
IMDb member since April 2007
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The Devil's Toy Box

Very Disappointed.
I know I'm one of the few fans of the original film, but I thought it was a lot of fun and I have no problem watching it over and over. I only recently discovered that it had a sequel and was thrilled....until I watched it. The fact that only three of the original cast members made appearances with two in very minimal scenes was an issue for me. The new cast were so dreadfully annoying that I couldn't wait for them to be picked off. The script was so far removed from the original concept of a haunted asylum that it really made little sense. The camera work was so grainy I couldn't see what was happening through much of the movie. The main complaint I have is that this film lacked all the charm of the original. I wish Kellog would have written a sequel that captured the spooky fun of the first. Hopefully, he doesn't gamble on a third.

Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made

I was hoping for better
I tend to like films, like this, however this one was bad. The cinematography seemed to switch from 70's to 80's to current. As someone growing up watching cheesy 70's horror, even I felt this was bad. Had there been more intersplicing of the documentarians, I may have cared more. Realistically, though, I never was interested in the film. I give it three stars, because IMDB requires one star. Other than that I feel it deserves a two star rating. Some scenes were pretty cool and the acting was decent...other than that, not much impressed me.

For: Cr*appy 70's goth films fans or badly done found footage fans Not for: People who want to watch something frightening or even interesting.


Not a 9 or 10 star film
The biggest problem with this film is the pacing. It's as slow as can be for the first hour and a half. The acting was pretty solid, with the exception of lead actress Kyrie Maezumi. She was completely unconvincing and I suspect was only cast because of her looks. I did like the twist at the end of the film, but the mind numbing first half negated it. I would have rated this a four star film, but I added a star out of sentimentality over the casting of Christopher Pennock. Sorry , but I'm a big Dark Shadows fan.

Killer by Nature

Enjoyable, enough
For anyone who watches crime/thrillers, the ending is glaringly obvious. The film in general, however was entertaining. Strong performances by Perlman, Assante and Shaye make the film better than it could have been. Sherman and Hudson's performances were pretty weak, though. All in all it's a decent film.

A Killer Rising

The first hour is a bust, then Holee Molee!
We've all seen the "Loose Cannon" investigator go after killers. The first half of this movie is all about the "Crazy cop." It gets dull. However, the second half truly delivers. The lead actress is terrifying as she goes into a dark, psychotic place. Good film. For: Procedural/Revenge enthusiasts Skip: Edge of your seat types


Excellent in so many ways
I generally don't score most films this high, but I truly enjoyed this one. Granted the basic premise of a killer live streaming murder has been done before with Feardotcom and even earlier, an episode of the television series Millennium in the episode, "The Mikado.. This however was unique and really gripping. The characters were well rounded. What else can be said, except that this a great crime/thriller.


The stars are mostly for the stars
The thought of Dennis Hopper, Lance Henriksen and Dina Meyer had me pretty psyched, as I'm a fan of all three. Sadly, they couldn't really save the film. The plot has been used in several other films with slight variations. Hopper playing a rotten a**h**** is usually great, but his character was too one dimensional to be believed. Henriksen was great, as he tends to be, however he's completely underused. Meyer pulled off a great deal of carrying this film, with a terrific performance. Jeff Fahey was also good as the creepy, jerk of a Governor, but that's about all than can be said for the cast. Pavan Grover was about as believable as a mannequin and just as gifted as acting. All in all it works as an okay watch, but by no means is it something to rush out for. For: Fans of the above mentioned actors Not For: Viewers who want an original film

Chronicle of a Serial Killer

Not great, not horrible
I honestly don't get how this movie has been reviewed as either an instant classic or pure garbage. I's okay, at best. The killer seemed to be a hodge podge of characters from the television series, Criminal Minds. The movie had far too many scenes that dragged on, longer than necessary. There one part, that had the police followed procedure the killer would have been caught far sooner. The end seemed like it would set up a sequel and I hope that doesn't happen. For DMX and or Dominique Swain fans Not for people who like a thriller to have thrills.

The Dread

Could have been better
The acting was okay. The premise was good. Overall execution was weak. I'll admit, I washed dishes and did laundry as the movie played, because it wasn't compelling, in the least. For a mediocre mid day film that is a noise distraction, I recommend it. For anyone who wants a ghost/crime/mystery story you'll care about, avoid.


Amazingly good
It's smart. Keeps the viewer guessing and engrossed. One becomes fully invested in the characters and their survival. When the twist comes together, at the end, it does leave the viewer either cheering or sad about what has actually transpired. For Twilight Zone fans a must. For those who don't want plot twists, avoid.


Brilliant and keeps one guessing
Great cast and great acting. A fantastic twist at the end. A representation of hell that isn't the regular version. Well done, directed and scripted. Thoroughly enjoyable. Another Twilight Zone type story and fantastically executed. For those who love a super mind twist at the end, highly recommended. For those into straight horror, avoid.

I Know You're in There

Creepy with wiggle room
Is the girl possessed by an evil spirit? Is her brother insane? I can't tell. Well done and acted. I like that there is no conclusive answer to the many questions that arise in the film. Smart and well done. For those who like ambiguity, highly recommended. For those who want everything explained, skip it.

