sorrowful character or character that touches the "soft spot" like Bebop's Faye, Wanderer's Ifreeta, and Kiki in Majo no Takkyubin

In a current trend where teen romance are portrayed with nothing but hormones in action, kissing, more kissing, etc etc, this movie comes as a dew in the desert. An excellent movie about growing up and dealing with the changes.

SPOILER On first viewing, the ending made me squint, but now I see the bigger picture. Shiji apologizing to Shizuku, staying with her before his departure, and then Shizuku's showing her care by refusing to be only a burden in the bicycle scene. These sincere and responsible caring are what made the ending perfect. Yes, people change and life present challenges, but together, I can see them becoming a happy couple.

Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta

Disney does learn...
This is the best dub I've ever heard by Disney, as well as the best adaptation since the biggest abuse ever on soundtrack, themes, characters, dialogues in Kiki Delivery Service. Urrrghhh

This one has different atmosphere, especially the deviation from the common heroine. This one has both hero and heroine (although I don't really endorse the use of hero & heroine here, since Miyazaki is out from the stereotype & common theme). As usual, after being introduced by Spirited away, amazed by Mononoke, troubled by Grave of Fireflies, and deeply touched by Majo no Takkyuubin , this one start with a bit doubt in my part. Wondering if this will be the first Ghibi's dud. Well, in the end just like Only Yesterday and Whisper of the Heart, I ended up giving 10 rating. I'd give 9.8 rating, but the additional 0.2 is there to share the good feeling by encouraging people to see the movie.

SPOILER Somehow I see this as a sad movie, people die in this one, the lonely robot, the abandoned place, and it ends with destruction. It is as if mankind really can't live with too much power. The collapsing scene gave me patches of Metropolis ending. It's just sad somehow. The plot is apparent in most reviews and the soundtrack rules as well (as always). Joe Hisaishi really belongs to Uematsu, Kanno, Williams caliber.People who can brings a movie, a game, an event to life, even to be a lingering moments by astounding composition.

This is a feel good movie that used to be part of US cinema in the classic days (It's a Wonderful Life etc etc). Well, things change....

Majo no takkyûbin

back to childhood
amazing..just amazing, when I watched Spirited Away, I knew there's something "wrong" with studio Ghibli for creating such heart warming gem. So far all Ghiblis movies I watched are just so great I'm unable to put them in ranks. Kiki is just as amazing. Now why in the world I can't feel this same sensation when I'm watching Disney, Pixar movies etc etc...somewhere along the line that touch of innocence is lost. I enjoyed Monster Inc etc and find something to be childish but in Kiki,gee, that's being a child...and suddenly I'm there. Back to the days when I watched Snow White, Jungle Book, etc for the first time. I can't describe in word how it's like to have those feelings back.

SPOILER If anything at all can be criticized I can't believe the movie was over after she saved Tombo...no no no, I want to see, I want to share more of her journeys in growing up, her tears, her laughter....sigh.... I cannot recall the last time I saw a face full with struggle & determination as in Kiki's attempt to fly with the deck broom as her eyes start filling with tears. Also in the credits we see Kiki still window shopping for the shoes she like to fit the current fashion trend just to find that she has set the trend. The flying scene with the birds is very uplifting... everything is uplifting, heart-warming, charity inspiring

Omohide poro poro

just when I.....
just when I thought I finally find a bad (boring) Ghiblie movie....the ending credits roll and it's just pure magic from there. It really made me want to rewatch the whole movie. I should have known better. From the Taeko flying sequence that brought nothing but huge smile and warm tears, this is another winner from Ghibli.

Detailed & lively animation as usual, great storytelling and characters , fitting soundtrack and most of all, the best flashback merging not just in any anime, but any movie. The flashbacks are so powerful that Taeko's somehow spoiled childhood literary brought my own childhood. SPOILER: the use of flashback of the kids character in the end is just magical, uplifting, genuine, ...I'm out of word.

Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Grave of Fireflies, Porco Rosso, Only Yesterday, Whisper of Heart,.... my heart journey continues

Kurenai no buta

while I like Spirited Away and have no clue how come that movie with so many unfamiliarity with audience can win oscar, this one is a shock to the system. I can't really say which is better, but this animated feature has the most smile evoking soundtrack ever. They fit perfectly to the scenes as well and guess what? there're really no bad guys here. A movie (not anime) with innocence taste

if anything can be critized at all, I would reluctantly pick on the smoking..tee hee....although the action itself is not implied at all

a real gem

Azumanga daiô

I need this...
this is definitely for me, for a long time, I've dwelled in complex & masterpiece anime like Bebop, Ghibi productions, Kenshin OAV, Jin Roh, Grave of Fireflies, Metropolis etc until at some point I realize these shows are "not entertaining" anymore since they make me think, they make me relate so deep into the characters, got emotionally drained even depressed.

