
IMDb member since December 2001
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In the Shadows, Someone's Watching

Chris Noth plays a maniac who wrote a children's book as a young lad, posing as a doctor who menaces a community in order to push his sister's son into the position as his school's genius. The only man that can stop him is a cop who plays by his own rules, and is forced to go undercover with the help of his mute father who communicates via oujii board. Will Rick Springfield find out whats up? Or will somebody sabotage his recording studio! Does the mentally retarded boy who operates the book mobile have clues? Watch to find out! I'm not making this up!

Sweet Jane

Really, now.
Maybe it's just that it was made in 1997, or maybe whoever managed to get this up to a 7 has a soft spot for kids with AIDS. But really people, the maniacal laughter & mayhem during the withdrawal scene? Did you not see that coming? I'm surprised there was no baby crawling across the ceiling and sickboy addressing the camera. The acting was fine, sure. But to me this is just one example of a movie from a time when situations and subject matter could pass for cinematic language. Things happen, but that's it. There's no glue or motive that can be detected on screen, allowing the subject matter to use pre-existing emotional connections to furthur the plot, without the script doing it like it's supposed to.

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