
IMDb member since December 2001
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Extreme Ops

Plot??? Where???
This movie looked great. I really wanted to see it. But it was a disappointment. Why? This movie has no plot at all.. There's a group of people making a commercial and a terrorist (or whatever). And that terrorist wants to kill that group. Well, at least 15 minutes before the end. The movie is based on stunts, stunts and again stunts. I was so sick of the snow and skiing. I wanted to see an ACTION movie, not a typical show about extreme sport.

Dark Walker

So pathetic that it's funny
Horror? NO! Funny? OH YES!

This movie is horrible. Bad actors (especially the main guy - he was so unbelievably sweet that it made you throw up) and actresses (the only believable actress was killed in the beginning of the movie). Acting was horrible. So horrible that it made you laugh. If you watch this movie, you'll feel like you're Anthony Hopkins! And I thought that I was untalented!!

The movie itself - it feels like the movie was made as a home video! The crew should really start learning how to make movies!!! Well, I don't even want to think about the special effects.... There was no blood - only red water.

The plot - there was none!!! Kids come to work in a place where Halloween party takes place.... And this stupid, unreal monster starts killing them. Yeah, but why?? Good question, because you'll never find out the answer.


Sweet as candy
This movie is really sweet and naive. The plot is nothing new, but it's well written. There were only some parts that I didn't like. Actually only one part. Actors/actresses were great (and yes, all you Britney haters - she was just great!).

Beyond Chance

Are these stories true? You'll never know.
This show tells about stories that are hard to believe. Angels, ghosts, dreams, weird feelings.... It makes you wonder if the stories are really true or there were hired actors? You'll never know. Stories with animals seem to be real, but other stories...

The host doesn't know what she is talking. The stuff that she says is very very weird and hard to understand..

Moulin Rouge!

Boring. Pointless. Stupid.
This movie has not got a good plot, actors, actresses, songs..... NOTHING AT ALL. I don't know why I watched it. Nicole Kidman can't act in this (she did a good job in The Others) movie and all the other actors are there to "make empty spots in the movie disappear". The only song that you will actually remeber is a little clip from the movie's trailer. Stay away from this!

La intrusa

Pretty boring, but normal
This novela is one of the "if you miss it, you won't miss a thing" novelas that are watchable, but not good. This novela has some good parts and bad, sometimes it's so funny to see how stupid the storyline really is. Good characters? There's only one: Aldo. He is nice and he doesn't have stupid problems. Unlike other characters.

Mi destino eres tú

One of the best novelas ever!
This one of the bets novelas I have ever seen. Lucero does an amazing job as Andrea, young lawyer. Jorge Salinas and Lucero have good chemistry. The best episode is the last one, it's the most interesting last episodes I have ever seen. This novela is pure fun.

Biker Mice from Mars

My fave cartoon ever....
I used to watch it when I was 7 years old. Now, 8 years later, I still miss the show! My fave mouse was Vinnie, I wanted him to be alive! I never missed an episode. Sadly I didn't have a VCR back then, I would have recorded all the episodes. I hope I will have a chance to see it again in the future.

Dance 'Til Dawn

great movie
This one is better than all of those teen movies that are made right now.... It has got style, there are no rude jokes. You can't take your eyes off your tv screen cos there's always something new happening.... I recommend it to everybody.


Horrible.... boring
This novela is one of the most boring novelas I have ever seen. The plot is horrible and the actors can't act. The story is so slow that you can easily skip a month and then watch it again.... You'll understand everything. Believe me..... I watched it today after 3 months and I understood everything.

El noveno mandamiento

normal novela
This novela is one of the "watch, but you don't have to watch it all the time" novelas...... The best things about the novela are the villians. Ana Patricia Rojo does an amazing role. And Silvia Lomeli. She's a good girl who you can relate to. The most horrible thing is the first part of the novela (about 20 episodes). It's slow and boring. I gave up watching the novela after the 10th episode, but I became a fan of it as soon as I saw the first episodes of the second part. The main actress and actor, Daniela Castro and Francisco Gattorno look really cute together

Nimed marmortahvlil

The best movie ever
This is the best movie I have ever seen. It's full of action and romance. It's not a bloody war movie, it has got style. The best character is Alo Kõrve's Käsper, because he's the bravest. Actually, there isn't a bad character/actor/actress in this movie. They all have their little stories that doesn't always end happily. If you are tired of all those Hollywood horrible war movies, watch this one and you will see that there are good war movies.

10 out of 10 points.

Seven Days to Live

This movie is horrible! It's so boring that you will fall asleep within 5 minutes! The actors can't act....... +they look horrible! The only good thing was the plot, but the movie was so poorly made that even the plot wasn't able to save it.

Azul tequila

I must admit.....
... this is one of the most boring novela I have ever seen. Only episodes that have some kind of action are the last and the first ones. Besides that every episode is filled with Azul's tears and sadness. I don't recommend this novela. But......... there are some good things too: Mauricio Islas and Barbara Mori as a couple and the costumes.

The Sixth Man

The funniest movie ever
This is the funniest movie I have seen! I couldn't stop laughing!!!!!! Marlon Wayans does very good work, I really don't understand how the actors didn't laugh while filming it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only the end is bit sad, but............ If I see it again, I think I will skip it, cos I don't want to have a stomach-ache again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding!!!!!!!!

2001 MTV Video Music Awards

A really great show!
The producers of this show sure know how to do a perfect award ceremony! VMA's always have great performers (Britney Spears, N*SYNC, Linkin Park), loads of surprises and funny hosts. You couldn't ask for more! This is a must-see-show. It's hard to say anything bad about it. Let's hope the show will be more better next year.

2000 MTV Video Music Awards

The best show ever!
This has been the best MTV VMA's show ever! Hot performers, surprises and great hosts. I have it recorded and I could watch it again million times.

The show's highlights were, at first, the Wayans brothers. They were so funny! I laughed all the time! And then was Britney Spears' performance! How hot! From Mickey Mouse club to strip club (one of the Wayans brothers)! It was one of the coolest things! And then N*SYNC! What a funny camera stuff! You can't forget Christina Aguilera and Fred Durst singing together! It is the only time I actually liked Christina. Others were too, but these were the greatest moments!

Suprises: Britney and Christina on stage together! I was shocked! It was so cool. Jim Carrey making his jokes (again big laughing part). And Aaliyah..... She was so nice in that ceremony... I liked her music very much. I enjoyed the ceremony a lot.

Locura de amor

Great novela!
Locura de Amor is the best Televisa novela ever. Adriana Nieto (Natalia) and Juan Soler (Enrique) make a beautiful couple. Later Natalia will be played by Iran Castillo. The story is about a girl named Natalia who falls in love with her teacher Enrique. Soon Enrique realizes that he loves Natalia too. But there are big problems: Enrique's very angry ex-girlfriend Gisela who does everything to get Enrique back; Natalia has problems in school with her teachers and Rebecca (Natalia's worst enemy) and also with her dad. There are also other very good characters: an alcholic Carmen and her poor boyf Chema, poor Mirta and her rich boyf Mauro, pregnant Dafne and her boyf coward (at first) Felipe, Brenda who thinks she's fat and Citlalli, who is afraid of men. The novela is so great they have decided to make another Locura de Amor. I can't wait!

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