Not in the case of azumanga daioh...

For me this show is just great, fun, gorgeous, sweet, cute, you name it. It even brings back some highschool memories, there isn't asingle episode where I can watch and not having a HUGE smile, and another smile, and another smile, and.... It sure is hard to pick any favourite character since they all make the show, but I'll go with Sakaki (the cool one with a soft spot), and the "impossible" bond setting with Kaorin is particularly sweet & hillarious heh heh

Recommended for those who want a change of atmosphere into a cute, funny, lighthearted show

The Ring

gee, I've given up horror/thriller flick since the genre is becoming worse and worse. Ones that can pick it up were what lies beneath (so so), 6th sense (not scary, touching instead...oh boy), bone daddy (only 1st 20 min), house on....

SPOILER unlike all those movies, the ring makes you let your guard down and then attack you with full strength. I have to admit I'm biased regarding the scare factor, death people in an abandoned well climbing out was my childhodd nightmare. I was watching the DVD with friends at 1am in a stormy night when we thought, good for Samara, her soul can finally rest in peace...when boo final scene...The movement of a body seems to lose its muscle support after rotting is just excellent. What scares me more is the fact that I can't help but smiling at every gore/deformed scenes (even making jokes that people die because they watch TV too close)...except the last one. It gives me creep for days. Blair Witch Project has "the unknown is the scariest thing" since no ghost etc has actually ever shown. Scary, but no images to linger in your head as a result. I feel bad for the actress playing Samara, she's supposedly little beautiful actress etc, but now when I see her photo, I can't help but to feel the creeps...oh well, at least she's a good actress then

Darn this movie, good thing it's TV, if it's a computer monitor that I face 24/7.....


yeah, but...
yep, this series try to pick here and there from a lot of movies/series. If you're an anime fan, you immediately recall the bebop stylish gun fight and scenery (although less realistic towards the end), and as the series finish, you would recall Evangelion, story of offspring chosen from the beginning to accomplish task that aduts/male just unable to do

If you're a movie buff, as mentioned before, nikita and Leon would come to mind. This series even has the exact plant from Leon, but boy, the way it's ripped off and has shallow meaning unlike in Leon just make me upset.

If there's an anime that get a lot of attention based on style and unique soundtrack then this is it. Style over substance. As the series progress, more puzzle is revealed, but you also notice too common formula repeated over and over again. Same theme song, same partner got saved by the other and so on and so on and so on.

Seeing the first 20 minutes of the anime, it might blow you away. After that, I would say watching the first and last 5 episodes would give you what's it all about, and prevent you from boredom/ loss of appreciation for the anime.

SPOILER: If there's any "real" character, I would definitely say Artena. Regardless of her short appearance/ no memory loss thing etc, she's one with real inner conflict etc. The scene of her recalling being raped (nothing explicit) by foot soldier in a war released me from the so-so mood towards the end. It's sort of shocking and unexpected, and for some reason grave of fireflies name popped up in my mind. As other factual war scenery, it's haunting. Despite her "psycho" (whole soft voice but she killed & died without even flinch) nature, her character got my full sympathy. I can't help but to conclude that she has been scarred physically since that war, and she's simply....insane.

Rabu Hina

yep, it got tons of slapstick comedy, and billions of reflection of the perhaps perverted director mind. But if you can force yourself to keep watching until episode 21-22, you'll see some substance there.

This is an example of a so so anime can develop substance by having a strong soundtrack; a mixture of classical in some episodes and techno (I didn't very much enjoy the latter one). Without the soundtrack, this might end up like fruit basket.

My related character is Mutsumi, for I see nothing but pure charity in her words, acts, etc etc etc

Definitely not recommended for everyone, this is one of those anime that you just see out of the blue (when you're out of kenshin, bebop, gundam, and miyazaki/ghibi product) and then like it or dislike it

Edward Scissorhands

profoundly gorgeous
This is quality of dream. I watched this more than 5 years ago and now just listening Danny Elfman soundtrack, the images reappear, the bittersweet melancholy is still there. The snow scene in the end, I couldn't help but to think Edward's spending immortality by himself, only accompanied by lingering memory.

