
IMDb member since March 2007
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Playground for Adults
I thought this movie was brilliant.

There couldn't have been a better choice of actors for this particular dark comedy in my opinion.

Jodie Foster attacks this role with as much passion as to be expected from her; that is to say, she lives well within most of her roles.

John C. Reilly is a favourite of mine, so I tend to be biased. One generally knows what to expect from him, and he almost always guarantees a few great laughs for acting a man's man's lowest common denominator.

Both Winslet and Waltz hold their upper class roles in perfect form.

This is a classic film portrayal of the adult child that lurks just beneath our "evolved" selves.

Don't expect great scenery or physical action from this little gem. This is brilliance in dialogue, an exploration of the urban human condition, and a fantastic example of character development.


A Good Stab
This was a good stab at a shark thriller.

I was actually pretty impressed with a few of the actors. Mind you I find a lot of Australian films to have really decent acting in them even with unknowns, regardless of the plot.

An original concept for a shark movie, good use of lighting and tension, and a few nice little plot twists.

A great balance of antagonists and protagonists in a "bunch of strangers" stranded setting.

The filming quality and mechanics of the feature are superior to the budget spent, in my opinion.

I found this to be a not bad at all Friday night watch. Great "BAGGAPOPCORNER" if you are in one of those moods where you aren't sure what to watch.

7 Nights of Darkness

Great Effort
This film was pretty well done, and on an impressively low budget.

Once the film gets rolling, there are some pretty good "creepy" scares. Not too many of the make you jump type scares, but ones that give a bit of the skin crawl.

Early in the film though, there is so much loud dialogue and over-acting from the actors that it really takes away from one of the greatest elements of horror and horror cinematography: ambient sound.

Far too much needless argument and banter between characters early in the set.

The rest of the film is well done, and the director makes good use of low light for effect, and they picked a great setting for the film to take place.


The Innkeepers

Bring a book
I only made it 50 minutes into this over-budgeted Disney-Esque, Made For TV movie.

A lot could have been done with this setting; more shadow effect, the use of powerful music that seems to have gone by the wayside in so many modern horror films.

For the most part, Sara Paxton wanders around looking like she just smoked some bad weed. Her co-worker is in a depressive daze. The two of them make great mannequins, although the director does make a pretty good stab at trying to establish character development.

One has to throw a few scares or false alarms in during the first 20 minutes or so of a horror flick. People watch these movies to be scared, not to watch the character development of whiny "Me" generation adolescents or 20 some-things.

Catch it on TV if you are bored.

The Devil Inside

This movie is far too scattered, in typical "shaky-camera" footage genre. The plot really doesn't focus long enough on any one character to establish a credible fright scene.

There aren't really any new disturbing twists in this film. It's the typical regurgitated possession movie.

They made a decent attempt at it, with it being very well acted, but there is minimal shock value.

Bit of contortionist behaviour, a bit of creepy crawling around and screaming, and the usual "Im gonna shock you with bad language priest" type stuff, but It's still going to be a long time before a new director can match or top the creepiness of the Exorcist.

I would watch it as a cheap rental or such, but don't spend your pocket money at the theater.


Be scared. You will die of boredom.
I seriously don't understand you individuals rating this as a great horror film. I guess you think you are being artsy, enlightened and with greater vision than most of us..........because your descriptions and opinions on this movie are really half-baked.

Good lord some people seem to love really bad movies.

I am going to try to be a common friend for the good of your sanity and encourage you to hunt down all copies of this movie and burn them.

This is a god-awful film from start to finish, with stone-faced acting, an absolutely ridiculous plot and ending, and it's just pure annoying.

In short, this film sucks so hard it could take the chrome off a trailer hitch.

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