Paranormal Entity

Better than the original PA
It works, for the most part. Samantha is a jerk through most of the film. The mom is useless. Thomas is decent enough, but he does have a creepy fixation on his sister. All in all, it's faster paced than Paranormal Activity (pt 1.) I enjoyed it. Out of most found footage films, this one is pretty good. For found footage fans, I recommend it. People who hate the genre, avoid.


Great premise, terrible delivery
Truly a waste. The basic idea was amazing. Kidman, as usual, proved she's a terrible actress that skates on her looks and doesn't even deliver on this. The kid is terrible. Bacall phoned this one in. The plot twist at the end was one of the worst, I've seen. The only reason I give this snorefest two stars, instead of one, is because Heche was so compelling. Recommended for people who like slow and winding films. Anyone who gets tired of bad acting, bad cinematography and anti climatic endings, avoid.

The Forbidden Dimensions

A 13 year old boy's sexual fantasies come to life
Wow...this is a stinker. Forget the hideously bad odious storyline, for a moment, if one can. This is a schlockfest of an adolescent trying to figure out their sexuality. There is a transgender alien, an Oedipal part, a gang of beautiful women and the protagonist whose only way of saving the world is by sleeping with a goth girl. This is just horrible. Recommended for the confused adolescent. For anyone who is mature in any way shape or form, avoid like the plague. The only reason I gave this two stars is for the simple reason that it's defenders actually admitted that they took part in this travesty. Their courage to admit that and have no shame about it got them the second star.

Enter Nowhere

My highest rated film, ever
I rarely go higher than seven stars, but this was an excellent film. There is brilliant character development throughout the film. Some fantastically funny scenes and brilliant interaction. One of the few films I can honestly say that I cared about the characters. Well written and acted. The cinematography was amazing. The end disappointed me, a tad, because one main character was missing. Overall, a Twilight Zone type story with heart. For TZ/time travel fans, highly recommended. For those who prefer more of a straightforward, less cerebral story skip it.

The Other Side of the Tracks

A riddle wrapped in plotholes
I actually enjoyed this movie a great deal. It was slowly paced, without a doubt. I actually rated this lower than I wanted to, but there were too many plot holes for me to rate it higher. Without spoiling anything, I questioned how someone wouldn't remember that certain loved ones were dead. I also never could decide if one character was alive and active or had been in a coma for years. All in all a Lifetime original meets the Twilight Zone. For those who like romantic supernatural films, I recommend it. For those who want a ghost film with scares, skip it.


An okay film with a decent enough twist
The film isn't terrible. The acting is adequate and there are a few scares. I suppose my biggest gripe comes from the fact that I have lived in the area seen in the film my entire life and weird voodoo rituals and altars really don't exist. Too much of the film is over the top and neither Jessabelle nor her "father" are likable to really care about. If you like ghost stories with the back drop of crime and drama I recommend it. If you find convoluted over telling ghost stories, skip it.

Gehenna: Where Death Lives

Pretty nifty horror film
I was disappointed that Henricksen literally phoned in his performance. That being said, though, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. The characters are likeable, except for the bad guy who gets what he deserves. It's a great time travel/ghost story. Fans of films that are puzzles will love it. Viewers that want more straight out answers and clues may want to skip it.


One of my highest reviews, to date
I found this an incredibly good film. I wish I had found it sooner. Bresslin was amazing and carried what could have been a dull film into a fantastic narrative with her charmingly well done performance. I've been a fan of Outerbridge since he appeared on the series Millennium and he delivers quite well here. Having been a teenager, in the late 80's, I enjoyed some of the "Back to the Future" styled parts. Is this a "scary" film? No. Is this a great mystery? Yes. If you're into challenging puzzles, I recommend it. If you're into ghost stories that give you goosebumps, pass this one up.

The Shadow People

Boring, predictable and a waste of C. Thomas Howell
I watched this film all the way through, but about mid way through I had already guessed the ending. The pace was far too slow. The two leads weren't likable, at all. For Howell fans, he appears in maybe five minutes or less of the film. Recommended for people who enjoy dark/broody romantic supernatural films. For those who like a little scare factor and characters that make one care, skip it.

The Lost Tree

Not good, not horrible
The plot seems to veer from paranormal to romance with neither going anywhere. A couple of spooky scenes with shadow people. Overall, had the character of Noah been played by a better actor as well as the pace been faster it would have been a better film. Looking for scares or gore? Skip it. If you like Lifetime Originals, you might want to give it a look.


By no means a classic, but it works
Not overly original, after all, the digital ghost story is fairly common nowadays. The characters were decent enough. Hemmingway' Quinn was spot on as the weirdo older guy hanging out with high school kids. The basic story was rather predictable. The Slater subplot was silly and added nothing to the story. Overall, if you like teen horror films, this will work for you. If you're looking for a psychological mystery, pass.

The Cropsey Incident

I'm sure what this was
I almost never give a film a one star rating. In fact, I think I only have twice before but this one gave me little choice. Every review is pretty spot on. I can't give any spoilers, because there is virtually no plot nor character development. Avoid this one unless you want to put on a movie that you will mute, fast forward and possibly turn off midway through. Sadly, I went all the way through to the bitter end.

Raised by Wolves

Average, but not bad
This no more than a film that's about a group of teenagers who end up being killed off one by one at creepy place. Sounds like a million before it? The acting is pretty decent. There is a Mansonesque type nod to the backstory. Again, it's not groundbreaking, but it's a fun little horror film.

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