This movie is so perfect to me since I can relate to both Edward and Kim character, where my favourite scene is where Edward in a calm yet hurting voice said; "goodbye"

Rurôni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku romantan - Tsuioku-hen

this is...different
..but in a way, much more suitable. Kenshin the ex-hitokiri bauttosai would definitely has not only a visible scar on his face, but the pain he inherited from Tomoe that is reflected on his sad face.

Definitely bloody, any romance scene is modestly done, and the whole animation is made in the most realistic way possible.

SPOILER: I can't help but to relate what kind of pain it must have been like. To be attached to someone whose fiancee you killed without realizing it, to discover one day that that you're the one who took her happiness, to be willing to die for all the pain you have caused, and in the end to see right in front of you when she sacrificed herself dying from your sword in order for you to keep living...

this is on the list with bebop, ghibi's works, and grave of fireflies

wonder what's the outcome of the duel between bauttosai and Saito, but since they both exist in the tv series, it must have been a draw. If I could relate to any character, that would be Hiko for he's completely aware that a sword as means to protect will always bring pain and the sword user is not excluded. Hence, he chose to stay away from "real life." Definitely there's arrogance, but not ignorance.

when I saw both tv series and the OVA, it's almost like 2 different character/story...the tv is nice for an entertainment and good laugh... the OVA is for die hard movie goers who appreciate taste of depressing, heart breaking, and life reflecting movie. The tv series makes you think/see how cool katana at work is (with all the "magical" stuff), the ova will show you the brutality, madness, and sickness.

Rurôni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku romantan

nicely done
music...I mean soundtrack, that's must be it. Sounds weird, but I feel like watching bebop essence combined with love hina slapstick humor style.

In a bigger picture, I would prefer the 1st 4 OVA because of it's touching feel, but this one is surely not to be missed...and 95 episodes, wow, despite the last 30 episodes might not be as strong as the previous ones, not many series can go that long without giving a "lame" impression

master Hiko, and miss Megumi are definitely my favourites (and I sometime got weird thought if they ever become a couple o_O )

Rurôni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku romantan - Tsuioku-hen

this is...different
..but in a way, much more suitable. Kenshin the ex-hitokiri bauttosai would definitely has not only a visible scar on his face, but the pain he inherited from Tomoe that is reflected on his sad face.

Definitely bloody, any romance scene is modestly done, and the whole animation is made in the most realistic way possible.

SPOILER: I can't help but to relate what kind of pain it must have been like. To be attached to someone whose fiancee you killed without realizing it, to discover one day that that you're the one who took her happiness, to be willing to die for all the pain you have caused, and in the end to see right in front of you when she sacrificed herself dying from your sword in order for you to keep living...

this is on the list with bebop, ghibi's works, and grave of fireflies

wonder what's the outcome of the duel between bauttosai and Saito, but since they both exist in the tv series, it must have been a draw. If I could relate to any character, that would be Hiko for he's completely aware that a sword as means to protect will always bring pain and the sword user is not excluded. Hence, he chose to stay away from "real life." Definitely there's arrogance, but not ignorance.

when I saw both tv series and the OVA, it's almost like 2 different character/story...the tv is nice for an entertainment and good laugh... the OVA is for die hard movie goers who appreciate taste of depressing, heart breaking, and life reflecting movie. The tv series makes you think/see how cool katana at work is (with all the "magical" stuff), the ova will show you the brutality, madness, and sickness.

Fantasia 2000

love it...
I know nowadays the japanese animation really have a big hype. I am one of the people who has the highest appreciation for that astounding form of art.

However, disney is just part of a really sweet and nostalgic memories. I won't say which is better, I'll just say that they're different and each belong to their own time. Japanese art of animation itself I believe was inspired my disney's moving picture.

Having said that, I really enjoy the combination of classical music and work of animation. It really tells the storytelling power of classical music. This is also the basic of the concept soundtrack, for where it's powerful/haunting enough, it could put a "soul" to a movie.

I didn't watch the original fantasia, but I sure enjoy this one.

Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi

in addition...
I would like to add as well that the movie is unique in terms that it does not utilize "fan service" and male anime fan taste in its character creation. No pretty boys, kawaii girls, or even immodest appearance like the major anime series who exploits anime fan (mainly male) common taste and the director/writer's own libido. Hayao Miyazaki certainly has a class of his own. Expect to find more details as you watch the movie more than once.

Hotaru no haka

I shouldn't have watched this...
it's 2 am now and I'm still trembling...

the last scene of Seita looking at the audience and than looking out to what seems to be the current modern Japan city under the hill with skyscraper is just haunting..

I didn't see this as the Japanese suffering, for my family had their share of torture during Japanese colonialization era although the gift of forgiveness had taken care of that. Instead, these are children in war, wherever they may be

darn, it turns my state of heart upside down, completely cleared up all the smiles, joys, and nostalgic memories I got after watching Spirited Away.

This movie reminds me of a reason I've forgotten, that is why at some point I'd turned to be a completely pacifist that I didn't even defend myself in the presence of serious harm from others. I was looking at myself as a coward, dumb etc, until I'm reminded that once I decided to hurt others with a reason of defense, one day (who knows?)I would declare war for the same reason, and I'd be the one causing these human beings to suffer.

How in the world in this movie not in the top 250???? or as a matter of fact, in the top 10 next to Schindler's List???? Well, if "too depressing" is the answer, I'd still be satisfied

I did go with 10/10 for it...but again, shouldn't have watched this...shouldn't have watched this...shouldn't have watched this...

Hotaru no haka

I shouldn't have watched this...
it's 2 am now and I'm still trembling...

the last scene of Seita looking at the audience and than looking out to what seems to be the current modern Japan city under the hill with skyscraper is just haunting..

I didn't see this as the Japanese suffering, for my family had their share of torture during Japanese colonialization era although the gift of forgiveness had taken care of that. Instead, these are children in war, wherever they may be

darn, it turns my state of heart upside down, completely cleared up all the smiles, joys, and nostalgic memories I got after watching Spirited Away.

This movie reminds me of a reason I've forgotten, that is why at some point I'd turned to be a completely pacifist that I didn't even defend myself in the presence of serious harm from others. I was looking at myself as a coward, dumb etc, until I'm reminded that once I decided to hurt others with a reason of defense, one day (who knows?)I would declare war for the same reason, and I'd be the one causing these human beings to suffer.

How in the world in this movie not in the top 250???? or as a matter of fact, in the top 10 next to Schindler's List???? Well, if "too depressing" is the answer, I'd still be satisfied

I did go with 10/10 for it...but again, shouldn't have watched this...shouldn't have watched this...shouldn't have watched this...

Hotaru no haka

I shouldn't have watched this...
it's 2 am now and I'm still trembling...

the last scene of Seita looking at the audience and than looking out to what seems to be the current modern Japan city under the hill with skyscraper is just haunting..

I didn't see this as the Japanese suffering, for my family had their share of torture during Japanese colonialization era although the gift of forgiveness had taken care of that. Instead, these are children in war, wherever they may be

darn, it turns my state of heart upside down, completely cleared up all the smiles, joys, and nostalgic memories I got after watching Spirited Away.

This movie reminds me of a reason I've forgotten, that is why at some point I'd turned to be a completely pacifist that I didn't even defend myself in the presence of serious harm from others. I was looking at myself as a coward, dumb etc, until I'm reminded that once I decided to hurt others with a reason of defense, one day (who knows?)I would declare war for the same reason, and I'd be the one causing these human beings to suffer.

How in the world in this movie not in the top 250???? or as a matter of fact, in the top 10 next to Schindler's List???? Well, if "too depressing" is the answer, I'd still be satisfied

I did go with 10/10 for it...but again, shouldn't have watched this...shouldn't have watched this...shouldn't have watched this...

Shichinin no samurai

after watching Lord of the Rings, Leon, Saving Private Ryan and other best current(1990's) colorful/full of special effects movies, I was rather pessimistic in the first 15 minutes of Seven Samurai.

As the ending credits roll, I was absolutely amazed how emotion provoking and edge of the seat action class this movie is. It has everything; romance, multiple-climax scene, dramatic scenes, disturbing scenes, you name it!

I won't repeat all the praises mentioned for Kurosawa. He simply rules!

Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain

This movie felt like a perfect escape from real world at first, but as the end approached, I was brought back to reality.

The character is pretty much realistic, for I'm very close to one who lives in dreams. However, sometimes reality just put its face back in front of you.

Although I despise every scene of nudity and sexual reference (but I have the highest respect for the fact that some are of screen), the movie have beautiful scenery, outstanding and unique music, nice comedy-drama-romance composition, and moving moments.

Can't help but to relate with the character Amelie, who looks like Love Hina's Mutsumi in real life.

Movie like this doesn't come around very often. Sure wish to pass by real Emilies

Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi

in addition...
I would like to add as well that the movie is unique in terms that it does not utilize "fan service" and male anime fan taste in its character creation. No pretty boys, kawaii girls, or even immodest appearance like the major anime series who exploits anime fan (mainly male) common taste and the director/writer's own libido. Hayao Miyazaki certainly has a class of his own. Expect to find more details as you watch the movie more than once.

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